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光纤探头的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计312篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、机械、仪表工业 等领域,其中期刊论文97篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献127405篇;相关期刊77种,包括生物医学工程研究、药物分析杂志、现代测量与实验室管理等; 相关会议1种,包括中国航空学会第八届动力年会等;光纤探头的相关文献由704位作者贡献,包括曾平、刘伟、陈文钢等。



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  • 曾平
  • 刘伟
  • 陈文钢
  • 马立修
  • 苑立波
  • 钱志余
  • 张文松
  • 何苗
  • 关春颖
  • 刘家林



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 康志坚; 张红娟; 高妍; 王宇; 靳宝全
    • 摘要: 针对煤矿井下发生瓦斯爆炸、突水等灾害时造成断电使通信中断的问题,设计了一种基于煤矿井下既有光缆的光纤传感应急通信系统,实现了矿井灾后无电环境下对井下被困人员声音信息的采集、传输和处理.该系统包含光纤声音传感子系统与硬件解调子系统2个部分:在井下巷道铺设的光缆中加入光纤探头,构建光纤声音传感子系统,侦听巷道内被困人员呼喊、敲击等声音信号;硬件解调子系统放置于地面,用于提取并还原加载在光信号里的音频信息.光纤声音传感子系统采用ASE宽带光源作为探测光,通过延迟光纤解决测量盲区问题,根据探测光的相位和光强变化与声波信号的关系实现井下声音信息采集;硬件解调子系统通过光电转换模块和音频处理模块对采集的声音信号进行解调处理,对微弱信号进行提取放大.实验结果表明,在10 km的测试距离内,该系统可检测并提取距光纤探头0~5 m、频率范围为0.3~3.4 kHz的声音信号,精度为±0.5 Hz.
    • 余吉波; 王先帆; 杨文蕾; 王鹏飞
    • 摘要: 拉锥光纤传感技术作为一种新兴的传感技术,在电力、石油化工、生化、航空航天、环保、国防等领域有着重要的应用价值并逐渐成为当前国际上的研究热点之一.与普通光纤相比,拉锥光纤的模场直径为微米或纳米量级,极大地增强了光在光纤中传输时的倏逝场,从而显著提高此类光纤传感器的灵敏度及响应速度,缩小了光纤传感器的尺寸,使其在传感应用中更具优势.该文分析并讨论了拉锥光纤传感器的理论基础、关键技术及相关应用.主要内容包括:1)阐述了微米光纤耦合传感器的原理、制备工艺及折射率和温度传感特性.2)讨论了单模-多模-单模及单模-拉锥多模-单模光纤结构的传感原理并实现了一种基于单模-拉锥多模-单模的高灵敏度折射率传感器.3)为拓展拉锥光纤传感器的应用范围并提高其空间分辨率,发展了一种半拉锥光纤传感器微探头.4)介绍了拉锥光纤在光通信及微操纵等方面的应用.%As a novel sensing technology,tapered optical fiber sensing technology has attracted much more attention due to its advantages in many sensing related applications,such as sensing in electricity,petrochemical industry,biochemistry,aerospace,environmental protection and national defense.Compared with the conventional optical fiber based sensors,tapered optical fiber sensing devices offer a number of outstanding optical properties,including fast response,scale in microano meters,strong confinement,large evanescent field and high sensitivity.In this chapter the following parts are presented:1) the principles,fabrication process,refractive index and temperature sensing characteristics based on microfiber coupler sensors were reviewed;2) the sensing principles of singlemode-multimode-singlemode (SMS) fiber structure and singlemode-tapered multimode-singlemode (STMS) fiber structure were discussed and their applications on refractive index and temperature sensing were presented;3) a multimode interference halftapered optical fiber probe based sensors were demonstrated for temperature and refractive index sensing;4) Finally tapered optical fiber based devices can also be used for optical telecommunications and micromanipulation applications.
    • 杭天渊; 刘凤; 王晓蕾; 叶松; 陈振涛
    • 摘要: 光纤探针法是一种适合观测波浪破碎瞬间卷入微气泡羽流的方法,现有的观测探针探头多采用塑料、玻璃等材质,存在脆性大、损耗大、不耐低温、易腐蚀等缺点,拟设计一种蓝宝石光纤探针克服其局限性,提升探测性能.文章在介绍光纤探针传感器测量原理的基础上,采用光学仿真软件Zemax建立了光纤探针传感器探头的仿真模型,并利用模型对其每针的材质、形状、角度等结构设计关键因素进行了优化设计,由仿真结果确定了每针形状为圆锥形、传输材质为蓝宝石.该仿真结果将为后续光纤探针传感器系统的整体设计及光路优化奠定基础.
    • 李晨曦; 孙哲; 韩蕾; 赵会娟; 徐可欣
    • 摘要: 在体组织光学参数测量是生物医学光子学研究重点,不仅为人体成分无创检测、光学成像、光动力疗法等研究提供基础,并且可以快速获取人体光学参数变化,为临床诊断提供依据。研究了利用单一源探距离漫反射光谱在体测量光学参数的测量系统与反构方法。漫反射光谱测量系统由宽谱光源、高分辨光纤光谱仪及光纤探头组成,结构简单,测量方便,可准确快速测量样品漫反射光谱。在光纤探头几何形状基础上,研究了光纤收集及系统传递函数,在此基础上对反构算法进行了校正。光学参数反构算法中正向模型基于 Monte Carlo以及神经网络方法,适用光学参数范围大,计算速度快;逆向算法采用主成分分析与非线性建模拟合相结合的方法,可抑制测量噪声影响。在测量系统及反构算法基础上,进行了组织仿体光学参数测量实验,结果表明,利用单一源探距离下漫反射谱,可以较为准确获取吸收系数以及约化散射系数,均方根误差分别达到4.58%以及7.92%。为保证系统测量准确性,测量波长范围应覆盖样品中所含吸收物质吸收峰范围。所研究的在体组织光学参数测量方法为人体成分无创检测及测量条件变化获取提供了基础。%The determination of tissue optical properties is the fundamental research field in biomedical optics.The ability to separately quantify absorption and scattering coefficients of tissue based on diffuse reflectance spectrum not only helps to gain physiological and structural properties of tissue but also provide insight into the mechanisms of tissue,which leads to the im-provement in non-invasive detecting,image diagnosis and photodynamic therapy.In the paper,a flexible and rapid method is de-veloped to extract the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of turbid medium such as human tissue with diffuse reflec-tance spectrum.The diffuse reflectance spectrum is measured by the system which includes a white light source,a spectrometer, and a fiber optic probe for delivery and collection of light.The collection efficiency and system transfer function are researched based on the fiber probe geometry.This paper outlines a method based on empirical forward model and non-linear modeling in-verse model to extract the optical properties from diffuse reflectance spectrum.The approach includes four steps:(1)generating diffuse reflectance spectra for training inverse model;(2)training the inverse model;(3)measuring and processing the diffuse reflectance spectra of samples;(4)predicting the optical properties of samples.Since the forward and inverse models could be regarded as non-linearity,the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)is employed to develop the forward and inverse models.The principal component analysis (PCA)is also employed in the inverse model to decompress the data dimension and suppress the spectral noise.With a single fiber optic probe and spectroscopy system,the diffuse reflectance spectrum is measured and prepro-cessed.The accuracy and robustness of this method are evaluated by measuring the phantoms with a wide range of optical prop-erties.The results indicate that the absorption and scattering coefficients could be extracted accurately by measuring the diffuse reflectance spectrum of single source-detector distance.The mean RMS percentage error is 4.58% and 7.92%,respectively.As to the application of extracting concentration of different chromosphere,it is better to include the absorption peak of every chro-mosphere within the measuring wavelength range.This method is valid for a wide range of optical properties with the advantage of rapid measurement and simple system setup,which is important for the clinical application.
    • 赵爱红; 鄂承林; 王芬芬; 卢春喜
    • 摘要: 在一套Φ600 mm CSVQS的环流预汽提段冷态实验床装置上,在导流筒区气速为0.2 m·s−1和0.3 m·s−1,环隙区气速为0.03 m·s−1和0.07 m·s−1,汽提段气速为0和0.13 m·s−1时,考察了预汽提导流筒区和环隙区的颗粒速度分布,同时在上述条件下,根据提出的计算方法,考察了由提升管引入环流预汽提段颗粒的平均停留时间分布。结果表明,在上述几种操作条件下,预汽提段均为中心气升式环流,汽提段气体大部分进入导流筒区。在导流筒区气速相同时,在无汽提风时,导流筒区颗粒速度随环隙区气速的增加沿径向由陡峭分布转变为平缓分布;在有汽提风时,导流筒区颗粒速度径向分布随环隙区气速的变化很小。在环隙区气速相同时,在有汽提风时,导流筒区颗粒速度随其气速的增加由平缓分布转变为陡峭分布;在无汽提风时,两种导流筒区气速下的颗粒速度径向分布均比较陡峭。与导流筒区相比,环隙区颗粒速度径向分布几乎不随操作条件的不同而变化。随着导流筒气速的增加或环隙气速的降低,颗粒平均停留时间分布变窄,质量分数降低;随着颗粒循环强度的增加,颗粒平均停留时间分布变窄;质量分数变化不一。%Particle velocity distributions were investigated in draft tube and annulus region of aΦ600 mm CSVQS cold-state setup under conditions of gas velocities at 0.2 and 0.3 m·s−1 in the draft tube, at 0.03 and 0.07 m·s−1 in the annulus region and 0 and 0.13 m·s−1 in the stripper. Mean residence time distribution of particles in the pre-tripper section was also calculated by the method proposed here. Experimental results demonstrated that gas flowed as center-airlifting circulation in the pre-stripper section and most of the gas went into the draft tube under the above-stated operating conditions. Under constant gas velocity in the draft tube and increased gas velocity in the annulus region, the radial velocity distribution of particles changed from steep to smooth without stripper wind whereas that distribution changed slightly with stripper wind. Under the same gas velocity in the annulus region and increased velocity in the draft tube, the radial velocity distribution of particles changed from smooth to steep without stripper wind whereas distribution remained quite steep with stripper wind under the two different velocities in the draft tube. Compared to that in the draft tube, the radial velocity distribution of particles in annulus region kept almost no change with varied operating conditions. When the gas velocity was increased in the draft tube or was decreased in the annulus section, the average residence time distribution of particles was narrowed and the mass fraction of particles was decreased. When the circulation strength of particles in the pre-stripper section was increased, the average residence time distribution of particles was narrowed but the mass fraction of particles was changed irregularly.
    • 王芬芬; 鄂承林; 赵爱红; 卢春喜
    • 摘要: 在一套高约18 m、内径ϕ100 mm的提升管冷态实验装置上,根据PV-6D光纤探头的测量结果,提出了一种基于整个采样时间计算提升管颗粒局部流率和速度的改进方法,并与文献方法进行了对比。结果表明,两种方法计算的颗粒局部流率和速度相差较大,本文和文献两种方法计算的截面平均颗粒流率与实测值间的最大、最小和平均相对偏差分别为606.9%、241.3%,221.4%、89.5%和388.9%、145.6%,本文方法测量的颗粒流率偏差相对较小。文献方法计算的截面平均颗粒速度均大于操作气速,其气固间滑落速度和滑落系数分别在−1.6~−4.7 m·s−1及0.56~0.90间变化,与提升管内的气固实际流动存在很大差别;本方法计算的截面平均颗粒速度均小于操作气速,其气固间滑落速度和滑落系数分别在0.6~9.6 m·s−1及1.11~2.14间变化。反射型光纤探头在测量颗粒浓度时存在的一些问题是导致本文方法测量的颗粒流率、滑落速度和滑落系数偏大的主要原因。此外,根据光纤测量结果,提出了两个计算提升管颗粒循环强度的关系式,可以替代现有的容积法测量。%A new method was proposed in a cold riser experimental apparatus with height of about 18 m and inner diameter of 100 mm according to the result measured by PV-6D optical fiber to calculate the local particle flux and velocity based on all the sampling time. The new method was compared with the method used in the referring paper. The results showed that the values of local particle flux and velocity calculated by the two methods had a great discrepancy. The maximum, minimum and mean relative errors between the cross-sectional mean particle flux and the measured value calculated by this paper and the referring paper were 606.9%, 241.3%; 221.4%, 89.5% and 388.9%, 145.6%, respectively. Thus, the value of particle flux measured by this paper was relatively low. The cross-sectional mean particle velocity calculated by the referring paper was higher than the operating gas velocity, and the gas-solid slip velocity and slip coefficient respectively varied from−1.6 to−4.7 m·s−1 and 0.56 to 0.90, respectively, and thus there was a great difference to the actual gas-solid flow in riser. The cross-sectional mean particle velocity calculated by this paper was lower than the operating gas velocity. The gas-solid slip velocity and slip coefficient varied from 0.6 to 9.6 m·s−1 and 1.11 to 2.14, respectively. There were some problems when using the reflecting optical fiber to measure the particle concentration and it was the main reason that resulted in the higher particle flux, slip velocity and slip coefficient measured by this paper. Furthermore, two fitting functions were come up with to calculate the particle circulation in the riser according to the measuring result by the optical fiber, substituting for the recent volumetric method.
    • 陆想想; 钱志余; 李韪韬; 汤飞飞
    • 摘要: 针对生物组织的荧光检测问题,设计了一套微创荧光信号采集系统.该系统由光电信号检测放大系统和数据采集与处理系统两部分构成.光电信号检测放大系统以光电倍增管为核心传感器.数据采集与处理系统采用数据采集卡,以Labview为软件开发平台,实现信号的实时显示和存储.通过在体实验验证和评估,证明了设计的荧光检测系统有着较高的灵敏度和精确度.论文结果对于在体微创荧光检测系统的研究和开发具有重要的价值.
    • 吴静珠; 刘倩; 董文菲; 王克栋; 陈岩
    • 摘要: 针对目前测定直链淀粉含量的仪器存在价格昂贵、前处理繁琐且体积庞大等弊端,设计开发了一种基于光电比色原理的专用型直链淀粉测定仪。该仪器以STM32嵌入式系统芯片作为主控制器,创新性地采用液体透射式光纤探头替代比色皿取样,光电检测电路采用高性能单波长激光光源与对数放大器,提高了系统的检测精度和准确度。该仪器具有小型化、成本低、检测简单、准确、可靠便携等优点。实验结果表明:该仪器测定样品直链淀粉含量的相对误差为1.34%~1.73%,完全满足日常测量要求,适于在流动监测或现场分析推广应用。%Aiming at disadvantages of expensive price,tedious pre-treatment and bulkiness that amylose content determinator has,design and develop a tailored version amylose daterminator besed on the theory of photoelectric colorimetry. STM32F103 is used as the core controller,liquid transmission optical fiber probe is used innovatively instead of the cuvette,high-performance single-wavelength laser lamp-house and log amplifier are adopted to improve the precision and accuracy of the detection system. The apparatus has miniaturization,low cost,simple and accurate detection,reliable and portable and other advantages,Experimental result shows that the relative error range is 1. 34 %~1. 73 %,fully meet measurement demand,so it is well suitable for application in mobile surveillance or on-site analysis.
    • 陆想想; 李韪韬; 钱志余
    • 摘要: 针对肿瘤深部的微弱光信号检测问题,设计了一套基于微创光纤探头的内窥式荧光数据采集系统,用于评估光动力疗法治疗肿瘤的疗效.该系统分为光电检测和数据采集两个部分.其中光电检测部分以CR186光电倍增管为核心.数据采集部分基于PCI-6251数据采集卡,以Labview为软件平台,实现数据的实时显示和存储功能.该系统可实时反映肿瘤深部的光强变化,对于在体医疗器械的开发和研究,具有一定的应用价值.
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