


In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty,the great thinker Wang Fuzhi mentioned in his famous historical work Essays of Reading the Tzu-chih T'ung-chien that "It was Liu Hong's contribution that the Jin dynasty could successfully keep the land in Jiangdong and remained Chinese traditions.Without Liu Hong's efforts,even if the royal Langya moved to the south,Wang Dao won't have the foundation to establish a state".As an important general during the late Western Jin Dynasty,Liu Hong had not been entangled in the chaos of the Upheaval of the Eight Princes.He instead kept justice among people,defended the borders and pacified the people.Especially,he governed Jinzhou and put down the war in the regions south of the Yangtze River.Meanwhile,he appointed the good men and able men to office,coordinated different forces from north to south.All these laid the foundation of the later Sima Rui's move to the south.He deserves to be called the key person to the country.%明末清初之际的大思想家王夫之在其著名的史论著作《读通鉴论》中谈到"晋保江东以存中国之统,刘弘之力也。……微弘,则琅琊南迁,王导亦无资以立国。"刘弘作为西晋末年的重臣,不溺陷于八王之乱的纷争厮杀之中,而是端持正道,保境安民,尤其是平治荆州、江南地区的战乱,并选贤任能,协调南北,为后来琅琊王司马睿的南迁奠定了基础,不愧为社稷之臣。



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