


Wang Yangming’s reputation of the “true three immortality” was actually gained throughout his lifelong sufferings.“The awakening in Long Chang” made him realize that “our nature is enough, not to seek outward”.Spiritually, he achieved transcendence between gains and losses, honor and disgrace, living and dying, disaster and happiness, which, as a result, es-tablished his independent personality and thus developed a completely new way of life and thought .The independent personality, which advocates“self control”, fully affirms the self value of individual life and calls for the spirit of subjectivity of self.More-over, the independent personality, which bears a “wild mind”, promotes sticking to your ideas and behaviors without hesita-tion, standing personally and conducting independently.The independent personality of Wang Yangming reflects the typical form and the harmonious realm of the personality structure of traditional intellectuals in China, that is, Confucianism is also Tao-ism, and complementation of Confucianism and Taoism.%王阳明获得的“真三不朽”盛誉,其实是由一生历经磨难而成。“龙场悟道”使他认识到“吾性自足,不假外求”,在精神上实现了对得失荣辱、生死祸福的超越,从而确立了他此后独立的人格形态,找到了一条全新的生命和思想之路。这种独立人格,提倡“自作主宰”,充分肯定个体生命的自我价值,挺立自我的主体性精神;这种独立人格,拥有“狂者胸次”,主张义无反顾地坚持自己的观念和行为,特立独行。王阳明的这种独立人格体现了中国传统知识分子人格结构中亦儒亦道、儒道互补的典型形态和圆融境界。



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