首页> 中文期刊>全球教育展望 >国际数学学习测评:聚焦数学素养的发展




Evaluation of the students'learning quality has become a key area in international educational research and prac- tice. At present, in the primary and secondary school stage, not only are there two major global assessment systems: PISA and TIMSS, but also there has been some regional assessment systems, like NEAP in America, Kassel Test in the United Kingdom, National Assessment of Academic Ability in Japan and diagnostic tests in France. These assessment systems have embodied the same basic design feature: focusing on the development of the students'basic mathematical literacy. Through the study of the a- bove six assessment systems, I analyses the underlying trends of the foreign assessment systems that is for primary and secondary schools from various perspectives. Accordingly, we can explore the basic characteristics of the international math teaching quality monitoring. Understanding the basic trends of the international mathematical assessments, there would be a strong reference for the construction of the current educational quality monitoring system in China.%学生学习质量的评价已经成为当前国际教育研究和实践中的重要领域。目前,在中小学阶段,国际上不仅有PISA和TIMss两大全球性的测评体系,还出现了美国的NAEP测验,英国的Kassel测验,日本的学力测验和法国的诊断性测验等区域性的重要测评体系。其中的数学学习测评设计都体现了一个基本特点:聚焦于学生基本素养发展。本文在研究上述六个数学测试项目的基础上,从多个角度分析了国外中小学的数学测评的基本趋势,从中探索当前国际数学教学质量监控的基本特点。了解国际数学学习测评的基本趋势,对于我国当前正在进行的教育质量监控体系的构建具有一定的参考价值。



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