首页> 中文期刊>开放教育研究 >教学存在、社会存在及认知存在关系研究--以基于MOOC的混合课程为例




With the MOOCs movement,Integrating MOOCs in traditional classrooms for blended learning has become a trend in higher education.However,in order to facilitate students'deep meaningful learning,we need to effectively design and deliver MOOC-based blended courses.Based on a systematic literature review,we find that the Community ofInquiry Framework is an appropriate theoretical for the design,development and implementation of the MOOC-based blended courses.This theory consists ofthree core elements:Teaching Presence (TP),Social Presence (SP) and Cognitive Presence (CP).The interaction relationship between these three presences is the core ofthe theory. Thus,clarifying the relationship between them will help us to understand the complexity ofblended learning better. The purpose ofthis study is to investigate the relationships between and among teaching,social,and cognitive pres-ence.In this paper,seven research hypotheses were proposed firstly,then a revised community scale was used as a tool to collect data through a survey.The survey included 800 college students from eleven different majors at a normal u-niversity in China who enrolled in a MOOC-based blended course for a semester.After that,exploratory and confirma-tory factor analysis were employed to ensure the reliability and validity ofthe data collected.Correlation analysis and regression analysis and structural equation model were employed to verify the research hypothesis.The results referred to (a)significantly positive correlation relationships between these three presences,and that (b)TP significantly pre-dict CP and SP,SP significantly predict CP,and SP is an intermediary factor ofTP and CP. These results point to the key role ofTP in establishing and sustaining a Community ofInquiry as well as the im-portant role ofSP as a mediator between TP and CP.At the practical level,the study suggests that instructional de-signers and academics can benefit from understanding the interrelationships among these three presences,they can em-phasize,coordinate and integrate these three presences to guide the development ofMOOC-based blended courses.This study gives us a new perspective to think the MOOC-based blended learning project which has been collaboratively im-plemented by Chinese and foreign academics in recent years.%如何有效地设计和实施基于MOOC的混合课程,以促进学生有意义的学习,是利用MOOC开展混合学习需要解决的问题。本文以加里森等人提出的探究社区理论为框架,以某门MOOC在校内面授教学的应用为个案,以阿博等人编制的探究社区量表为基础,应用相关分析法、线性回归分析法及结构方程模型法分析和验证了教学存在、社会存在和认知存在之间的相关关系及因果关系。相关性分析结果显示,教学存在、社会存在及认知存在两两之间显著正相关;回归分析结果显示,教学存在显著预测认知存在及社会存在,社会存在显著预测认知存在;结构方程模型分析结果显示社会存在是教学存在与认知存在的中介变量。这些研究为我们深入开展基于MOOC的中外合作混合教学实践提供了新思路。



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