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亲体的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计125篇,主要集中在水产、渔业、外科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文78篇、专利文献537958篇;相关期刊63种,包括市场研究、中国信用卡、齐鲁渔业等; 亲体的相关文献由297位作者贡献,包括杨家林、童潼、邹杰等。



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论文:537958 占比:99.99%





  • 杨家林
  • 童潼
  • 邹杰
  • 文雪
  • 郑小东
  • 陈四清
  • 张琴
  • 彭慧婧
  • 杨建敏
  • 王志成
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王照欣; 梁萌青; 卫育良; 徐后国
    • 摘要: 大量研究证实,营养是甲壳动物培育与繁殖的关键因素。文章综述了脂肪、蛋白质、维生素、碳水化合物、无机盐等营养物质对甲壳动物亲体繁殖的影响及适宜添加水平,目的是确定各类营养素对甲壳动物亲体性腺成熟、繁殖性能和后代质量的重要作用,为后期研发安全、高效、优质的甲壳动物亲体强化饲料提供参考依据。
    • 赵晓燕; 周萍
    • 摘要: 目的:总结并探讨我院肾移植受体患者围手术期护理干预措施。方法:回顾性分析我院 38 例肾移植受体患者围手术期临床护理记录, 包括术前准备;心理护理;术后护理等。结果:全部 38 例受体患者均康复出院,仅 1 例发生急性排斥反应;术后随访 12-16 月,38 例患 者均存活,术后肾功能恢复良好。结论:科学系统的围手术期护理干预对于促进肾移植受体患者康复起到积极作用,同时提高了肾移植手术 的成功率,值得在临床推广应用。
    • 于建华; 李树国; 常杰; 牛化欣
    • 摘要: n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) has multiple influences on the gonad development,gamete quality,fecundity,fertilization rate,hatching rate and survival rate of larva of fish.For fish,the synthesis of n-3 HUFA needs a series of reaction catalyzed by some enzyme like desaturation and Elovl.Generally,n-3 HUFA in freshwater fish and salmon trout can be synthesised by diet linolenic acid (LAN),but not for seawater fish,they directly intake HUFA from diet.In this review,the synthesis process of n-3 HUFA and its effects on reproductive performance of fish were summarized for providing some references for fatty acid nutrition ofbroodstock of fish and its mechanism.%n-3高不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)对鱼类亲体性腺发育、卵子和精子质量、产卵量、受精率、孵化率、仔鱼成活率和质量有重要影响.鱼类体内在一系列去饱和酶和延长酶作用下合成n-3HUFA,淡水鱼类和鲑鳟科鱼类一般从饲料中摄取亚麻酸用于合成n-3 HUFA,而海水鱼类需要从饲料中直接摄取n-3 HUFA.本文综述了鱼体内n-3 HUFA合成路径及其对亲鱼繁殖性能的影响,同时对n-3 HUFA天然来源和替代来源进行了阐述,以期为鱼类亲体的脂肪酸营养和机制方面研究提供一定的参考.
    • 卢梅; 龙永锦
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨2例亲体肝移植围手术期护理的方法及效果.方法 2例进行亲体肝移植手术治疗患者,均采取围手术期个性化护理,观察其效果.结果 2例患者手术均成功,无并发症发生.第1例患者平均出院时间为(19.0±0.2)d,第2例患者平均出院时间为(25.1±0.1)d.结论 亲体肝移植手术涉及供体和受体的风险,还要经过伦理委员会的严格讨论通过,手术难度很大,围手术期的健康宣教、心理护理显得尤为重要,护士要有丰富的理论知识和良好的沟通能力,才能达到手术成功的目的.
    • 常梅
    • 摘要: 11月28日,山东省慈善总会2017年度贫困尿毒症患者亲体肾移植慈善救助项目救助金发放仪式在济南军区总医院举行,济南军区总医院领导和省慈善总会相关负责人等出席仪式。救助金发放仪式现场共为2016-2017年度在济南军区总医院实施亲体肾移植手术的62名贫困尿毒症患者代表发放救助金共计62万元。
    • 钱耀森; 姜典航; 郑小东; 孟凡玉; 朱骞; 张庆起
    • 摘要: 通过捕获野生短蛸亲体,进行室内水泥池的苗种繁育和养殖研究.试验结果表明,4月份在海州湾附近海域捕获的亲体经过驯化、促熟的过程方可产卵,产卵后雌性亲体具有护卵现象,直至幼体孵化,期间摄食量明显减少.孵化幼体开口饵料可为鲜活卤虫无节幼体、枝角类、桡足类,幼体培育饵料有东方新糠虾、东方对虾、菲律宾蛤仔稚贝、光滑河蓝蛤稚贝,养成期间投喂饵料种类主要为鲜活的小型蟹、虾、双壳类和螺类等,饵料偏好性顺序为:蟹类>虾>双壳类>螺类.
    • 苏宁
    • 摘要: 10月24日是港珠澳大桥正式开通运营的第一天,当然也是三地媒体记者的“大日子”。上午8点刚过,澳门口岸离境大厅门口就守候着不少本地和香港、广东等外地赶来的媒体。虽然大厅9点才会开门放人进入,但门外已经排起了几十人的队伍,排在第一名的那位程先生是澳门人,特地赶来体验“合作查验,一次放行”的珠澳新通关模式。9时整,离境大厅的多扇大门同时开启,媒体记者和过关的民众一涌而入,有人为了“抢头香”甚至一路小跑。我们随着人流按照十分清晰的指引,经过安检、查验证件过关,就来到了穿梭巴士的售票处,大厅门外路边已经停好了几辆金色的穿梭巴士,头辆车头还披上了“港珠澳大桥穿梭巴士劳动首发班车”的红色横幅。乘客们纷纷地开启自拍互拍模式,记录下这特殊的时刻。
    • 彭士明; 李云莉; 施兆鸿; 高权新; 张晨捷; 王建钢
    • 摘要: Fatty acids,especially essential fatty acids,play an important role in the regulation of reproductive performance in marine fish.The importance of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA),especially 22:6n-3 (DHA),20:5n-3 (EPA)and 20:4n-6 (ARA),in broodstock nutrition has attracted attention in the last two decades.It has been well documented that dietary essential fatty acid is a nutritional factor that greatly affects spawning performance,egg and larval quality of fish.Lipids are utilized as energy sources throughout embryogenesis,and particularly in the later stages of development prior to hatching.EPA and DHA are the major fatty acids in the total lipid of eggs of most fish and these fatty acids markedly influence the reproductive parameters.DHA,especially abundant in retina and brain,has a particularly important role in maintaining the structure and function of the cell membranes of these tissues.In addition,as a major fatty acid in phosphatidylinositol and precursor of prostaglandin, ARA stimulates ovarian and testicular steroidogenesis and is assumed to be involved in embryonic development of the immune system,hatching and early larval performance.Reported studies on essential fatty acids in marine fish broodstock mainly cover four fields:(1 )Requirements.Fat provides energy and essential fatty acids for the growth of marine fishes and play critical roles in marine fish nutrition.n-3 LC-PUFA are essential fatty acids.It is typically recognized that marine fishes have a limited ability to convert shorter chain and less unsaturated fatty acids into n-3 LC-PUFA.Therefore,adequate amounts of n-3 LC-PUFA must be supplied through the diet to ensure normal growth and development.Studies on some marine fish species have shown that different fishes require different levels of n-3 LC-PUFA,and also extremely high or low levels of dietary n-3 LC-PUFA are not conducive to the normal growth and development.Hence,the provision of appropriate amounts of dietary n-3 LC-PUFA is essential.On the other hand,little attention has been given to n-6 LC-PUFA in spite of evidence in the literature suggesting its potential importance in reproduction;(2 )Reproductive performance.Dietary LC-PUFA content greatly affects egg and larval quality.In general,low LC-PUFA levels in broodstock diets decrease egg quality.However,some authors have identified negative effects of excess LC-PUFA on egg quality.To obtain LC-PUFA levels suitable for developing formulated broodstock diet,it is necessary to determine the ways in which the egg changes with the increasing levels of dietary LC-PUFA;(3 )Body fatty acids storage.Numerous earlier reports on different species of finfish have evidenced that the fatty acid compositions of tissue lipids were closely related to dietary fatty acids input.DHA was selectively deposited and retained,as ovary DHA concentrations were always higher than diet concentrations,suggesting that DHA had higher nutritional value and contributed more to the species reproduction than EPA or ARA;(4 ) Endocrine regulation.The importance of LC-PUFAs,especially n-3 LC-PUFAs,in broodstock nutrition has been extensively studied.While most studies have focused on the effects of diet on body composition,growth performance,egg quality and larval survival rate,few studies have investigated the effects of nutrients on hormone synthesis during gonadogenesis.Pituitary gonadotropin hormone (GtH),follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)and luteinizing hormone (LH)are involved in gametogenesis and sexual maturation in teleosts.In salmonid fish, FSH is primarily involved in vitellogenesis and spermatogenesis, whereas LH triggers maturation,ovulation,and spermiation.In response to GtH,cholesterol is converted into testosterone (T) and 17β-estradiol (E2 ). E2 stimulates hepatic vitellogenin synthesis, which is essential in oocyte development.In rainbow trout,FSH levels increase during vitellogenesis and decrease during final maturation concomitant with increasing LH levels.Sex steroid hormones play important roles in vertebrate reproduction. In several teleost species,E2 and T produced in gonadal tissues under the control of GtH,are essential in gametogenesis.Fatty acids (especially PUFAs ) are cell signaling molecules,structural compounds and energy sources.PUFAs are crucial for mediating immunological,metabolic,and endocrine signals within the uterine-fetal-placental unit.PUFAs are precursors of cell signaling molecules,and there is evidence that they regulate membrane signal transduction pathways and steroid hormone action,by modulating the binding of estrogen,progesterone, and glucocorticoids to their intracellular receptors. Therefore, PUFAs act as endogenous modulators of key enzymes involved in steroid metabolism.Previous studies on fish reproduction have focused on lipids as energy sources,but their roles in other physiological processes have been overlooked in spite of the fact that PUFAs and their metabolites produced from cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase have modulatory effects on steroid metabolism,which in turn control ovulation,steroidogenesis and fecundity rates. This paper reviewed the research on essential fatty acids in marine fish broodstock in the above four fields, especially made a comprehensive analysis on endocrine regulation of essential fatty acids,and proposed suggestions for further research on essential fatty acids in marine fish broodstock.%脂肪酸营养特别是其中的必需脂肪酸在海水鱼类生殖调控方面具有重要的生理作用.饲料中二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)以及花生四烯酸(ARA)含量在调控海水鱼类性腺发育、排卵、孵化率及仔鱼质量等方面作用显著.本文主要从必需脂肪酸需求量、对繁殖性能影响、对机体脂肪酸存储影响及对内分泌调控作用4个方面归纳总结了海水鱼类亲体脂肪酸营养的研究概况,并重点分析探讨了在内分泌调控方面的研究进展,同时对后续的研究重点提出了一些建议.
    • 杨程; 富裕; 朱卫东; 申屠基康; 斯烈钢; 王志铮
    • 摘要: 随机选取养殖于四明山脉溪流区的棘胸蛙3年龄同生群人工养成群体中的雌、雄亲体各84只作为研究材料,采用聚类分析、主成分分析和判别分析方法研究了棘胸蛙同生群两性亲体间的形质差异.结果表明:(1)在所涉20项生物学测定指标和25项形质评价指标中,两性亲体间具显著差异的分别为17项和16项,两者基于形质评价指标均值计算所得的欧氏距离为0.305 (P<0.01);(2)经主成分分析,提取到的5个特征值均大于1的主成分,累计贡献率达80.841%,其中第一主成分可归为与脏器质量配置相关的能量代谢因子,第二主成分可归为以头宽和吻长为代表的与口腔空间大小有关的食物吞咽因子,后三个主成分可归为以足肢比和眼间距为代表的与寻食、跳跃和抱食能力相关的捕食功能因子;(3)采用逐步判别法,以判别贡献率较大的L1(前足长/前肢长)、L5(吻长/肩宽)、L7(眼间距/头宽)、W2(胃质量/心质量)、W4(肺质量/心质量)、W6(性腺质量/心质量)为自变量,所建Fisher分类函数方程组可较清晰地区分棘胸蛙两性亲体,雌、雄亲体判别准确率P1、P2分别为84.52%、83.53%和83.33%、84.34%,综合判别率为83.93%.
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