首页> 中文期刊>廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版) >金石学、考古学与王国维的学术遗产——兼谈“二重证据法”的地位和出土文献的价值




The idea of"dual evidence"Wang Guowei proposed is not only the result from Modern Chinese and Western academic ex-change as well as the three great archaeological discoveries, but also a continuation and development of traditional epigraphic history. Without entirely belief or doubt about historical documents, he critically collected a wide range of materials and drew conclusions by comparison and textual criticism so as to establish the ancient history system based on realistic explanation of the documents. Dual evidence is not an empty historical philosophy but a practical historical research method, and its value in historical research cannot be denied. However, contemporary study of lost bamboo slips or silk books appears to blindly believe unearthed documents and does not better inherit Wang Guowei's academic heritage. Wang Guowei's attitude towards ancient or novel documents is the key point for con-temporary scholars to recognize the value of unearthed and inherited documents and make a breakthrough in academic research.%  王国维“二重证据法”的提出,既是近代中西学术激荡以及三大考古发现刺激的结果,同时也是传统金石证史在近代的延续和发展。王国维既不全然“信古”,也不全然“疑古”,在坚持“怀疑之态度及批评之精神”的同时,广泛占有地上地下的资料,相互比勘,反复考证,从而得出结论,在实事求是的基础上释证文献,建立古史体系。“二重证据法”不是虚玄的历史哲学,而是切实可用的历史研究方法,其在历史研究中的价值不能否定。当代简帛佚籍研究出现了盲信出土文献的现象,实乃未能很好地继承王国维的学术遗产。王氏强调“不屈旧以就新,亦不绌新以从旧”,这正是当代学者正确认识出土文献与传世文献的价值,在学术研究上取得突破的关键所在。



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