首页> 中文期刊>电子元件与材料 >无卤素低银无铅焊膏的研制




This paper chose the spreadability as the main evaluation index to determine the activators of halogen-free low-silver lead-free solder paste. By selecting from 10 kinds of organic acid used for flux,adipic acid was manufactured into composite activators with the combination of carboxylic acid X and carboxylic acid Y, and the proportion of three organic acids was optimized. Orthogonal experiments were undertaken in order to adjust the contents of solvent, rosin, surface activator and activator. The results show that the solder paste has good wettability and anti-slump ability without any solder ball when the flux are made from 36% solvent, 35% rosin, 5% surface activator and 6% activator (mass fraction) and the mass ratio of carboxylic acid X to carboxylic acid Y to adipic acid is 1:2:4.%以铺展性能为主要评价指标,探讨无卤素低银无铅焊膏中活性剂的选择.对常用于助焊剂的10种有机酸活性物质进行筛选,从中选取一种性能优异的己二酸与已知两种羧酸配成复合活性物质,并通过正交实验对三种有机酸的复配比例进行优化.通过正交试验,调整溶剂、松香、活性剂和表面活性剂的含量.结果表明:溶剂、松香、表面活性剂和活性物质质量分数分别为36%,35%,5%和6%,羧酸X、羧酸Y与己二酸的比例为1:2:4时,焊膏有良好的润湿性和抗塌陷性,锡珠试验达到标准一级水平.



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