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颈椎病,椎动脉型的相关文献在1999年到2018年内共计66篇,主要集中在中国医学、外科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文64篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献988853篇;相关期刊20种,包括河北中医、上海针灸杂志、中国针灸等; 相关会议2种,包括全国第16届针灸临床学术研讨会、全国第11届耳穴诊治学术研讨会、当代临床治验论坛暨中西部十省区学术研讨会、第五次全国中西医结合骨伤科学术交流会等;颈椎病,椎动脉型的相关文献由170位作者贡献,包括邓强、宋敏、尤从新等。



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  • 邓强
  • 宋敏
  • 尤从新
  • 李盛华
  • 袁涛
  • 金钰钧
  • 何凤玲
  • 余刚
  • 吴燕
  • 唐治霞
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 马文慧1; 周钰1; 牛相来1; 景福权1
    • 摘要: 目的:观察龙氏正骨手法结合小针刀治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法:将椎动脉型颈椎病患者86例按就诊顺序随机分为对照组42例采用常规针灸疗法,治疗组采用龙氏正骨手法结合小针刀治疗。2个疗程后观察2组患者颈椎病临床评价量表(CASCS)评分及临床疗效。结果:治疗组CASCS评分为(66.3±7.8)分,高于对照组的(42.7±5.4)分,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);总有效率治疗组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:龙氏正骨手法结合小针刀治疗椎动脉型颈椎病疗效优于常规针灸方法。
    • 马文慧; 周钰; 牛相来; 景福权
    • 摘要: Objective: To observe clinical effects of Long's bone-setting manipulation jointed with small needle knife in treating vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis.Methods:All 86 patients were separated into 42 cases of the control group,who accepted routine needling,and 44 cases of the treatment group,who received Long's bone-setting manipulation and small needle knife.Clinical effects and CASCS scores of both groups were observed after two courses. Results: CASCS scores of the treatment group were (66.3 ±7.8) points, higher than (42.7 ±5.4) points of the control group,and there was a signficant difference(P<0.05);the treatment group was higher than the control group in total effective rate,and the difference showed statistical meaning (P<0.05).Conclusion:Curative effects of Long's bone-setting manipulation jointed with small needle knife are superior to these of conventional moxibustion method in treating vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis.%目的:观察龙氏正骨手法结合小针刀治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床疗效.方法:将椎动脉型颈椎病患者86例按就诊顺序随机分为对照组42例采用常规针灸疗法,治疗组采用龙氏正骨手法结合小针刀治疗.2个疗程后观察2组患者颈椎病临床评价量表(CASCS)评分及临床疗效.结果:治疗组CASCS评分为(66.3±7.8)分,高于对照组的(42.7±5.4)分,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);总有效率治疗组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:龙氏正骨手法结合小针刀治疗椎动脉型颈椎病疗效优于常规针灸方法.
    • 李亚军1; 李盛华2; 吴锦秋2; 周明旺2; 宋渊2
    • 摘要: 从椎动脉型颈椎病发病机制、传统毫针刺法、针刀松解疗法及密集型内热针疗法4方面入手探讨中医针刺与松解术治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的常用方法,并提出存在的问题与展望,为临床与科研提供理论依据。
    • 李亚军; 李盛华; 吴锦秋; 周明旺; 宋渊
    • 摘要: 从椎动脉型颈椎病发病机制、传统毫针刺法、针刀松解疗法及密集型内热针疗法4方面入手探讨中医针刺与松解术治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的常用方法,并提出存在的问题与展望,为临床与科研提供理论依据.%The common methods of TCM needling and lysis in treating cervical spondylotic arteriopathy (CSA)were discussed from four aspects:the nosogenesis of CSA,traditional filiform needling,needle knife lysis and intensive internal thermal needling therapy,the existing problems and outlook were raised to provide theoretical evi-dence for clinical work and scientific research.
    • 沈亚琴; 吴艳华; 刘燕青
    • 摘要: 目的 观察水针联合温胆汤治疗风痰瘀阻型颈性眩晕的临床疗效.方法 将60例风痰瘀阻型颈性眩晕患者随机分为对照组和治疗组,每组30例,对照组给予甲磺酸倍他司汀片治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗基础上予以水针联合温胆汤治疗,14 d为1个疗程.2个疗程后观察两组颈性眩晕症状改善的情况.结果 治疗组总有效率为90.0%,对照组总有效率为73.3%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组治疗后血脂水平、血液流变学、双侧椎动脉(VA)与基底动脉(BA)平均血流速度均优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 在口服甲磺酸倍他司汀片基础上,水针联合温胆汤治疗风痰瘀阻型颈性眩晕具有较好的临床疗效.%Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of acupuncture point injection plus Wen Dan decoction in treating cervical vertigo of wind-phlegm stagnation type. Method Sixty patients with cervical vertigo of wind-phlegm stagnation type were randomized to treatment and control groups, 30 cases each. The control group was treated with Betahistine mesilate tablets and the treatment group, acupuncture point injection plus Wen Dan decoction in addition. One course of treatment consisted of 14 days. The effects on cervical vertigo were evaluated after two courses of treatment. Result The total efficacy rate was 90.0% in the treatment group and 73.3% in the control group; there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Blood lipid levels, hemorheological indicators, and bilateral vertebral artery (VA) and basilar artery (BA) mean flow velocity were better in the treatment group than in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Acupuncture point injection plus Wen Dan decoction based on Betahistine mesilate tablets has clinically a better therapeutic effect on cervical vertigo of wind-phlegm stagnation type.
    • 江洋; 沈康; 季进峰; 朱丽; 王俊; 沈月红
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of knife needle microinvasive operation for cervical spondylotic arteriopathy. Method Sixty patients with cervical spondylotic arteriopathy were randomized, in order of admission times, to observation and control groups, 30 cases each. The observation group received three-step knife needle microinvasive operation and the control group, single suboccipital deltoid muscle lysis. The therapeutic effects were compared between the two groups of patients. Result In the two groups of patients the score changed significantly at the end of and three months after treatment compared with before and had a tendency towards gradual increase (P<0.05). The score difference values between pre-treatment and post-treatment and between post-treatment and three-month follow-up were significantly higher in the observation group than in the control group (P<0.05). Repeated measurement analysis integrogram showed significant differences in the scores between the two groups. The total efficacy rate was significantly higher in the observation group (96.7%) than in the control group (76.7%) (P<0.05). Conclusion Knife needle microinvasive operation has clinically a marked therapeutic effect on cervical spondylotic arteriopathy.%目的 观察刃针微创术治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床效果.方法 将60例椎动脉型颈椎病患者,按照患者入院时间顺序随机分为观察组和对照组,每组30例.观察组患者使用刃针微创术三步法进行治疗,对照组使用松解枕下三角肌群的单一法进行治疗,比较两组患者的疗效.结果 两组患者治疗后、治疗后3个月积分较治疗前有明显变化,呈现逐渐升高的趋势(P<0.05);同一时间,观察组积分上升幅度明显高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组治疗前后积分差值、3个月后随访与治疗后积分差值明显高于对照组(P<0.05),重复测量分析积分图显示两组积分情况差异明显;观察组临床总有效率(96.7%)明显高于对照组(76.7%)(P<0.05).结论 刃针微创术治疗椎动脉型颈椎病临床疗效显著.
    • 余乐; 王丽; 周仲瑜
    • 摘要: 目的 观察针刺风池、后溪配合夹脊穴对椎动脉型颈椎病患者椎-基底动脉血供异常的影响.方法 对40例椎动脉型颈椎病患者采用针刺治疗,取风池、后溪穴配合颈夹脊穴,采用常规针刺,治疗前行经颅多普勒超声检查,治疗1周后再观察患者血流动力学变化及患者眩晕症状的缓解情况,并判断临床疗效.结果 患者治疗后基底动脉(BA)血流及双侧椎动脉(VA)的收缩期峰流(Vs)、平均峰流(Vm)较治疗前明显升高,血管搏动指数(PI)及阻力指数(RI)显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);患者经过治疗后,眩晕、头痛、颈肩痛等症状明显得到缓解,症状评分较治疗前明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 针刺风池、后溪配合颈夹脊穴可改善椎动脉型颈椎病患者血流动力学相关指标,有效缓解患者颈部眩晕症状.
    • 徐玉欣; 胡劲涛; 罗华送
    • 摘要: 目的:观察平衡复位正骨手法对椎动脉型颈椎病(CSA)患者血流速度及脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)的影响,探讨其治疗CSA的作用机制.方法:将70例CSA患者按随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组35例.2组均予盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊,10 mg/次,1次/d,观察组予平衡复位正骨手法,对照组予常规手法.2组均隔天治疗1次,连续治疗2周.采用超声多普勒(TCD)测定平均血流速度,诱发电位仪检测BAEP.结果:2组治疗后双侧椎动脉(VA)、基底动脉(BA)以及双侧大脑后动脉(PCA)平均血流速度(Vm)较治疗前升高,Ⅴ波波峰潜伏期(PL)及Ⅰ—Ⅲ波、Ⅲ—Ⅴ波的峰间值(IPL)较治疗前缩短,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);组间治疗后比较,观察组的改善更明显,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:平衡复位正骨手法治疗CSA疗效肯定,作用机制可能是改善椎基底动脉系统血液循环和脑干神经传导功能.
    • 陈文; 赵继荣; 邓强; 史文宇; 杨镇源; 贾茂林
    • 摘要: 目的:观察可调式中药熥敷保健颈托配合脊柱调衡手法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床疗效.方法:将椎动脉型颈椎病患者90例随机分为A、B、C3组,每组30例,3组患者分别用可调式中药熥敦保健颈托、脊柱调衡手法及两种方式联合应用治疗,比较3组的治愈率及血流速度.结果:总有效率B组为96.7%,与A组和C组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组颈椎内椎动脉血流量增加优于其他2组.结论:可调式中药熥敷保健颈托配合脊柱调衡手法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病较单纯应用中药熥敷保健颈托及脊柱调衡手法治疗效果更佳.%Objective:To observe clinical effects of adjustable herbal hot compress cervical collar combined with spinal manipulation in treating vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis (CS).Methods:Ninety CS patients were randomized into three groups:A,B and C,30 cases each group,the patients in three groups were treated with adjustable herbal hot compress cervical collar,spinal manipulation,and the combination of both,cure rate and blood flow rate of three groups were compared.Results:Total effective rate of group B was 96.7%,the difference had statistical meaning when group B was compared with group A and C (P<0.05).Vertebral artery blood flow increase of group B was superior to these of other two groups.Conclusion:Therapeutic effects of adjustable herbal hot compress cervical collar combined with spinal manipulation are better than the effects of only adjustable herbal hot compress cervical collar or only spinal manipulation in treating vertebral artery type of CS.
    • 李中锋; 邓强; 张彦军; 赵宁; 陈文; 杨德龙; 韩宪富
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨颈眩二号方联合旋提手法及颈三针治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床疗效.方法:将60例患者随机分为对照组、观察组各30例,对照组采用颈椎牵引法治疗,观察组采用颈眩二号方联合颈椎旋提手法及颈三针治疗,比较2组治疗前后症状积分的变化以及临床疗效.结果:总有效率观察组为93.33%,对照组为70.00%,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).症状积分治疗前后2组组内比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗后组间比较,差异也有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:颈眩二号方联合旋提手法及颈三针治疗椎动脉型颈椎病能明显缓解其临床症状,疗效显著.%Objective:To discuss clinical effects of JingXuan prescription No.2,spin manipulation and cervical three needles in treating vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis.Methods:Sixty patients were randomized into the control group and the observation group,30 cases each group,the control group adopted cervical traction,and the observation group were treated by JingXuan prescription No.2,spin manipulation and cervical three needles,clinical effects and the changes of syndrome scales in both groups were compared before and after treating.Results:Total effective rates of the observation group and the control group were 93.33% and 70.00%,and the difference had statistical meaning (P<0.05).The difference had statistical meaning in the comparison of syndrome scales before and after treating within one group (P<0.05).The difference had statistical meaning in the comparison between two groups after treating (P <0.05).Conclusion:JingXuan prescription No.2,spin manipulation and cervical three needles could alleviate clinical symptoms obviously,and gain notable effects.
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