首页> 外文期刊>Microelectronics & Reliability >Effects of hot carrier and irradiation stresses on advanced excimer laser annealed polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors

Effects of hot carrier and irradiation stresses on advanced excimer laser annealed polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors


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The effects of hot carrier and gamma-irradiation stresses on thin film transistors fabricated in polysilicon films crystallized using the advanced sequential lateral solidification excimer laser annealing (SLS ELA) process, as well as the polycrystalline silicon film quality, are investigated. The TFT drain current transients after a gate bias pulsing in the OFF state were similar at room temperature at dark or under illumination and exhibited a marked fall, due to generation freezeout, at cryogenic temperatures. This behavior is indicative of low defect density and good crystal quality. The application of DC hot carrier stress, with a condition of V_(GS) = V_(DS)/2, was found to induce threshold voltage, subthreshold slope and electron mobility degradation, which, for all these parameters, is significantly higher for thicker polysilicon films. A stress condition with higher vertical field resulted in increased V_(th) shift but decreased s an μ degradation. The γ-irradiation of the ELA TFTs resulted in a negative V_(th) shift, which is higher for thicker polysilicon films, and a small s and μ degradation, while the oxide and interface charge densities increased.
机译:研究了热载流子和伽马辐照应力对采用先进的顺序横向凝固受激准分子激光退火(SLS ELA)工艺结晶的多晶硅膜中制造的薄膜晶体管的影响,以及多晶硅膜的质量。在处于关闭状态的栅极偏置脉冲之后,TFT漏极电流瞬态在室温下处于黑暗或光照下相似,并且由于低温下的生成冻结而显示出明显的下降。这种行为表明低缺陷密度和良好的晶体质量。发现在条件为V_(GS)= V_(DS)/ 2的情况下施加直流热载流子应力会导致阈值电压,亚阈值斜率和电子迁移率下降,对于所有这些参数,随着温度的升高,温度会明显升高多晶硅膜。具有较高垂直场的应力条件导致V_(th)偏移增加,但sμ衰减降低。 ELA TFT的γ辐照导致负V_(th)偏移,这对于较厚的多晶硅膜来说更高,并且s和μ退化小,而氧化物和界面电荷密度却增加了。



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