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人工补片的相关文献在2002年到2022年内共计56篇,主要集中在外科学、肿瘤学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文51篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献363251篇;相关期刊44种,包括人人健康(医学导刊)、人人健康:医学导刊、现代保健·医学创新研究等; 相关会议1种,包括第十五届福州市科协年会等;人工补片的相关文献由132位作者贡献,包括丁易、严伟、刘刚等。



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  • 丁易
  • 严伟
  • 刘刚
  • 卢绍福
  • 叶素金
  • 姚昊
  • 孟祥东
  • 张旭
  • 张清
  • 徐海荣



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 刘静; 陈杰; 申英末; 朱熠林
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨人工补片在韧带样纤维瘤病术后腹壁重建中的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2012年2月至2016年2月,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院收治的11例腹壁韧带样纤维瘤病患者的临床资料,所有患者行根治性手术,术后腹壁缺损使用人工补片行腹壁重建,分析其临床疗效.结果 所有患者均使用人工补片行腹壁重建,平均手术时间(97±33)min,平均住院时间(19.2±3.1)d,所有患者术后恢复良好,伤口Ⅰ期愈合,无伤口感染及局部异物感,无死亡患者,出现皮下积液者1例,经穿刺抽吸后治愈.随访时间7~60个月,平均随访时间(31.8±18.5)个月,肿瘤复发1例,无死亡患者,无补片感染、慢性疼痛及局部异物感等补片相关并发症,无肠梗阻及切口疝发生.结论 人工补片用于腹壁重建具有良好的临床疗效.%Objective To study the clinical effect of the postoperative abdominal wall reconstruction with synthetic mesh for abdominal desmoid type fibromatosis (DTF). Methods Clinical data of 11 patients with abdominal desmoid type fibromatosis during February 2012 to February 2016 in Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital were retrospectively collected. The abdominal wall of the patients who underwent tumor radical surgery were reconstructed with synthetic mesh. Results All the patients were successfully treated with synthetic mesh to reconstruct the abdominal wall. The mean operation time was 97±33 min, and the mean hospitalization was 19.2±3.1 days. All the patients recovered uneventfully. No wound infections and foreign body feelings were recorded in our study. Subcutaneous hydrops occurred in 1 patient who finally recovered uneventfully by puncture aspiration. During the follow-up time of 7-60 months (the median follow-up time was 31.8±18.5 months), there were no mortalities, and 1 patient suffered tumor recurrence. There were no mesh infections and mesh-related complications. No incisional hernias and intestinal obstructions were observed. Conclusion Abdominal wall reconstruction with synthetic mesh shows favorable clinical effect.
    • 李勇; 王保苍; 闫明; 王辉; 刘洪涛; 齐巍
    • 摘要: Objective:To discuss improvement of knee extension function after treatment of proximal tibial osteo-sarcoma with tumor prosthesis combined with artificial patch technique. Methods:From March 2003 to December 2015,20 cases of proximal tibia osteosarcoma were selected (12 males,8 females). The mean age was 14. 5 years old (range:9~27 years old). According to the operation way,20 cases were divided into two groups. Group 1:10 cases of proximal tibial osteosarcoma were treated by tumor prosthesis replacement. Group 2:10 cases of proximal tibial osteo-sarcoma were treated by tumor prosthesis combined with artificial patch technique. To measure maximum angle of ac-tivel extension of knee joint in 6 months after operation and to do statistical analysis of data. Results:The angle of knee extension after operation in group 1 was (14. 4 ± 4. 84)°. The angle of knee extension after operation in group 2 was (73. 8 ± 8. 59)°. The angle of knee extension in group 2 was better than that in group 1 (P =5. 76E-14<0. 05). Conclusion:Treatment of proximal tibial osteosarcoma with tumor prosthesis combined with artificial patch technique can significantly improve the knee extension function after operation.%目的:探讨肿瘤假体联合人工补片技术治疗胫骨近端骨肉瘤术后膝关节主动背伸功能改善情况.方法:选取2003年3月至2015年12月在我科治疗且有完整资料的胫骨近端骨肉瘤患者20例,男性12例,女性8例,平均年龄14. 5岁(9~27岁).按照手术方式不同分为两组,组1为仅采用肿瘤假体置换治疗胫骨近端骨肉瘤(10例),组2为肿瘤假体联合人工补片技术重建髌韧带止点治疗胫骨近端骨肉瘤(10例).术后6个月测量膝关节主动背伸最大角度,对所获得数据进行统计学分析.结果:组1术后膝关节主动背伸角为(14. 4 ± 4. 84)°,组2术后膝关节主动背伸角为(73. 8 ± 8. 59)°,组2术后膝关节主动背伸角大于组1术后膝关节主动背伸角(P=5. 76E-14<0. 05),差异具有统计学意义.结论:采用肿瘤假体联合人工补片技术治疗胫骨近端骨肉瘤术后膝关节主动背伸功能得到明显改善,值得临床推广.
    • 李勇; 王保苍; 闫明; 王辉; 梁守磊; 齐巍
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨人工补片重建髌韧带止点术后伸膝功能明显改善.方法 2003年3月至2015年12月我院治疗并有完整资料的胫骨近端骨肉瘤患者10例,其中男8例,女2例;年龄9~27岁,平均(13 .5 ± 1 .2)岁.手术采用肿瘤假体联合人工补片技术重建髌韧带止点治疗,分别于术后3个月、6个月、12个月测量膝关节主动背伸最大角度,对所获得数据进行多重比较.结果 本组10例患者均获得随访,随访时间20~90个月,平均46 .5个月. 9例切口Ⅰ期愈合,1例术后10 d伤口破溃、渗出,未暴露假体,3次细菌培养阴性,考虑脂肪液化,给予清创缝合后切口愈合. 10例均完成术后12次化疗;1例于术后20个月因肺转移死亡,1例于术后18个月行单发肺转移灶切除术,至今存活,余8例无局部复发及远处转移;10例术后均未出现假体松动、折断、脱位等并发症.测量术后3个月、6个月、9个月膝关节主动背伸角度分别为(24 .4 ± 4 .80)°、(73 .8 ± 8 .59)°、(78 .8 ± 7 .73)°.术后6个月、术后12个月伸膝角度均优于术后3个月伸膝角度,差异有统计学意义(P<0 .05) ;术后6个月与术后12个月的伸膝角度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0 .05) .结论 人工补片重建髌韧带止点术后6个月或更长时间二者可牢固结合,伸膝功能明显改善.肿瘤假体治疗胫骨近端骨肉瘤术中利用人工补片重建髌韧带止点有利于伸膝功能恢复,值得临床推广.
    • 汤福鑫; 甘文昌; 吴慧莹; 陈双
    • 摘要: 总结我科最近一例补片感染并窦道形成患者的临床资料,分析窦道形成原因及总结手术治疗技巧.术中采用美蓝染色标记窦道,窦道完全切除,术后放置引流7天,每日换药,术后11天愈合.采用美蓝染色标记、完整切除窦道、清除残余补片及线头、严格无菌操作及术后妥善安置引流是手术以及窦道愈合的关键.
    • 林佳生; 陈嵘; 严伟; 陈冬冬
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨肿瘤型假体置换患者术中应用人工补片修复关节囊及软组织的方法及临床价值.方法 收集2013年1月至2015年6月接受肿瘤型假体和人工补片重建的51例患者的临床资料,其中男27例,女24例,年龄为(44.75±23.18)岁.肩关节置换5例,肘关节置换2例,髋关节置换12例,膝关节置换32例(其中股骨侧肿瘤24例,胫骨侧肿瘤8例).转移瘤12例,骨肉瘤20例,软骨肉瘤7例,恶性纤维组织细胞瘤5例,骨巨细胞瘤4例,尤文肉瘤1例,平滑肌肉瘤1例,色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎1例.患者行肿瘤广泛切除术、肿瘤型人工假体置换、人工补片修复关节囊和包绕假体体部,分析患者的治疗效果.结果 全部患者随访时间为(19.75±8.17)个月,平均术后4 d拔除引流管.浅表切口感染2例,深部感染1例,小腿前侧肌群骨筋膜室综合征1例,未发生假体及关节脱位和假体感染.肩关节置换术后患者肩关节前屈角度为(34.00±10.84)°,外展角度为(20.00±9.35)°,骨与软组织肿瘤协会(MSTS)评分为(19.80±9.54)分,优良率为0.肘关节置换术后患者肘关节屈曲角度为(75.00±7.07)°,伸直角度为(-5.00±7.07)°,MSTS评分为(25.00±2.83)分,优良率为50.0%(1/2).髋关节置换术后患者髋关节屈曲角度为(86.67±20.60)°,后伸角度为(2.08±4.98)°,MSTS评分为(25.42±1.78)分,优良率为83.3%(10/12).膝关节置换术后患者膝关节屈曲角度为(89.69±22.39)°,伸直角度为(-0.63±1.68)°,MSTS评分为(23.31±2.09)分,优良率50.0%(16/32),其中股骨侧优良率为66.7%(16/24),胫骨侧优良率为0.全组患者对治疗结果满意.结论 应用人工补片修复肿瘤关节假体置换后的关节囊及软组织,可促进假体与自身组织融合,增加人工关节的稳定性,降低脱位率,重建肌腱与假体附着点恢复肌肉动力.对软组织缺损后的关节稳定性和动力重建有重要作用,有效地降低手术并发症.%Objective To investigate the operative method and clinical application of the BARD Mesh in enhancing joint stability and function of endoprosthetic reconstruction for bone tumors.Methods From Jan 2013 to Jun 2015, the clinical data of 51 patients aged (44.75±23.18) years underwent wide resection of tumor and endoprosthetic reconstruction using the BARD Mesh were collected.Among them, 27 were male and 24 were female.The surgical treatments received by these patients included 5 shoulder arthroplasties, 12 elbow replacements, 12 hip replacements and 32 knee replacements (including 24 femoral tumors and 8 tibial tumors).According to the pathologic type, there were 12 metastatic tumors, 20 osteosarcomas, 7 chondrosarcomas, 5 malignant fibrous histiocytomas, 4 giant cell tumors of bone, 1 Ewing sarcoma, 1 leiomyosarcoma and 1 pigmented villonodular synovitis (pvns).These patients received extensive tumor resection, tumorous prosthesis replacement, preserved articular capsule and muscles repair with artificial mesh and endoprosthesis wrapping.The curative effect including joints range of motion and Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Scores (MSTS) were evaluated.Results The median follow-up time was (19.75±8.17) months.The drainages were removed out on an average of 4 days after operation.The postoperative complications included 2 superficial incision infection, 1 deep incision infection and 1 osteofascial compartment syndrome, infection or dislocation of prosthesis wasn′t observed.The mean active flexion of shoulder joint after replacement was (34.00±10.84)°, mean active abduction was (20.00±9.35)° and the mean MSTS was 19.80±9.54.The superior rate of shoulder flexion function was 0.The mean active flexion of elbow joint after replacement was (75.00±7.07)°, mean active abduction was (-5.00±7.07)° and the mean MSTS was 25.00±2.83.The superior rate of elbow flexion function was 50.0% (1/2).The mean active flexion of hip joint after replacement was (86.67±20.60)°, mean active abduction was (2.08±4.98)° and the mean MSTS was 25.42±1.78.The superior rate of hip flexion function was 83.3% (10/12).The mean active flexion of knee joint after replacement was (89.69±22.39)°, mean active abduction was (-0.63±1.68)° and the mean MSTS was 23.31±2.09.The superior rate of knee flexion function was 50.0%(16/32).Among them, the superior rate of femoral flexion function was 66.7% (16/24), the superior rate of tibial flexion function was 0.All of patients were satisfied with the curative effect of operation at the end of follow-up time.Conclusions The BARD Mesh may enhance the attachment of soft-tissue to endoprosthesis, improve the joint stability, decrease the endoprosthetic infection and dislocation, facilitate the attachment of tendon to endoprosthesis and recover the muscular motivation after endoprosthetic reconstruction.This plays an important role in joint stability and motivation reconstruction of soft-tissue impairment, effectively prevents surgical complications.
    • 姜绪平; 吴庆华; 陆爱国; 王明亮; 郑民华
    • 摘要: 本文报道2010年7月1例直肠前突经腹腔镜人工补片治疗,并结合国内外文献进行分析总结,探讨经腹腔镜人工补片治疗直肠前突的临床价值。该病人经腹腔镜人工补片治疗后,直肠前突症状消失,术后无并发症,随访56个月恢复良好。该术式具有创伤小,操作简便,术后恢复快,并发症少等优点,临床应用价值较高。%[Summary] This paper reported one case of rectocele treated with laparoscopic artificial mesh repair in July 2010. Along with domestic and foreign literature review, the clinical value of laparoscopic artificial mesh repair for rectocele was investigated. After treatment the rectocele symptoms disappeared, without postoperative complications. A follow-up for 56 months showed good result. The operation has advantages of minimal invasion, simple performance, fast recovery, and few complications, being worthy of clinical application.
    • 王彦哲; 陈敬龙; 李晓龙; 张龙
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨人工补片无张力疝修补术术后感染的原因和防治。方法对28例腹股沟疝疝囊结扎后行人工补片无张力修补术术后感染的病例进行回顾性分析。结果人工补片感染的发生率为0.93%,本组28例中24例为腹股沟斜疝,4例为腹股沟直疝。术后1个月内发生感染22例,1个月后发生感染6例。其中有18例患者为金黄色葡萄球菌感染,有6例为大肠杆菌感染,有4例为混合感染。人工补片感染可能与患者体重指数( body mass index,BMI)、糖尿病的发生相关。其中18例再次手术去除补片,另外10例应用抗生素治疗,均治愈出院。随访5~30个月,无复发感染病例。18例去除补片的患者中,有8例患者出现疝复发,并再次接受手术治疗。结论人工补片无张力疝修补术发生术后感染与患者BMI偏高和糖尿病病史密切相关,因此术前应严格掌握人工补片无张力疝修补的手术指征。
    • 孟祥东
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨无张力修补手术治疗腹股沟疝的临床疗效。患者均采用无张力疝修补术治疗。结果:所有患者全部治愈,无一例切口感染;患者术后恢复快,且并发症少。随访6个月到1年,无一例复发。结论:无张力疝修补术治疗腹股沟疝具有安全可靠、疗效确切、并发症少、复发率低等特点,临床上应积推广。
    • 孟祥东
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨无张力修补手术治疗腹股沟疝的临床疗效。患者均采用无张力疝修补术治疗。结果:所有患者全部治愈,无一例切口感染;患者术后恢复快,且并发症少。随访6个月到1年,无一例复发。结论:无张力疝修补术治疗腹股沟疝具有安全可靠、疗效确切、并发症少、复发率低等特点,临床上应积推广。
    • 陈剑英
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨人工补片在腹部恶性肿瘤手术中修复腹部缺损的远期疗效。方法将38例行外科手术治疗的腹部恶性肿瘤患者根据腹部缺损修补方法不同分为2组:观察组19例采用人工补片修补腹部缺损,对照组19例采用拉拢缝合皮肤与皮下组织修补腹部缺损。随访1~8年,比较2组的远期疗效,包括术后腹部疝、肠梗阻发生情况及肿瘤复发再次开腹手术情况。结果观察组术后腹部疝发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.05),肠梗阻发生率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。2组再次开腹手术治疗率比较差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05),因肿瘤复发观察组有4例再次开腹手术治疗,术中发现肠粘连现象较为严重,导致入腹操作难度加大,对照组有3例再次行开腹手术治疗,术中发现肠粘连现象不明显,入腹手术操作顺利。结论腹部恶性肿瘤通过人工补片对腹壁缺损进行修复虽然能够防止腹壁疝的出现,然而会加剧肠粘连复发率,且会加大再次手术的难度。
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