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优化拟合的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计106篇,主要集中在水利工程、建筑科学、航空 等领域,其中期刊论文87篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献105984篇;相关期刊37种,包括水文、华北水利水电学院学报、长江科学院院报等; 相关会议3种,包括第十三届发动机试验与测试技术学术会、中国农业工程学会农业水土工程专业委员会第八届学术研讨会、2003全国微波毫米波会议等;优化拟合的相关文献由128位作者贡献,包括滕凯、张丽伟、焦重庆等。



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论文:105984 占比:99.92%





  • 滕凯
  • 张丽伟
  • 焦重庆
  • 葛青宇
  • 陈凌颜
  • 于兴华
  • 王志云
  • B.J.科赫
  • P.M.拉斯科夫斯基
  • P.弗罗斯特
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 刘钰; 黄耀英; 唐腾飞; 肖磊; 高俊
    • 摘要: 混凝土是一种介于理想固体与流体之间,与加载龄期和持荷时间有关的徐变材料.针对分数阶微积分可描述处于理想固体与流体之间不同状态的流变行为,建议将分数阶模型应用于混凝土徐变模型分析.首先基于带软体元件的广义开尔文模型,建立了5参数分数阶徐变模型;接着结合复合形优化算法反演出混凝土分数阶徐变模型的5个参数.工程算例分析表明,分数阶徐变模型计算值与试验值吻合效果良好,且与8参数模型拟合效果相当,将分数阶流变模型应用在混凝土徐变中为混凝土徐变分析提供了一种新思路.%Concrete,a creep material between ideal solid and fluid,is related to loading age and load-bearing time. In this article,the fractional order calculus model is applied to the analysis of concrete's creep.A fractional order creep model with five parameters is established based on the generalized Kelvin model with software components. Furthermore,according to measured creep values of three engineering cases,the five parameters of the established fractional order creep model are inverted and optimized by using the complex optimization algorithm.The expres-sions of concrete creep model in consideration of loading age are given.Engineering case study demonstrates that the calculated values of the fractional order model agree well with test values,close to those of eight-parameter model. Fractional order model could be a new approach in creep analysis of concrete.
    • 孙和金
    • 摘要: 本文利用有砟高速铁路精测控制网精测的线路平面坐标或绝对偏差数据,探讨利用最小二乘法原理拟合计算线路的平面拨移量,重点介绍了拨量计算原理以及平面曲线参数优化计算方法.本方法研究的计算结果符合现场实际,拟合计算结果为现场最小平面拨移量,算法简单、容易掌握,计算结果用于大机现场维修作业,作业效率及质量都大幅提高.
    • 陈玉玺; 卢晓春; 陈渴鑫; 李爽
    • 摘要: 为了提高调洪演算的数值计算精度,探究高次插值函数在调洪计算中的应用前景,以Lagrange插值、三次样条插值函数为例,基于C#语言环境及试算法理论编写计算程序并结合Excel线性插值进行实例对比分析.结果表明,相比于线性一次插值函数而言,应用高次插值函数对水文特征曲线的拟合效果更好,三次样条插值函数、线性插值函数、Lagrange插值函数在调洪计算中的精度依次降低.研究能为调洪计算优化求解提供一定的决策支持.
    • 于兴华; 滕凯
    • 摘要: Focusing on issues like very complex calculation process ,low accuracy ,limited applicability etc .,this paper proposed a simplified method to calculate the length and water depth of sudden enlarged hydraulic jump based on the ex -perimental data ,which adopt the relevant parameters curve characteristics ,the optimal fitting technology ,through the fit-ting of multiple sets of optional function approximation .The calculation process is simple and applicable range is relative-ly wide .The accuracy analysis shows that the maximum relative error of the formula is 9 .75% and 8 .84% respectively , which is lower than the current calculation formula .%针对目前突扩式水跃跃长及跃后水深求解公式存在的计算过程繁复 、误差大 、适用范围有限等问题,依据现有突扩式水跃试验实测数据成果,在对相关参数曲线特性全面分析的基础上,采用优化拟合技术,通过对多组备选函数的拟合逼近,获得了计算过程简捷 、适用范围广的简化计算公式.精度分析表明,该公式求解水跃及跃后水深的最大相对误差分别为9.75%和8.84%,均小于现有公式的计算误差.
    • 滕凯
    • 摘要: Under the condition of non-steady flow, the obtaining of hydrogeological parameters through pumping test with straight recharge boundary involves the transcendental equation of 3 ( boundary direction known, position un-known) or 4 ( both boundary direction and position unknown) unknowns, which could not be solved by convention-al analytical methods. The existing methods, including method of specific standard curve comparison, method of in-flection point, simplified algorithm, nonlinear least square method and binary linear regression method, are incon-venient for practical engineering as they are dependent on graph with complicated calculation process, limited appli-cation range and big calculation error. In this article, optimization fitting method was employed to adapt to the engi-neering parameter range, and the substitution of simple function for the Theis well function of non-steady flow was carried out. Furthermore, a simplified analytic expression for the parameters was obtained by summarizing the draw-down ratio formulas. The calculation process is simple and convenient for practical use.%直线供水边界条件下非稳定流抽水试验求解水文地质参数的超越方程涉及3个(在已知供水边界方向,未知位置的条件下)或4个(在供水边界方向和位置均未知的条件下)未知数,常规的解析法无法直接求解。现有的特定标准曲线比对法、图解拐点法、简化算法、非线性最小二乘法及二元线性回归法要么依赖图表、计算过程繁复,要么应用范围受限、计算结果误差较大,不便实际工程应用。采用优化拟合方法,在工程适用参数范围内,用较为简单的函数实现了对泰斯非稳定流井函数的替代,并利用水位降深比值关系式,经整理获得了可直接完成参数求解的简化解析式,计算过程简捷,便于实际工程应用。
    • 滕凯
    • 摘要: 针对利用间断性阶梯流量抽水试验资料求解水文地质参数采用试算法、特殊标准曲线比对法及线性回归法等存在的计算过程繁复、人为误差难免、图表束缚严重等问题,采用优化拟合方法,在工程适应参数范围内,通过对以级数表示的泰斯井函数的简单函数替代,并依据抽水试验降深时间关系曲线上的选点,采用降深比值法,经对间断性阶梯流量抽水井流函数的整理推导,获得了可直接完成相关水文地质参数求解的一元二次方程,求解过程简捷直观,便于实际工程应用.精度分析表明,在工程适用参数范围内,最大相对误差小于2%,完全满足实际工程的计算精度要求.%The optimum fitting method was used to make an alternative of Theis well function represented with series in an adaptive engineering parameters range.According to the selected points on the drawdown-time relationship curve of the pumping test,the drawdown ratio method was adopted to derivate the function of discontinuous step pumping flow,and obtain the solution of the quadratic equation in one unknown for hydrogeological parameters.The accuracy analysis show that the mnaximum relative error is less than 2% in the engineering application parameters,which can meet the requirement for the calculation accuracy in the actual engineering application.
    • 张丽伟; 于兴华; 滕凯
    • 摘要: 针对《水工建筑物抗冰冻设计规范》单位切向冻胀力、单位水平冻胀力以表格形式给出在实际工程应用上存在的计算依赖表格、内插取值误差大、外延值域随意性等问题,通过对冻胀力与冻胀量关系曲线的线型特性分析,采用优化拟合的方法,获得了表达形式简单、取值过程简捷、计算精度高的数学表达式,可在实际工作中推广应用.
    • 张雨豪; 王辉; 史太川
    • 摘要: 针对敦煌壁画颜料颜色的非接触式测量,以接触式颜色测量设备测得的光谱数据为参考,利用非接触式测量设备PR705光谱辐射度计,在不同照明和测量距离条件下,测量敦煌壁画色卡的光谱数据,并通过计算得到不同照明和测量距离条件下色块样本的光谱均方根(RMS)误差和色差(?E),以此作为评价测量结果的参数,通过优化拟合方法获得这两个指标关于照明和测量距离的函数关系,进而分析照明和测量距离对颜色测量精度的影响,从而实现测量条件的优化,提高颜色测量精度.研究结果表明,测量距离为0.5~1.0 m和2.0~2.5 m、照明距离为3.0~3.5 m的条件下,测量结果与参考值的RMS和?E均较小,可获得较好的测量精度,且光谱误差RMS<0.006,色差?E<0.5.
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