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青玉的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计136篇,主要集中在中国文学、体育、信息与知识传播 等领域,其中期刊论文82篇、专利文献54篇;相关期刊68种,包括法音、世界博览、岭南文史等; 青玉的相关文献由138位作者贡献,包括王忠方、吴刚、徐标等。



论文:82 占比:60.29%


论文:54 占比:39.71%





  • 王忠方
  • 吴刚
  • 徐标
  • 邱卫池
  • 陈亚明
  • 范秀杰
  • 郑铁军
  • 于海燕
  • 刘春阳
  • 叶绪亮
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 薛其勤; 刘永光; 杨园园; 吕金浮; 尼秀媚; 李美芹
    • 摘要: 水果黄瓜新品种'青玉'是以自交系HQ6548为母本,自交系GY4237为父本经杂交而成的一代杂种.该品种植株长势强,早熟,叶片中等,节间稳定,茎粗壮,连续结瓜能力强;瓜长15~17 cm,横径约3 cm,瓜条顺直,口感清脆,瓜色浅绿色,刺瘤稀疏,单瓜质量130~170 g,产量高;抗霜霉病、白粉病和黄瓜花叶病毒病.适宜在山东、河北、河南、海南等四季保护地栽培及山东夏季露天栽培.
    • 臧辰垚
    • 摘要: 颐和园藏清乾隆雕和珅书御制诗青玉板,据《光绪二十八年陈设档》记载,当时名为青玉诗意板2件,存放于颐和园仁寿殿。颐和园仁寿殿,是慈禧和光绪住园期间临朝理政,接受恭贺和接见外国使节的地方,是颐和园最为主要听政建筑。殿中陈设文物多庄重大气、用料名贵、制作考究,并具有一定的政治意义。
    • 曹伟
    • 摘要: 一、创作《静宜》的缘由,我喜爱荷花,敬仰荷花并时常思考着玉石雕刻创作的事.以荷花为题材的创作是我玉石雕刻作品中的特色之一。众所周知,荷花在我国民间有广泛的基础,自古以来流传着“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的美誉:其寓义和象征性是洁白,吉祥,富贵和友谊:其延伸意义是坚贞不渝和怀念等等。我从小跟随父亲在滁州的一家玉石雕刻厂玩耍,耳闻目染玉石雕刻从业者的乐趣和艰辛。受其影响,我爱上了玉雕这一行,一干就是10多年。我小时候经常玩玉石材料,由于看到的多了。听到的更多,久而久之,我对玉石原材料有了感觉。我这件曾经获中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会“天功奖”的《静宜》荷花小台屏,选用的是和田青玉,之所以选择和田青玉是与其颜色和特性有关。
    • 玉学院; 林男
    • 摘要: 苗烈的《知识就是力量》是一个系列作品,目前有1-4号四件作品。其中1号作品《裁纸刀》参与了首届玉学杯玉器鉴赏征文大赛;2号作品是一个青玉《香插》;3-4号作品为青玉与和田白玉子料的《茶刀》。一、1号作品概況1.基本指标:青海青玉、深青色、114×23×16mm、30.2g。2.质地细腻、纯净。
    • 雷晓洁
    • 摘要: 青玉"童子牧牛"摆件(清)长14 cm,宽6.5 cm,高12.5 cm。青玉质,色白中泛青。圆雕一水牛立于水中,侧首垂目,头顶犄角弯曲后盘,纹路清晰细致,嘴中含着硕长的高粱穗,似咀嚼状,一缰绳自牛鼻而出置于牛背,身后的牛尾稍稍上扬,状若轻轻摆动。牛背上一赤足小儿,背负草帽,手持横笛,昂首前眺,满面笑容。
    • 任建红; 施光海; 张锦洪; 袁野; 高孔; 王美丽; 李新岭; 龙楚
    • 摘要: Grayish green nephrite is named for a kind of nephrite belonging to green nephrite type, but with appearance similar to gray nephrite. Although their appearance is similar, the price of grayish green nephrite is much higher than that of gray nephrite. Thus a phenomenon appears that some dealers tell their consumers green nephrite while selling gray nephrite. In addition, some jade materials with such appearance appear in some unearthed jade artifacts, but their types can not be accurately identified. This makes it particularly important to quickly and accurately identify grayish green nephrite and gray nephrite. In this study, representative grayish green nephrite and gray nephrite samples were investigated using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and electron microprobe analysis, and all the characteristics were yielded. By comparing the features between them, it can be found that there is no significant difference in the UV-Vis reflection spectra of both types of samples. However, the differences in the infrared spectra of them are recognizable. In order to explore more effective identification features, the reflection and transmission methods were used to obtain infrared spectra. The infrared spectra of both types of samples were generally the same, with the following distinguishable differences. The peak or shoulder around 1 050 and 1 018 cm-1 and the broad shoulder near 411 cm-1 occur in the reflection spectra of grayish green nephrite which do not appear in those of gray nephrite. The shoulder around 453 cm-1 and the peak near 401 cm-1 exhibit in the transmission spectra of the gray which do not exist in those of the grayish green. The above findings can be used as spectral characteristics to identify grayish green nephrite and gray nephrite. The intensity of the OH stretching vibration bands at 3 674, 3 661 and 3 643 cm-1 after Beer-Lambert Law transformation of the infrared transmission spectra and the Mg and Fe2+ content in the M1 and M3 sites are well correlated. The Mg (M1+M3) # (Mg/ (Mg+Fe2+) in the M1 and M3 sites) ratio calculated by the relationship between the above two can be used to distinguish between grayish green nephrite and gray nephrite using their infrared transmission spectra. Mg (M1+M3) # ratio in grayish green nephrite (0.871~0.892) is smaller than that of gray nephrite (0.927~0.949). Moreover, the result of electron microprobe analysis showed that there are some differences in chemical composition between them. Mg content in grayish green nephrite (4.45~4.53) is less than that of gray nephrite (4.66~4.78), and Fe2+ content in the grayish green (0.28~0.49) is larger than that of the gray (0.10~0.23). However, Mg and Fe2+ content between them are not much different from each other, suggesting that the difference in infrared spectra may be related to the physicochemical conditions during crystallization besides having a certain correlation with the composition (the genetic types of grayish green nephrite and gray nephrite are ultrabasic rock type and dolomitic marble type, respectively). The above infrared spectrum identification features not only have important gemological significance for identification of grayish green nephrite and green nephrite, but also have potential application value for discriminating origin and analyzing occurrence of some ancient jades with the similar appearance to the studied nephrites.%青碧为碧玉系列中外观类似青玉的称呼.二者虽外观相似, 但青碧价格高很多, 故市场上出现了以青玉充青碧售卖的现象.此外, 一些出土玉文物中也出现了这类外观的玉石材质, 但无法准确判别其类型.这使得快速准确鉴别二者有十分重要的意义.采用紫外-可见光谱、傅里叶变换红外光谱和电子探针分析方法, 给出了青碧和青玉样品的谱学特征和矿物的化学组成等特征, 并进行了对比分析.二者在紫外-可见反射光谱上没有明显差异, 然而, 二者的红外光谱特征存在可识别的差异.为了探讨出更有效的鉴别特征, 采用了反射和透射两种方法来获取红外光谱.二者的红外光谱总体上一致, 有以下可区分差异特征:青碧的红外反射光谱中出现了青玉光谱中未出现的1 050和1 018 cm-1附近吸收峰、肩峰及411 cm-1附近宽肩峰;青玉的红外透射光谱中出现了青碧光谱中未出现的453 cm-1附近肩峰和401 cm-1附近吸收峰.以上可作为快速鉴别青碧和青玉的谱学特征标志.红外透射光谱经朗伯-比尔定律 (A=log (1/T)) 转换后, 在3 674, 3 661和3 643 cm-1附近处的OH伸缩振动谱带的强度与M1, M3位的Mg及Fe2+含量有很好的相关性.利用以上二者关系计算的Mg (M1+M3) # (在M1和M3位的Mg/ (Mg+Fe2+)) 值可用于鉴别青碧和青玉.青碧的Mg (M1+M3) #值为0.871~0.892, 小于青玉0.927~0.949.另外, 电子探针分析结果显示青碧和青玉的化学成分存在一定差异:青碧Mg含量 (a.p.f.u) 为4.45~4.53, 比青玉的4.66~4.78小;青碧Fe2+含量为0.28~0.49, 大于青玉的0.10~0.23.但部分青碧和青玉间的Mg和Fe2+含量差异不大, 说明红外光谱差异除了与成分有一定的关联性外, 可能还与结晶时的物理化学条件有关 (青碧和青玉的成因类型分别为超基性岩型和白云质大理岩型).以上红外光谱识别特征不仅在鉴别青碧和青玉上具有重要的宝石学意义, 还在古代玉制品源区的判别、产状分析等方面具有潜在的应用价值.
    • 苏轩
    • 摘要: 香港苏富比2017年秋拍将于9月28日至10月3日在香港会议展览中心挥槌。是次秋拍,搜罗稀世珍品,19个专场涵盖中国瓷器、书画、现当代艺术以及珠宝名表和洋酒等。焦点为来自乐从堂的北宋汝窑天青釉洗,乃私人收藏传世的四件汝窑器之一;御制青玉刻藏文嘎巴拉式盖盒,乃乾隆帝赐予八世达赖喇嘛的巧制之作。
    • 孙黎生
    • 摘要: 乾隆皇帝是中国古代帝王中最为酷爱玉的一位君主,他爱玉,藏玉,研究玉器,还参与玉器制作的部分环节。他的诗文中有玉,日常生活中有玉,赏赐臣下馈赠外国国王的还是玉。他对玉的痴迷,促使"乾隆玉"成为18世纪中国玉的代名词,以至于到现在,只要是留存下来真正的乾隆御制玉器,都是我国古代精工精美玉器的代表。
    • 古禾
    • 摘要: 玉的甲骨文字形是■,即串成一串的玉石,后来因为玉的小篆字形和"王"雷同,才在下面加了一点以示区分。所以,和玉有关的字如环、珏、琼、瑶、珪、玛瑙、珊瑚等左边的王字旁实际上是玉字旁。汉代许慎在《说文解字》中对玉的解释是:"玉,石之美者。"玉以颜色分,有白玉、黄玉、紫玉、墨玉、碧玉、青玉
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