首页> 中文期刊> 《食品研究与开发》 >酒店餐饮中食品安全管理信息不对称问题的研究




In recent years, frequent food safety incidents lead to the food safety crisis. Food safety management information asymmetry is the primary cause of food safety problems. Based on the hotel catering the representa-tive food types as an example, the asymmetric information problems in food safety management in the hotel restaurant were analyzed. The problems between food itself and consumers and the hotel food and beverage de-partment, between producers and hotel food and beverage department, between government regulators and the hotel food and beverage department were proposed. The analysis indicates reasons of the problem of asymmetric information include the functions of social division of labor is different, communication difficulties, circulation complex and lack of government supervision. In the end, some countermeasures to solve this problem were pro-posed, including increase food information acquisition ability, strengthen the food consumer purchasing link of quality supervision, and strengthen the function of government regulation.%近年来,食品安全事件频发,引起了民众对于食品安全的危机感,而食品安全管理信息不对称是导致食品安全问题的根本原因.本文以酒店餐饮这一具有代表性的食品类型为例,对酒店餐饮中食品安全管理信息不对称问题的主要表现进行详细分析,提出食品自身管理、消费者与酒店餐饮部门之间、生产者与酒店餐饮部门之间、政府监管部门与酒店餐饮部门之间均存在信息不对称的问题.说明了酒店餐饮中食品安全信息不对称问题产生的原因,包括社会职能分工不同、信息沟通困难、流通环节复杂和政府监管不足.最后提出解决该问题的一些对策,包括提升消费者食品信息获取能力、加强食品采购环节质量监督和加强政府监管职能.



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