首页> 中文期刊>粮食流通技术 >天然防腐剂在冷鲜鸡肉保鲜防腐中的作用及其较佳复合使用方法研究




Nowadays, We have more kinds of food and the food technology is developing increasingly. For meat food, people pay more and more attention to the taste, nutritional value and safety. Compared with hot fresh chichen, cold fresh chicken have more advantages on aspects of nutritional senses health and so on. It becomes more and more popular. While if the processing or storage conditions is not proper ,the characteristics of the chicken will become bad. The use of preservatives can effectively reduce the chicken quality loss and enhance security. Meanwhile, on the basis of maintain quality characteristics, natural preservatives can guarantee food safety. So the research of natural preservatives and the better composite method of the chilled chicken attracted more attention.%在食品种类日益繁多、食品科技日益发展的今天,人们对肉类食品的口感、营养以及安全性的重视程度越来越高。针对鸡肉而言,冷鲜鸡肉同热鲜鸡肉以及冷冻肉相比,更具有营养、感官和卫生等方面的优势,故越来越受到人们的欢迎。然而若加工或储存条件不当,鸡肉本身的蛋白质脂肪含量丰富、保水性强等特性导致其极易受到病原微生物和腐败微生物的污染,或者发生物理化学变化。使用防腐剂可以有效减少鸡肉质量损失,增强其安全性。而在保持品质特征的基础上,天然防腐剂更能保证食品安全,因此来自动物、植物和微生物的天然防腐剂在冷鲜鸡肉保鲜过程中的抑菌与抗物理化学变化作用及其较佳复合使用方法的研究备受关注。



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