首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Advances in Medical Education Professionalism >The role of critical thinking skills and learning styles of university students in their academic performance

The role of critical thinking skills and learning styles of university students in their academic performance




>Introduction: The Current world needs people who have a lot of different abilities such as cognition and application of different ways of thinking, research, problem solving, critical thinking skills and creativity. In addition to critical thinking, learning styles is another key factor which has an essential role in the process of problem solving. This study aimed to determine the relationship between learning styles and critical thinking of students and their academic performance in Alborz University of Medical Science. >Methods: This cross-correlation study was performed in 2012, on 216 students of Alborz University who were selected randomly by the stratified random sampling. The data was obtained via a three-part questionnaire included demographic data, Kolb standardized questionnaire of learning style and California critical thinking standardized questionnaire. The academic performance of the students was extracted by the school records. The validity of the instruments was determined in terms of content validity, and the reliability was gained through internal consistency methods. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be 0.78 for the California critical thinking questionnaire. The Chi Square test, Independent t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation test were used to determine relationship between variables. The Package SPSS14 statistical software was used to analyze data with a significant level of p<0.05. >Results: Our findings indicated the significant difference of mean score in four learning style, suggesting university students with convergent learning style have better performance than other groups. Also learning style had a relationship with age, gender, field of study, semester and job. The results about the critical thinking of the students showed that the mean of deductive reasoning and evaluation skills were higher than that of other skills and analytical skills had the lowest mean and there was a positive significant relationship between the students’ performance with inferential skill and the total score of critical thinking skills (p<0.05). Furthermore, evaluation skills and deductive reasoning had significant relationship. On the other hand, the mean total score of critical thinking had significant difference between different learning styles. >Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the learning styles, critical thinking and academic performance are significantly associated with one another. Considering the growing importance of critical thinking in enhancing the professional competence of individuals, it's recommended to use teaching methods consistent with the learning style because it would be more effective in this context.
机译:>简介:当今世界需要具有许多不同能力的人,例如认知和运用不同的思维方式,研究,解决问题,批判性思维能力和创造力。除了批判性思维之外,学习风格是另一个关键因素,在解决问题的过程中具有至关重要的作用。这项研究旨在确定学生的学习风格和批判性思维之间的关系以及他们在阿尔伯茨医科大学的学习成绩。 >方法:这项相关性研究于2012年对阿尔伯茨大学(Alborz University)的216名通过分层随机抽样方式随机选择的学生进行。数据通过包含人口统计数据,Kolb学习风格标准化问卷和加利福尼亚批判性思维标准化问卷的三部分问卷获得。学生的学习成绩是根据学校记录提取的。仪器的有效性根据内容的有效性确定,并通过内部一致性方法获得可靠性。加利福尼亚批判性思维调查问卷的Cronbachα系数为0.78。卡方检验,独立t检验,ANOVA和Pearson相关检验的一种方法用于确定变量之间的关系。使用Package SPSS14统计软件来分析p <0.05的显着水平的数据。 >结果:我们的发现表明四种学习方式的平均得分存在显着差异,这表明学习方式趋同的大学生的学习成绩优于其他群体。学习风格也与年龄,性别,学习领域,学期和工作有关。学生批判性思维的结果表明,演绎推理和评估技巧的平均值高于其他技巧,分析技巧的平均值最低,并且学生的表现与推论技巧的表现与成绩呈正相关。批判性思维技能总分(p <0.05)。此外,评估技能与演绎推理之间存在显着关系。另一方面,批判性思维的平均总分在不同学习方式之间有显着差异。 >结论:这项研究的结果表明,学习风格,批判性思维和学习成绩之间存在显着的关联。考虑到批判性思维对增强个人专业能力的重要性日益提高,因此建议使用与学习风格一致的教学方法,因为在这种情况下这样做会更有效。



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