首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>ACS AuthorChoice >Boosting Hole Mobility in Coherently Strained 110-OrientedGe–Si Core–Shell Nanowires

Boosting Hole Mobility in Coherently Strained 110-OrientedGe–Si Core–Shell Nanowires




The ability of core–shell nanowires to overcome existing limitations of heterostructures is one of the key ingredients for the design of next generation devices. This requires a detailed understanding of the mechanism for strain relaxation in these systems in order to eliminate strain-induced defect formation and thus to boost important electronic properties such as carrier mobility. Here we demonstrate how the hole mobility of [110]-oriented Ge–Si core–shell nanowires can be substantially enhanced thanks to the realization of large band offset and coherent strain in the system, reaching values as high as 4200 cm2/(Vs) at 4 K and 1600 cm2/(Vs) at room temperature for high hole densities of 1019 cm–3. We present a direct correlation of (i) mobility, (ii) crystal direction, (iii) diameter, and (iv) coherent strain, all of which are extracted in our work for individual nanowires. Our results imply [110]-oriented Ge–Si core–shell nanowires as a promising candidate for future electronic and quantum transport devices.
机译:核-壳纳米线克服异质结构现有限制的能力是设计下一代设备的关键要素之一。这需要详细了解这些系统中应变松弛的机制,以消除应变引起的缺陷形成,从而增强重要的电子性能,例如载流子迁移率。在这里,我们演示了由于实现了系统中的大带偏移和相干应变(达到高达4200 cm 2的值),可以大大增强[110]取向的Ge-Si核-壳纳米线的空穴迁移率 /(Vs)在4 K和1600 cm 2 /(Vs)在室温下对于10 19 cm –3 < / sup>。我们提出了(i)迁移率,(ii)晶体方向,(iii)直径和(iv)相干应变的直接相关性,所有这些都在我们的工作中针对单个纳米线而提取。我们的结果表明,[110]取向的Ge-Si核壳纳米线是未来电子和量子传输设备的有希望的候选者。



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