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DSDV的相关文献在2003年到2022年内共计70篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、财政、金融 等领域,其中期刊论文61篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献5篇;相关期刊54种,包括人天科学研究、商场现代化、安阳师范学院学报等; 相关会议4种,包括第三届全国社会计算会议、平行控制会议、平行管理会议、中国通信学会第五届学术年会、2008年OA办公自动化国际学术研讨会等;DSDV的相关文献由142位作者贡献,包括沈洋、赵贤敬、郑宝玉等。



论文:61 占比:87.14%


论文:4 占比:5.71%


论文:5 占比:7.14%





  • 沈洋
  • 赵贤敬
  • 郑宝玉
  • 刘林涛
  • 何海浪
  • 侯玉成
  • 冯维
  • 刘宁
  • 刘晴
  • 吴端坡
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 王哲; 张上
    • 摘要: 针对车辆自组织网络中节点之间连接不稳定、传输信息效率低下、能量消耗过大等方面的问题。通过仿真软件OMNET++进行建模与仿真,对城市中行驶的车辆进行建模,模拟高速公路中汽车在相对平稳道路行驶的情况下使用不同路由协议所产生的效果。选取具有代表性的主动式DSDV路由协议和被动式AODV路由协议。结果表明:在高速公路中,车辆正常变道、加速、减速、驶离的情况下主动式DSDV路由协议的能量消耗高于被动式AODV路由协议,在数据传输的延迟方面,DSDV路由协议相对于AODV有着更低的延迟。因此,在VANET网络中主动式路由协议更有优势。
    • 余瑞; 向郑涛
    • 摘要: 针对车载自组织网络出现的链路不稳定、数据传输效率低、路由表现不理想等问题,使用微观交通仿真工具SUMO与网络仿真模拟器NS3进行联合仿真,研究了高速公路不同交通场景下AODV和DSDV路由协议的性能.结果表明:在不同车辆数和车速下,AODV协议分组投递率和吞吐量优于DSDV协议,平均端到端时延比DS?DV协议要高,但从路由协议整体性能来看,AODV路由协议并不足以适用于车载自组织网络.
    • 龚贻华; 杜华; 李石兵; 钟晓峰
    • 摘要: 针对临时组网通信过程中使用超短波电台作为常用的通信手段,讨论了自组网技术在超短波电台通信网络过程中,组网路由协议在实现高效组网和有效数据传输所起的关键作用.进而设计了一种适用于军事指挥、抗震救灾等野外临时性工作的应用场景,对不同自组网路由协议进行了比较研究,并通过仿真和评估测试路由协议在超短波电台通信网络中负载情况及数据投递情况,从数据投递率和归一化路由负载两方面对路由协议进行了性能比较和分析.实验数据表明,DSR协议的性能表现具有明显的优势,分组投递率高,路由负载较小,比较适合移植到超短波电台通信网络中使用.此外,AODV协议具有较小的路由负载,也可应用于低带宽的超短波电台通信网络.
    • Seemanaaz Sharif Khan1; Sharad Sawant1; 戴佳浩(翻译)2; 陈柱文(审校)2
    • 摘要: 在移动无线网络中,就性能而言,路由协议是很重要的。无线网络中的节点是自管理,它们既可作为系统终端,亦可作为中间系统。移动无线网络的基本问题是连接性以及节点可能移动到另一个节点的范围之外。近些年来,由于这些网络的动态行为给有效地设计路由方案带来巨大挑战,路由受到大家越来越多的关注。在多个路径中,路由总量被分到多个可用的路径。在本文中,我们关注无线网络中的干扰问题,其中源节点以统计组合理论为基础来分配流量。同时我们还研究了无线网络使用的不同路由协议,例如MPDSR、DSR、DSDV、AODV等。
    • 聂婵谕
    • 摘要: Three typical routing protocols of AODV, DSDV and DSR in VANETs were simulated and analyzed. By adjusting the number of nodes, three indicators of average end-to-end delay, normalized routing overhead and delivery ratio of packets were compared for these routing protocols. Network environments suitable for these three protocols were analyzed. Their scalabilities were addressed. Simulation results show that DSDV protocol has worse scalability, while AODV and DSR protocols have better scalabilities.%主要针对VANETs网络中的三个典型路由协议AODV、DSDV、DSR进行了仿真分析,通过改变节点数,对数据分组的平均端到端时延、归一化路由开销和分组递交率这三个重要性能指标做了对比,分析了三种协议适用的网络环境,了解它们的可扩展性,仿真的结果表明DSDV协议可扩展性差,ADOV协议和DSR协议有一定的可扩展性。
    • 郭彦芳
    • 摘要: Aiming at Ad hoc network changing topology and basic ant colony easy to lose multiple solutions,this paper proposes the combining method of ant colony algorithm and DSR,AODV and DSDV,called ant⁃DSR,ant⁃AODV and ant⁃DSDV after improving the next hop node selection.The improved ant colony algorithm is used to find the optimal path.The end to end delay,throughput,routing overhead,and hop count performance parameters are analyzed and compared in such two scenarios as node rate and pause time. The simulation results show that the first routing protocol is more adaptable to the ant colony algorithm to improve performance compared with on⁃demand routing protocols,but it increases routing overhead and requires more calculation to find the optimal path in each node.%针对Ad hoc网络拓扑结构的多变和基本蚁群算法易失去多解的情况,在对算法的节点选择进行改进后,提出把蚁群算法与DSR、AODV和DSDV相结合,即ant⁃DSR、ant⁃AODV和ant⁃DSDV。利用改进的蚁群算法寻找最优路径,在节点速率、停留时间这2种不同场景下分析比较了端到端时延、吞吐量、路由开销和跳数等参数的性能。仿真结果表明,先应式路由协议比按需路由协议在提高性能上更适合于蚁群算法,但却增加了路由开销,并且每个节点产生最优路径时需要更多的计算。
    • Bharath Chandra Mummadisetty; Astha Puri; Shahram Latifi
    • 摘要: Mobile ad hoc networks use many different routing protocols to route data packets among nodes. Various routing protocols have been developed, and their usage depends on the application and network architecture. This study examined several different routing protocols, and evaluated the performance of three: the Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Protocol (AODV), the Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV), and the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). These three protocols were evaluated on a network with nodes ranging from 50 to 300, using performance metrics such as average delay, jitter, normal overhead, packet delivery ratio, and throughput. These performance metrics were measured by changing various parameters of the network: queue length, speed, and the number of source nodes. AODV performed well in high mobility and high density scenarios, whereas DSDV performed well when mobility and the node density were low. DSR performed well in low-mobility scenarios. All the simulations were performed in NS2 simulator.
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