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农民新村的相关文献在1994年到2022年内共计75篇,主要集中在农业经济、建筑科学、中国政治 等领域,其中期刊论文74篇、专利文献106篇;相关期刊58种,包括中共成都市委党校学报、党的生活(河南)、领导决策信息等; 农民新村的相关文献由107位作者贡献,包括邱海鹰、张佰林、张凤荣等。



论文:74 占比:41.11%


论文:106 占比:58.89%





  • 邱海鹰
  • 张佰林
  • 张凤荣
  • 马超
  • 马静
  • 丁蔓琪
  • 伍依丽
  • 何靖斌
  • 冯静
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 胡光银(文/图)
    • 摘要: 白雾蒙蒙,寒风瑟瑟。一个较为休闲的冬日,我专程前往重庆市綦江区东溪镇的太平桥风景区采风、游玩,尽情地领略了那里优美的山水风光,用心地感受了那里厚重的历史文化氛围。那天上午,我从家里出发,驱车前往东溪古镇综合运输服务站。然后,徒步前往依山傍水的太平桥风景区。顺着扩宽的公路,经过规模宏大、人气旺盛的“重庆市农民新村示范点”,跨过古老的永久公路大桥,进入了太平桥风景区的东南侧,也就是该风景区的福林河一侧。
    • 邱海鹰(文/图)
    • 摘要: 地处四川省华蓥山区的华蓥市把改善农民群众的衣食住行作为脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴的基本目标,大力发展扶贫产业,并依托产业建好农民新村,让山区农民住上好房子、过上好日子。图为华蓥市高兴镇林家农民新村
    • 吴静; 周升起
    • 摘要: 1958~1961年的上海农民新村是人民公社化运动和工业“大跃进”的产物.上海农民新村建设历经初步试点及试点中止、向国庆十周年献礼、试点扩大、停滞四个阶段.上海农民新村的规划和建设与城市工业征地拆迁紧密相连,这不仅是中国共产党对社会主义新农村建设的一次探索,也为城市化进程中融合工农关系、城乡关系提供了有益的历史借鉴.
    • 紫君
    • 摘要: (一)新开商场的保安服务采用外包模式,在众多的外包保安员里,有一位“混在人堆里不会被人注意”的保安员每天开着小包车上下班,还把车停在卸货区附近,有一次卸货区发生交通拥堵,商铺补货来不及招致商户投诉,这位保安员才“浮出水面”。既然商户有投诉,就要查清楚事情的原委曲折,一查才知道,这位开小包车上下班并把车停在卸货区的保安员来自本地外高桥,是农村户口因征地转为城镇户口的,家里有农民新村别墅、镇上的高层和多层住宅各一套。
    • 蔡为民; 张佰林; 张凤荣; 曲衍波; 陈军伟; 刘虹吾
    • 摘要: The form and function of rural dwelling are closely related to livelihood strategies of famers.This article takes three villages (Hetaoyuan,Gaoqiao and Tangjiazhuangzi) in Yishui County,Shandong Province as the case studies,and explores livelihood changes of famers and their relationship with the evolution of rural dwelling form and function in Yimeng Mountain with participatory rural appraisal method.The results are shown as follows:1) Before the reform and opening-up,farming was the main livelihood activity of famers.Being compatible with their demand of livelihood,the farmers built dwellings with bungalows and courtyards,and cultivated vegetables in the courtyards.2) After the reform and opening-up,livestock breeding became one important livelihood activity of farmers.They built pigsties in their dwellings to raise pigs,and raised poultries in the courtyards.Meanwhile,there were more nonagricultural livelihoods and the livelihoods diversified.Farmers in Gaoqiao Village developed non-agricultural industry in their village.Being compatible with their demand of livelihood,they built two-story houses and used the ground floor for business.3) Since the 21st century,livelihoods of farmers became more and more non-agricultural and differentiated.Farming and cross-regional non-agricultural employment were the main livelihood strategies in Hetaoyuan Village.Farmers made hard ground of their courtyards for grain drying,and transformed the pigsties to storage room for grain and agricultural implements.In order to expand nonagricultural industry space,farmers in Gaoqiao Village built three-story houses and used the ground floor and second floor for their individual businesses.Most farmers in Tangjiazhuangzi Village went to the county for non-agricultural employment.In order to improve the living environment,they built two-story houses without spaces for business.This paper suggested that the form and function of rural dwelling are adapted to the livelihood of farmers.The government should respect the livelihoods of farmers when building dwellings during the rural residential land consolidation.%以山东省沂水县3个村(核桃园、高桥、唐家庄子)为例,运用参与式农村评估法(PRA)、对比分析法,剖析沂蒙山区农户生计变迁与其住宅形态功能转型的关系,为农村居民点整治中的新村建设提供决策指导.研究结果表明:1)改革开放前,研究区农户以农业生计为主,修建“平房+庭院”形态住宅,利用庭院种植蔬菜;2)改革开放后,农户生计逐渐多样化和非农化.禽畜养殖成为农户重要的生计来源,农户在住宅内搭建猪圈养猪,在庭院内饲养家禽.高桥农户就地发展非农经济,修建两层楼房,将一层的空间用于非农经营;3)21世纪以来,农户生计进一步非农化和分化.核桃园农户以粮食种植和外出务工为主,将庭院硬化晾晒粮食,改造猪圈为储物间储存粮食和农机具;高桥农户为了扩大非农经营空间修(改)建三层楼房,将一二层用于非农经营;唐家庄子农户到县城非农就业,为改善居住环境修建两层楼房,住宅中用于生产的空间消失.可见:农村住宅形态和功能转型是与农户生计方式变迁相适应的,农村居民点整治中新村建设模式应充分考虑农户生计的实际需求.
    • 黄冠君; 汪昕
    • 摘要: 以祁门县大坦乡农民新村规划与建筑设计为例,分析了农民住宅风格与面积现状、住宅需求,探索了农民新村规划方法和建筑设计方法.并且以遵循因地制宜、科学、客观为原则,通过有机结合农村的自然环境特征与农民的生活习惯,真正做到规划与建筑设计以人为本的原则,更好地改善农民的居住条件,以此促进未来城乡一体化的发展.
    • 李灿; 张佰林; 张凤荣
    • 摘要: 农户生计分化成为快速城镇化背景下农村社会经济发展最显著的特征,当前农民新村建设模式需要适应农户生计分化和农业生产生活的双重要求。以山东省沂水县4个典型村为例,通过实地调研,从农户就业结构、收入结构、就业时间结构三个方面分析农户生计结构呈现的特征,探讨农户生计分化与农民新村建设的影响。结果表明,1)调研村农户生计非农化倾向明显,4个村庄人均非农收入和劳均非农就业时间比重均超出70%,生计收入主要依靠非农业生产,但是农业生产仍然是农户重要的生计方式;2)受县域和外界经济发展的影响,靠近县城的韩家曲村农户生计多元化越突出,县域内就业生计表现明显,而远郊、偏远山区的李家营村、四旺村和东土沟村农户非农化生计以县域外就业为主;3)近郊村非农生计结构突出,其新村建设宜倾向于集中形态;远郊、偏远山区农业生产占据主导,其新村建设宜适当分散布局;4)集中上楼的模式忽略了农村农业生产的需要,农民居住方式超前于农户生计分化,会对农村生产生活造成不利影响。研究表明农民新村建设要考虑农户生计分化出现的新特点,匹配多元化的农民新村建设模式。%Rural household livelihood differentiation has become the most prominent feature of rural social and economic development under the background of rapid urbanization. Therefore the new village construction should meet two requirements of farmer’s livelihood and agricultural production. Taking Yishui County, Shandong Province as an example, this paper explores the characteristics of rural livelihood structures, including rural household employment structure, income structure, and employ time structure and seeks to explain the adaptation between rural livelihood differentiation and new village construction. Results show that 1) rural households of the surveyed villages appears a strong non-agricultural livelihood, with 70%of their income and working time are from non-agricultural sources, although agricultural production is still their main livelihood;2) with the inlfuences of the economic development from both inside and outside of the county, the livelihood of rural households appears signiifcant diverse with more rural households living within the urban area depending on jobs inside of the county and households living in remote areas depends more on jobs outside of the county;3) rural households living close to urban areas should adopt a centralized layout for new village construction, and households living in remote area should adopt a scattered distribution for new village construction;and 4) the concentrated building settlement model tends to ignore the needs of agricultural production and is ahead of the rural livelihood evolution and it has a negative impact on rural agricultural production and rural household livelihood. This research suggests that rural new village construction should consider the new characteristics of rural livelihood differentiation and match the diversiifed construction models of new villages.
    • 马丽
    • 摘要: 推进农民新村建设,是统筹城乡发展、缩小城乡差别的重要抓手。在此背景下,各地农民新村建设正在如火如荼的推进。本文就重庆市渝北区农民新村建设的现状和所存在的问题进行客观分析,提出进一步推进农民新村建设的对策建议。
    • 程刚
    • 摘要: 农民新村村民思想动态关系到农民幸福指数提高,关系到社会主义新农村建设的成败。笔者以此为基点,在江津区深入调研的基础上,形成调查报告,力图为农民新村建设提供参考借鉴。
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