


Mr.Zhong Jingwen is the authority of the subj ects of Chinese folk literature and folk-lore,the teaching master of the subjects as well as the pioneer in the disciplines'construction.He de-voted all his life to the Chinese folk literature and folklore and made great achievements in the con-struction of Chinese folk arts.He advocated that the research and teaching of these two disciplines should be united together and support each other and should never be involved into sectarians;he pointed out that the Chinese folk literature and folklore should not think lightly of themselves but have Chinese cultural confidence.He did not deny the existence of shortcomings but continued moving forward in correcting shortcomings.%钟敬文先生是中国民间文学、民俗学的泰斗,是民间文学、民俗学教学的大师,是民间文学、民俗学学科建设的开拓者。他毕生为中国的民间文学和民俗学事业努力奋斗,为建设中国的民间文艺学创造了辉煌的业绩。他主张中国民间文学、民俗学的研究和教学需要团结奋斗互相支持,而绝不能搞宗派;他主张不要妄自菲薄,要有中国人的文化自信;他不讳言缺点,不断在纠正缺点中前进。



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