首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >《论语》中的空间隐喻探究




On the basis of the conceptual metaphor theory of cog-nitive linguistics,this paper mainly discusses the spatial metaphor in"The Analects"by taking metaphors associated with "far"and"near", "up" and "down" as examples. Through the analysis of these instances, the paper discusses the Confucius' views about how to achieve "benevolence"—keeping away from unkind be-haviors, and the Confucius's views about the state of the order of society, that is a society with rigid hierarchies, those in subordi-nate positions would follow the example set by their superiors with the premise of keeping the etiquette. It is hoped that this pa-per can help people further understand Confucius thoughts and the mutual influence towards society.%本文以认知语言学的概念隐喻理论为基础,主要以“远”、“近”与“上”、“下”有关的隐喻为例解析了《论语》中的空间隐喻。通过实例解读,作者指出了孔子达到“仁”的观点,即远离不仁便近仁;以及孔子对于社会秩序的观点,即社会等级森严,上行下效,恪守礼节,以进一步理解儒家思想及其与社会的互动影响。



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