首页> 中文期刊>现代教育管理 >多样化人才培养视阈下二级学院治理结构的反思与展望




Diversified personnel training is the core aim of the popularization of higher education development at the present stage in China. The secondary college is the specific organizer and implementation unit of the university diversified personnel training target. However,because the secondary college is in the university interior, few laws and policies pay attention to it,which makes the correlation of the secondary college governance and diverse talents training target is ignored then leading to the secondary college governance structure in bureaucracy management mode,which can not stimulate its vitality making the diverse talents cognition and implement in dislocation. Based on this,law and policy should focus on secondary college management system,and guide the secondary school governance structure standardized operation through system. At the same time,the secondary college governance structure get adjustment and optimization in the articles of the university,and realize diversified personnel training goal.%多样化人才培养是我国现阶段高等教育大众化发展之核心目标,二级学院是大学实现多样化人才培养办学目标的具体组织者和实施单位.然而,因其内置于大学内部,鲜有法律与政策对其进行关注,致使二级学院治理与多样化人才培养目标的关联性为人们所忽视,进而导致二级学院治理结构处于科层管理模式,无法激发其办学活力,出现多样化人才培养认知与实施措施的错位.基于此,法律与政策应对二级学院治理予以制度关注,通过制度引导二级学院治理结构规范化运行.同时,在大学章程中对二级学院治理结构进行调整和优化,真正实现多样化人才培养的目标.



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