首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >有机的世界语言教学法在美国初级汉语教学中的运用--以美国俄勒冈州Scenic Middle School和Crater Renaissance High School为例

有机的世界语言教学法在美国初级汉语教学中的运用--以美国俄勒冈州Scenic Middle School和Crater Renaissance High School为例



This thesis derives from the author's teaching practicum in America, and upon the basis of the current situations that arise in Chinese teaching there. Key to it was the collection and analysis the use of organic world language teaching meth-od in American Chinese class, and how it stimulates students in the class and how it improves teaching efficiency. It is hoped that this article can provide teaching practice and materials for the Chinese language teachers, which can help Chinese tea-ching development, and bring more discussion and practice of OWL teaching mode.%本文从笔者在美国的教学实践出发,在了解美国汉语教学现状的基础上,进一步重点分析了美国汉语课堂所运用的有机的世界语言教学法,以及使用此教学法如何更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效率。希望通过本文,能为对外汉语教师提供教学实践的一些素材,为对外汉语在国内外的教学工作中提供有益的帮助,引发汉语教师对有机的世界语言教学法的教学模式进行深入的探讨与实践。



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