首页> 中文期刊>重庆第二师范学院学报 >让探究之花在科学课堂绽放——如何切实有效地在小学科学课中进行探究式学习




培养学生的“科学素养”是时代发展对未来人才素质的需要.探索如何切实有效地在小学科学课中进行探究式学习,是深化课程改革的重要课题。在课堂中,教师要为学生提供探究的条件和教给学生探究方法;要让学生多动眼“看一看”,多动脑“想一想”,多动口“说一说”,多动手“做一做”,让学生勇于探究、敢于探究、善于探究、乐于探究、勤于探究,让探究之花在科学课堂美丽绽放。%Cultivating students' "scientific accomplishment" meets the needs of the times for future talents' quality. It is an important task of deepening the curriculum reform to implement inquiry learning effectively in the course, Science in a primary school. In the classroom, the teacher should provide students with necessary conditions for inquiry and teach them the inquiry methods. The teacher should let the students use their eyes to "have a look", use their brain to "have a think", use their mouth to "have a talk" and use their hands to "have a try". The students' inquiry spirit can be cultivated in the classroom by letting them be bold in, good at, happy about, industrious in inquiry.



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