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肩台的相关文献在1994年到2022年内共计103篇,主要集中在口腔科学、基础医学、机械、仪表工业 等领域,其中期刊论文63篇、专利文献40篇;相关期刊44种,包括河北旅游职业学院学报、中国美容医学、广东牙病防治等; 肩台的相关文献由238位作者贡献,包括于海洋、卢静、李小平等。



论文:63 占比:61.17%


论文:40 占比:38.83%





  • 于海洋
  • 卢静
  • 李小平
  • 王胜国
  • 刘洪山
  • 卢普伟
  • 叶宇
  • 张克浩
  • 张联玖
  • 徐杰
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 解东升; 卢海斌; 张磊
    • 摘要: 根据掩护功能不同对护岸允许越浪量进行分类规定是越浪量研究的方向之一,探索最大单波越浪量的量化计算对护岸后方排水设计具有重要参考意义.对国内外常用越浪量控制标准和计算公式进行总结对比,并以沙特海尔港南护岸越浪量计算为例量化探讨肩台宽度和参数相关性对越浪量计算的影响.结果表明,欧洲和美国规范规定的越浪量标准比中国和日本规范规定的越浪量标准严格;设置肩台可以有效降低越浪量计算值,考虑波高和水位的相关性也可以有效降低越浪量计算值;越浪量计算对波高和水位比较敏感,允许越浪量可以采用数量级梯度进行分级;对于允许越浪量要求比较严苛的海外现汇项目,适当考虑肩台和参数相关性对越浪量计算值的降低作用,可以提高承包商设计方案的竞争力.
    • 田斌; 李雨轩; 余娜
    • 摘要: In recent years, ultrasonic instruments have been applied for margin shoulder refining with higher standard raised in fixed prosthesis. It's excellent effects in smoothing margin shoulder complied with the precision trend. While the in vitro research occupied an predominant position in relevant aspects. This article was written to conduct a retrospective analysis and develop future tendency on application of ultrasonic instruments in margin shoulder perfection.%随着固定修复肩台预备要求的不断提高,近年来,超声器械被用于牙体预备肩台的精修中,其良好的肩台光滑效果顺应了口腔固定修复精细化发展的趋势,而超声器械在肩台应用领域的研究目前仍以体外实验为主,本文就国内外超声器械在肩台预备应用中的研究进展进行回顾、分析和展望.
    • 蔡章聪; 李达生; 刘凯; 吕传强; 董海娜
    • 摘要: 明确不同边缘设计的金属烤瓷冠边缘微渗漏情况,探讨边缘设计对粘固后的金属烤瓷冠边缘微渗漏的影响,为临床减少金属烤瓷冠边缘微渗漏提供依据.研究采用Unicem粘接不同边缘设计的金属烤瓷冠,经冷热循环试验,样本浸入2%品红溶液中24 h,体视显微镜下观察剖面牙体粘固剂界面边缘微渗漏状况,并进行分级评估.多个独立样本间比较,3种肩台微渗漏之间有统计学意义(P0.05).实验证明,斜面形肩台设计优于直角肩台和浅凹形肩台设计.
    • 刘锋; 张淑华; 赵红彦; 薛玉文; 葛文艳
    • 摘要: 目的 牙龈炎是固定义齿修复中最常见的病发症,而引起牙龈炎的原因很多.本文旨在为临床固定义齿修复提供借鉴及为固定义齿修复后引起的牙龈炎治疗有所帮助.方法 调查本院278例固定义齿修复后并发牙龈炎病例,按病因分组对照、治疗.结果 肩台与冠边缘密合性差最易引起牙龈炎,其中又以龈下肩台过大牙龈增生最明显,其次是固定桥基底部牙龈炎,出现牙龈炎后常需重做.结论 固定义齿修复后牙龈炎以冠·与肩台不密合常见,部分保守治疗有效,多数需要义齿重做.
    • 张淑美; 姚江武
    • 摘要: Objective:To assess the differences of preparations in pre⁃clinical dental students before and after the comprehensive tooth preparation training through the PrepCheck 20 ( CEREC® ) software of the computer aided design ( CAD) . Methods:Forty junior dental students were randomly selected for participating the 14 days preclinical tooth prepara⁃tion training which contained the studies of a 3D video of tooth preparation,the application of the CAD system(SW 44,Prep⁃Check 20). Each student was required to prepare 2 teeth before and after training,respectively. The rates of overlap between the experimental tooth preparations and the master mold,including the shoulder and morphology,were calculated by the Prep⁃Check 20 software. The differences were compared between the rates of overlap in tooth preparation before and after training, respectively. Results:There was significant improvement after training in the rates of overlap between the prepared shoulder and the pre⁃defined shoulder,experimental preparation and the master preparation(P<005). Conclusion:The courses of pre⁃clini⁃cal comprehensive training can effectively improve the student’ s tooth preparation skill,and the quality of tooth preparations.%目的:通过计算机辅助设计( computer aided design,CAD)系统中的牙体预备评估软件PrepCheck 20(CEREC®)获取上颌前牙全瓷冠预备体肩台与预设肩台的重合率以及预备体与标准预备体的总体重合率,以评估临床前期牙体预备综合性培训前后学生牙体预备质量的变化。方法:随机选择口腔医学专业大学三年级上学期学生40名,进行临床前期牙体预备培训,课程共计14 d,内容包括牙体预备3D视频和CAD系统( SW 44,PrepCheck 20)的运用。培训前后每位学生各预备2颗预备体。通过评估软件PrepCheck 20测量预备体的肩台重合率和预备体与标准预备体的总体重合率,分析两者培训前和培训后的差异。结果:培训后的预备体的肩台重合率和总体重合率均优于培训前(P<005)。结论:临床前期牙体预备的综合性培训课程能有效提高学生的牙体预备技能。
    • 王之铭; 郭靖; 赵彤; 李鸿波
    • 摘要: 目的:研究不同边缘设计对钻铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠边缘微渗漏的影响.方法:选取32颗下颌离体磨牙,随机分为4组,分别按改良直角型(A组)、斜面型(B组)、浅凹型(C组)、平面对接型(D组)四种边缘设计进行髓腔固位冠修复基牙预备.SLM方法制作钴铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠内冠、常规上瓷,采用Multilink N高强度树脂粘接剂粘接.经5000次冷热循环后浸泡在2%碱性品红溶液下24小时.沿颊舌向将离体牙均匀四等分片切,NIKON SMZ1500体式显微镜下观察修复体边缘剖面染料渗透情况,分级评估,对各组微渗漏等级指标进行单因素方差分析及Duncan多重比较.结果:边缘微渗漏等级平均值C组<B组<A组<D组,各边缘设计对边缘微渗漏的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:对于钴铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠,选择浅凹型边缘设计更有利于减少微渗漏的发生.
    • 刘思言; 牟雁东
    • 摘要: 目的:评价选择性双线排龈技术在前牙全瓷冠修复中的临床应用效果。方法选择126例门诊患者258颗前牙行全瓷冠修复,简单随机法分为两组各63例,试验组130颗基牙采用选择性双线排龈技术排龈,对照组128颗采用单线排龈技术排龈,评价牙龈止血效果满意率、预备体边缘和肩台暴露、游离龈与牙面分离满意率。结果选择性双线排龈技术的牙龈止血效果满意率、预备体边缘和肩台暴露、游离龈与牙面分离满意率分别为96.92%、96.15%及95.38%,明显高于单线排龈技术的83.59%、82.03%及81.25%。差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论在前牙全瓷冠修复中,选择性双线排龈技术有很好的临床应用效果。%Objective To evaluate the clinical application effect of selective double gingival retraction technique for anterior all-ceramic crown prosthesis .Methods Two hundred and fifty-eight anterior all-ceramic crowns from 126 patients were randomly divid-ed into experimental or control groups ,63 cases in each group.Selective gingival retraction technique was used in the experimental group (130 teeth) while singlet gingival retraction technique was used in the control group (128 teeth).The effect on satisfaction rates of gingival hemostasis ,prepared teeth margins and shoulder exposure ,and satisfaction rates of separation of free gingiva and tooth sur-face were evaluated .Results The rates of satisfaction of gingival hemostasis ,prepared teeth margins and shoulder exposure and separa-tion of free gingiva and tooth surface in the selective double gingival retraction group were 96.92%,96.15%and 95.38%,respective-ly,that were significantly higher than that with singlet gingival retraction technique (83.59%,82.03%and 81.25%,respectively) (P<0.05 ) .Conclusion Selective double gingival retraction technique is an effective method for anterior all -ceramic crown prosthesis .
    • 李学盛; 郭靖; 王潇宇; 赵彤; 李鸿波
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨钴铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠内冠边缘设计对适合性的影响.方法:根据磨牙平均解剖数据建立材料学研究简化模型,制作不同边缘设计的钴铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠,即对接型、直角型、凹面型、135°边缘设计,每组试件各8个.采用硅橡胶印模复制法在体式显微镜下测量记录内冠和基牙间各部位间隙的大小,然后对各组不同部位的间隙大小之间的差异采用单因素方差统计分析,得出内冠适合性最佳的边缘设计.结果:4组不同边缘设计的钴铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠内冠各部位适合性的平均值分别为53.76±23.42μm、59.18±16.33μm、61.19±25.43μm、60.82±30.72μm,经方差分析,无统计学差异(P>0.05).在边缘间隙处,4种边缘设计的适合性的平均值分别为66.41±18.19μm、56.60±14.95μm、74.62±18.55μm、58.08±13.53μm,经方差分析,直角型与凹面型、凹面型与135°之间有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论:不同边缘设计可以影响钴铬合金烤瓷髓腔固位冠内冠的适合性,直角型边缘设计的边缘适合性最好,平面对接式设计的整体适合性最佳.
    • 冯传翠; 张晓明
    • 摘要: 270 patients underwent single crown prosthodontics were randomly divided into 3 groups(n =90)and received gingival retraction with single-cord,double-cord and gingival retraction paste respectively.The prosthesis quality of the 3 groups was not statistically significant (P =3.209).The patient satisfaction was more and the gingival retraction time of the paste group was shorter than those of the cord groups(P<0.05).%为对比临床常用3种排龈方法的排龈效果,将270例需预备龈下肩台的单冠修复者随机分成3组(n =90),在制取印模前分别进行单线法、双线法及排龈膏法排龈,随后从印模、模型质量,牙龈出血、患者主观感觉及排龈时间方面,综合评价三者的优劣。三者在修复体质量方面无统计学差异(P =3.209),在排龈时间及患者满意度方面,排龈膏组优于排龈线组(P <0.05)。
    • 安晓飞; 董菲; 牛光良; 姜婷
    • 摘要: 目的:初步调查成人恒牙全冠预备体肩台周径,便于在全冠预备采取印模前准确裁取排龈线长度进行排龈操作,并对预成冠的制作及为CAD/CAM数字化修复的数据库提供数据支持.方法:收集全冠预备后的合格工作模型,对除第三磨牙之外的所有牙位的全冠预备体终止线(肩台)的外缘用0号缝合丝线和游标卡尺进行周径测量.对左右侧对称牙位、男女之间相同牙位、及不同牙位之间的周径之差进行统计学分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果:获得了全牙列每牙位30颗共计840颗牙的全冠预备体肩台周径值.其中,左右侧对称牙位之间的周径差异无统计学意义P>0.05,男、女性之间上颌中切牙、侧切牙、第二前磨牙、和下颌第一磨牙之间差异有统计学意义P<0.05,各个牙位之间差异有统计学意义P<0.05.结论:本研究初步获得了除第三磨牙外全牙列所有牙位(每个牙位平均30颗牙)的全冠预备体肩台周径值,为临床上精确裁取排龈线长度和需要肩台周径的数字化数据库提供了参考数值.%Objective:To investigate the length of finishing line of human abutment permanent teeth for full crown restoration for accurate gingival retraction cords and CAD/CAM crown fabrication.Methods:840 clear working models for full crown restoration were collected,and the outside margin of cervical finishing line of all prepared teeth were measured with thin silk thread and vernier caliper.The mean values of each tooth were recorded and the differences of mean values of teeth among genders,left and right sides,upper and lower teeth,and locations of teeth were analyzed with an independentsamples T test.Results:The length of finishing line of all prepared abutment teeth (30 teeth at each location and totally 840 teeth) were obtained.There were no significant differences in the mean lengths between right and left sides of symmetric teeth,and between male and female (P>0.05),and there were no significant difference between upper and lower teeth (P<0.05) except of maxillary incisor teeth,maxillary first premolar,and mandibular first molar(P<0.05.Conclusion:The lengths of finishing line of prepared abutment teeth for full crown restoration were investigated,and can be a valuable reference for accurate gingival retraction cords and CAD/CAM crown fabrication.
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