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适温的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计211篇,主要集中在园艺、水产、渔业、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 等领域,其中期刊论文157篇、专利文献64562篇;相关期刊86种,包括致富天地、花木盆景:花卉园艺、花卉等; 适温的相关文献由281位作者贡献,包括史嘉亮、李永刚、林云甲等。



论文:157 占比:0.24%


论文:64562 占比:99.76%





  • 史嘉亮
  • 李永刚
  • 林云甲
  • 阮赞勇
  • 陈圣志
  • 韩学俭
  • 于丽萍
  • 付饶
  • 任熇熇
  • 任锟
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王文渊; 唐鹏程; 雷干农; 李贝晶
    • 摘要: 探究适温螺旋压榨提取橘皮油的生产工艺.以橘皮油产率为考察指标,比较试验橘皮预处理工艺中浸泡液浓度和浸泡时间对橘皮油产率的影响,并在对进料速率、压榨压力、压榨温度与果皮破碎度4个单因素试验的基础上,采用L9(34)正交试验优化橘皮油的提取工艺.结果表明,橘皮用0.7%氯化钙溶液避光浸泡3.5 h后,粉碎至6 mm的粒径,在进料速率1300 g/min、压榨压力4.5 MPa、恒温40°C条件下进行螺旋压榨提取,橘皮油产率达到1.26%.该工艺稳定可靠,是一种高效提取优质橘皮油的好方法.
    • 陈琳; 卢红伶; 王少军; 胡文君; 孙春燕; 王伟; 储开江; 沈国新; 裘晓云
    • 摘要: 香榧原油中含有较多非甘油酯物质,容易氧化而影响储存,需要通过特定的技术精炼后才成为商品.本文研究了5个精炼工序中对香榧油理化性质和脂肪酸组分产生影响的最适温度,以此组合了一套香榧油全程适温精炼工艺.结果表明,精炼各工序的适温为脱胶40°C,脱酸50°C,脱色75°C,脱臭120°C,脱蜡7°C.组合工艺不仅能有效地去除香榧油中的不良成分、产品主要理化指标均符合代表性木本油茶籽油国家质量标准(GB 11765-2003),并能最大程度地保留香榧油原生脂肪酸组分.
    • 翁民钦
    • 摘要: 本文从田块的选择与田间改造、鱼种的放养、日常管理和捕捞上市4个方面介绍了烟后稻冬闲田养鱼关键技术.为提高烟后稻田收入,利用水稻收割后适宜的水温和稻田丰富的天然饵料发展水产养殖,提高农民种养收入,是福建省将乐县农民致富增收的好项目,值得全面推广.
    • 徐志鸿; 朱振华
    • 摘要: 一、种植环境条件:1.温度:温度是影响银杏地理分布和生长发育的主要因素之一。银杏最低可以忍耐-18°C~-20°C的低温,而最适宜的生长适温为16°C。
    • 钱芝龙
    • 摘要: [Objective]Effects of high temperature on seed yield of special tomato were studied to provide basis for breeding, early maturity and high-yield cultivation.[Method]Through cultivating early-middle-late maturity cherry tomato 6 cultivars and little tomato 2 cultivars in open field, seed yield of special tomato at different temperature stage in growth period was analyzed.Effect of high-temperature resistance, and suitable temperature,high temperature on seed yield of special tomato were studied.[Result] 18.5-29.5 °C was the optimum temperature for special tomato flowering and fruit yield.May 21st to June 30th and September 1st to October 10th were the optimum time for special tomato in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Area.Daily maximum temperature was over 29.5 °C from July 21st to August 31st.Seed yield of Zaoshou e1,Zaoshou e2 and Wanshou e3 in this period was of peak yield 5.9%,2.9%,23.0% at the optimum temperature below 29.5 °C.Seed yield of little tomato c2 was 51.1% of peak yield.Another variety did not produced seed in high-temperature period.Seed yield decreased obviously.After high temperature stress,compared with seed yield before August 31st,seed yield of little tomato c1 and little tomato c2 in autumn and winter increased significantly(P<0.01).The ratio of prophase seed yield and anaphase (megathermal period,before November 20th) seed yield of little tomato c1 and little tomato c2 was 31.3∶68.7 and 18.1∶81.9, respectively.[Conclusion]Under high temperature stress,the difference of seed yield for different varieties special tomato was significant.Therefore, temperature should be suitable for special tomato in flowering and fruiting period.%[目的]研究高温胁迫对特种番茄种子产量的影响,为特种番茄专用育种、留制种和丰产栽培提供理论依据.[方法]通过樱桃番茄早、中、晚熟不同基因型6个品种、小番茄2个品种露地栽培,分析生长期各温度阶段种子产量,研究特种番茄耐高温性、适温和高温对特种番茄种子产量影响.[结果]特种番茄开花结果最适宜温度范围在18.5~29.5 °C,长江中下游地区最适宜的时间是5月21日至6月30日和9月1日至10月10日.日最高平均气温29.5 °C以上高温的7月21日至8月31日,樱桃番茄品种早熟e1、早熟e2和晚熟e3种子产量是日最高平均气温29.5 °C以下适温种子产量最高峰段的5.9%、2.9%和23.0%,小番茄c2是51.1%;其他参试品种高温期间种子产量为0.0,种子产量显著和极显著受到抑制.参试品种小番茄c1和小番茄c2夏季高温胁迫后秋冬季种子产量分别较8月31日之前前期种子产量增产达极显著水平(P<0.01),8月31日高温前与高温后至11月20日(4个月)后期种子产量的比值分别为31.3∶68.7 、18.1∶81.9.[结论]高温胁迫条件下,特种番茄不同品种种子产量差异显著.因此,应将特种番茄的开花结果盛期安排在适温范围.
    • 钱芝龙
    • 摘要: [目的]通过辣椒不同基因型品种长季节栽培,研究高温胁迫对辣椒产量影响,为辣椒专用育种和丰产栽培提供理论依据.[方法]本文通过辣椒早、中、晚熟不同基因型4个品种4次重复露地长季节栽培,整个生育期各温度阶段产量研究适温和高温及对辣椒结果和产量影响.[结果]辣椒结果最适宜的时间短,6月16日~7月15日和8月16日~9月15日,适温范围在20.70~30.74°C.日最高平均气温30.74°C以上高温1个月的7月16日至8月15日,辣椒1号和辣椒1-1号产量是日最高平均气温30.74°C以下适温1个月产量最高峰段的38.21%和51.74%,早熟1号和晚熟1号辣椒分别为48.1%和72.38%,产量显著和极显著受到抑制.供试品种夏季高温胁迫后夏秋季产量,辣椒1号、 辣椒1-1号和晚熟1号辣椒较早熟1号辣椒增产达极显著水平(P<0.01),其中辣椒1号和辣椒1-1号7月15日高温前(1个半月)的前期产量与高温至10月15日(3个月)后期产量的百分比分别为42.34:57.66和39.50:60.50,,早熟1号辣椒相应为47.99:52.21,晚熟1号辣椒相应为20.25:79.75.[结论]辣椒不同栽培方式适宜选育专用品种.辣椒栽培应提前育苗,带花蕾壮苗定植,早管早发,把辣椒开花结果的盛期安排在适温范围.%[Objective] The aim was to research effects of high temperature stress on pepper yield by cultivation of peppers in different genotypes and provide theoretical references for pepper breeding and high-yield cultivation. [Method] Four pepper varieties were studied with varied genotypes to explore effects of temperatures on pepper fruiting and yield in the whole growth stage. [Result] The optimal-temperatre term for pepper blooming and fruiting were shorter. For example, the periods from June 16 to July 15 and from August 16 to September 15 would be the best, with temperature ranging from 20.70 °C to 30.74 °C. In the stage from July 16 to August 15, the temperature range of 24.22 °C -32.17 °C would severely affect pepper growth and yield. Pepper No. 1 and pepper No. 1-1's yields were just 38.21% and 51.74% of the yields in the stage 1st and 52.01% and 62.35% in the stage 3rd and early No. 1 and late No. 1 were 48.1% and 72.38%, respectively. Under high temperature stress in summer, pepper No. 1, pepper No. 1-1, and late No. 1 showed extremely significant differences with early No. 1 (P<0.01). The yield ratios of pepper No. 1 and pepper No. 1-1 in stage 1st (May 25-July 15) and the later three stages were 42.34:57.66 and 39.50:60.50; the ratio was 47.99:52.21 of early No. 1;the ratio of late No. 1 was 20.25:79.75. [Conclusion] The cultivation approaches should vary upon pepper variety, necessitating the focus on pepper management,fertilization, and irrigation, and locating peak-blooming term in moderate-temperature stage to accelerate pepper growth.
    • 摘要: 光照-喜阳浇水-较喜水肥料-较喜肥温度-较耐寒[1月~2月]香豌豆的生长适温为12°C~15°C,如果盆栽的健壮苗株摆放居室的窗台或阳台上,在充足的阳光下,就可见到美丽、芳香的花朵。
    • 何永梅
    • 摘要: 一、储藏方法球茎甘蓝既耐运输又耐储藏,秋、冬季采收后可储藏到翌年春季,对调节春淡供应起着一定作用。球茎甘蓝储藏适温为1~3°C。温度越高,越不耐储藏,还易导致球茎老化、生霉腐烂,商品价值降低;温度过低会受冻害。球茎甘蓝在冬季经轻霜后采收,选择充分膨大的球茎去叶进行储藏。
    • 摘要: 为了创造香菜松软舒适的生育环境和有利于生长发育的生活条件,达到适温适湿的管理。进行多次细致地中耕、松土、除草是关键。
    • 李朝义; 任德发
    • 摘要: 水霉病俗称白毛病,是能感染所有水产养殖动物的一种疾病。该病的发生基础条件是鱼体表受伤。流行适温范围为13-18°C。
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