首页> 中文期刊>兴义民族师范学院学报 >少数民族语言教育习俗对幼儿园双语教育的启示——基于多元文化视角对黔西南布依族苗族的调查




the existence of multiple cultures makes the bilingual education become the hot spots in the kindergartens' teaching activity.However,the present bilingual education in the kindergartens has not achieved the effect of its expectation.The language leaning is divided into acquirement and acquisition,while the teachers in present bilingual education put much emphasis on the importance of the language acquirement,but neglect the importance of language acquisition in the children's language learning.By contrasting the different application of the customs of Puyi nationality's and miao nationality's language education in the language teaching,it is obvious that the culture and the mother tongue have an important effect on the second language learning.Thus re-establishing the important position of language acquisition in the bilingual education is the direction of bilingual education in kindergartens.%多元文化的存在使得双语教育成为了幼儿园教学活动中的一个热点,而现在幼儿园中的双语教育并未达到其所期望的效果。语言的学习分为学得与习得两种形式,幼儿园现有的双语教学中教师更多的是强调语言学得的重要性却忽视了语言习得在儿童语言学习中的重要作用。通过对布依族苗族语言教育习俗在语言教学中的不同应用进行比较,我们可以看到文化以及母语对第二语言学习的重要影响,从而重新确立语言习得在双语教学中的重要地位。



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