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瞬变电磁场的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计138篇,主要集中在电工技术、物理学、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文81篇、会议论文15篇、专利文献204501篇;相关期刊46种,包括中国高新技术企业、吉林大学学报(地球科学版)、地球物理学报等; 相关会议12种,包括2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会、煤矿采空区地球物理勘查技术暨第五届工程物探疑难问题研讨会、中国地球物理学会第二十七届年会等;瞬变电磁场的相关文献由178位作者贡献,包括姚利军、沈涛、黄建领等。



论文:81 占比:0.04%


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  • 姚利军
  • 沈涛
  • 黄建领
  • 陈明生
  • 薛国强
  • 李貅
  • 闫述
  • 周楠楠
  • 岳建华
  • 石显新
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 樊亚楠; 李貅; 戚志鹏; 鲁凯亮
    • 摘要: 依据瞬变电磁扩散场与虚拟波动场之间的数学表达式,通过波场反变换得到虚拟波场,进而借用地震勘探上成熟的成像方法定位地质界面的位置以及形态.本文首先将时间域波动方程转换为频率域波动方程,将总波动场分为背景场和散射场、总波速分为背景速度和扰动速度,然后运用Green定理得到了散射场关于地质界面速度扰动量的表达式,并使用Born近似算法将积分方程线性化,最后通过傅里叶变换可以快速得到电性界面速度扰动量的值.通过分析阶跃函数与Delta函数在不同频带下的形态,可知Delta函数几乎不受频带的影响,因此对速度扰动量求一阶导数即可得到不受频带影响的反射率函数,从而实现对地下电性界面准确定位的目的.由散射序列的表达式可知,Born近似算法仅保留了散射序列中的第一项,丢失了部分有用信息,无法对地下电性界面准确成像.因此本文根据各项间的递推关系,保留了散射序列的前两项,推导出了二阶Born近似的表达式.通过研究电阻率变化、层厚变化对成像精度的影响,本文发现二阶Born近似算法比常规的Born近似成像方法有更高的分辨率.通过对二维模型、三维低阻薄板模型的计算可知,相比于Born近似算法,二阶Born近似算法能对地下电性界面的位置以及异常体的形态准确定位、快速成像,具有较好的效果.
    • 韩阳; 李文尧; 马松; 隆季原
    • 摘要: 在瞬变电磁法观测系统中,使用接收线圈的观测电位近似代替地质体的感应电位时常会产生误差,导致反演和推断解释结果不可靠。通过对瞬变电磁中心回线接收线圈等效电路的深入分析,将地质体的感应电位近似为接收线圈内阻电位、电感电位、匹配电阻电位(观测电位)之和。基于球状地质体中心回线瞬变电磁场表达式,通过公式推导,采用曲线拟合的方法,提出了球状地质体接收线圈观测电位改正方法,并对该改正方法进行了有效性及稳定性分析,结果表明:改正方法有效且稳定,改正后的电位与理论电位误差小于5%。
    • 程久龙; 黄少华; 温来福; 董毅; 王浩宇
    • 摘要: 研究瞬变电磁场中的电性各向异性问题,可以为各向异性条件下的地下全空间瞬变电磁法资料处理解释工作提供理论指导,对提高瞬变电磁法探测精度具有重要意义.为了研究矿井全空间条件下主轴各向异性介质的瞬变电磁场响应特征,采用改进的交错网格有限差分方法实现了主轴各向异性介质的瞬变电磁场三维正演.将电导率张量加入麦克斯韦方程组,对Yee氏交错网格进行了改进以便于对主轴各向异性介质中的瞬变电磁场进行差分离散处理,形成了全空间三维主轴各向异性有限差分正演算法.在均匀全空间模型中对比各向异性有限差分数值解及均匀全空间解析解,验证了算法的正确性.建立了不同各向异性类型和不同各向异性对称主轴姿态模型,分别计算了其瞬变电磁场响应,最后结合工程探测实例,通过正演模拟分析了不同主轴各向异性介质对瞬变电磁场的影响特征,解释了探测结果存在偏差的原因.研究表明:在矿井超前探测模式下,对于HTI-X介质,各向异性系数的变化对瞬变电磁场的影响不明显,不同各向异性系数条件下的感应电动势曲线差异较小;对于HT卜Y介质和VTI介质,各向异性系数的变化对瞬变电磁场有明显的影响,随着介质各向异性系数增大,介质瞬变电磁场响应不断变小;随着各向异性介质对称主轴方向与探测方向之间夹角的增大,各向异性介质产生的瞬变电磁场响应不断增大,当对称主轴方向与探测方向一致时(HTI-X介质),各向异性介质产生的感应电动势最弱,而对称主轴方向与探测方向垂直时(VTI介质),各向异性介质产生的感应电动势最强;不同类型的主轴各向异性介质具有明显的各向异性瞬变电磁场响应特征.
    • 王圣龙
    • 摘要: 为了准确预测煤层回采工作面地质构造及富水情况,基于矿井无线电波透视及瞬变电磁理论,对工作面中导含水隐伏地质构造进行无线电波曲线变化特征的正演模拟,探讨了无线电波透视探测导含水隐伏地质构造及随介质电阻率变化曲线特征,并在煤矿井下进行试验.研究得出,当隐伏地质构造含水且呈现低阻时,无线电波透视衰减曲线相对于透过高阻地质构造衰减幅度更大.回采工作面的采动变化会导致工作面内部形成新的导水裂隙带,因此结合无线电波透视技术和瞬变电磁技术,可以动态分析新的导含水地质构造的形成.经过在煤矿井下的试验验证,无线电波透视和瞬变电磁成果结合地质资料分析,可以相对准确判断工作面地质构造及富水区域的范围.
    • 王贺元; 薛国强; 郭华; 周楠楠
    • 摘要: 近源时域电磁场具有信号强、探测深度大和精度高等优点,但传统瞬变电磁场理论中偶极子近似在近源区会引起较大误差,推导瞬变电磁场直接时域解析式是解决这一问题的关键.本文在点电荷微元假设下通过时域格林函数,采用分离变量等方法推导出了上半空间一次有源波动场和反射波的时域解析式和下半空间二次无源波动场的时域解析式,结合均匀半空间瞬变电磁场的边界条件给出了均匀半空间瞬变电磁场的直接时域解析式,进而利用第一型曲线积分,通过沿回线源叠加推导出圆回线源在瞬变电磁场中的直接时域解析式.然后在半空间表面上,与传统的电偶极源假设下的表达式作了比较.数值结果表明两者在远源区的计算结果相差甚微,而近源区则存在很大误差.本文利用真正点元(点电荷)严密推导给出的均匀半空间表面上瞬变电磁场的直接时域解析式适用于全场区探测,克服了偶极子假设下只适用远场区的不足,为瞬变电磁法的进一步发展和实际勘探提供了新的理论基础.%The time-domain near-source electromagnetic field has the merits of strong signal,deep detecting depth and high accuracy.However,dipole approximation in the near-source can cause major error in the traditional transient electromagnetic (TEM) theory.To solve this problem,this paper derives the direct expression of the transient electromagnetic field in the time domain.Based on the assumption of a point charge element,we derive time domain analytical formula of an active wave field and reflection waves in the upper half space and the quadratic passive fluctuations field in lower half space by using the variable separation method and time-domain Green function.Combined with boundary conditions of the transient electromagnetic field of a homogeneous half space,a direct time domain analytical formula of the electromagnetic field is given,and using the first kind of curve integral,through along the loop source superposition method we present direct time domain analytical formula of a circular loop source.Then they are compared with the formula of electric dipole approximation on the surface of a uniform half space.The numerical results show that they are approximate in the far-source zone but has a major difference in the near-source zone.In sum,based on the point charge hypothesis and integral method we derive TEM direct-time-domain solution in a rigorous manner,which is applicable for TEM all-zone detection and lays a theoretical basis for further development of the TEM technology.
    • 梁晓钢
    • 摘要: 结合矿井瞬变电磁场在突水构造中的传播规律,采用瞬变电磁法对某矿120803综采工作面导水断层进行了超前探测,并对探测结果进行了解译.结果表明:在巷道掘进前方0~20 m和56~100 m处岩层视电阻率相对较高,为正常岩层反映;20 ~ 56 m处岩层视电阻率相对偏低,反映该层段岩层含水为弱含水,对巷道掘进影响不大,但也不排除是由前方岩性变化所引起的低阻异常,地层总体为不含水或极弱含水地层,对巷道掘进基本没有影响.
    • 秦善强; 付志红; 朱学贵; 籍勇亮
    • 摘要: 提出用遗传神经网络求解中心回线装置下瞬变电磁法(TEM)的视电阻率.根据中心回线方式的瞬变电磁响应关系式,设计出神经网络的输入输出关系和单输入单输出的三层网络结构.计算出神经网络的输入输出样本集,并通过尝试法确定隐含层的神经元个数.引入遗传算法优化神经网络结构的连接权值,得到了最优连接权值的GABP神经网络.用该神经网络对瞬变电磁响应的非线性方程进行拟合,得到以实测数据计算的核函数值所一一对应的瞬变场参数值,达到求视电阻率并成像的目的.通过对地下高阻块状异常体模型和电力系统钢制扁钢材料的接地网模型两个实例模型的仿真计算证明,得到视电阻率断面图,达到了求解反问题的效果.理论模型与实际数据计算表明,遗传优化的BP神经网络使得瞬变电磁视电阻率的计算时间大大缩短,是个实用的算法.该方法为瞬变电磁接地网故障实时诊断平台提供必要的技术基础.%The genetic neural network is applied to compute the central-loop transient electromagnetic (TEM) apparent resistivity. According to the central loop TEM response, a relationship between inputs and outputs of an ANN as well as three-layer architecture with single input and single output for ANN is designed. The ANN sample sets are calculated, and the number of hidden layer neuron is determined through trial method. A genetic algorithm is introduced to optimize connection weights of the ANN and then a GABP neural network with the optimal connection weights. A nonlinear equation of the TEM response is fitted by GABP neural network, and transient parameter value is obtained. The transient parameter value and kernel value from measured data are corresponding one by one. Finally, the apparent resistivity is calculated. Two examples with GABP neural network are presented. The first one is a forward calculated model of high impedance abnormal body in uniform half space, the second one is the grounding grid with the structural shape '?' in a substation of power system. Pseudo-section of apparent resistivity is obtained, and good effects to solve inverse problem is achieved. The comparisons between the theoretical models and the measured data show that the GABP is a usefulness algorithm, which can reduce much computing time of TEM apparent resistivity. This method provides the base technology for a real-time fault diagnosis platform of grounding grids using TEM.
    • 陈明生; 许洋鋮
    • 摘要: 首先给出瞬变电磁(TEM)场卷积计算式,并将关断电流变化率函数看成冲击函数,垂直阶跃脉冲激发的场分量看成输入信号,卷积结果就是任意形状关断电流的TEM响应.把电流激发脉冲看成是许多垂直阶跃函数的叠加,通过叠加这些阶跃函数的响应求得任意电流脉冲激发的瞬变电磁响应.当已知TEM场的实测值和关断电流形状,就可按编程的方法计算全期视电阻率.文中给出了2个斜坡关断电流激发的电偶极源TEM垂直磁场算例,—个为均匀半空间的响应及其全期视电阻率,另一个为三层K型地电断面的响应及其全期视电阻率.%Firstly the transient electromagnetic(TEM) field convolution was given,and change rate of turn-off current is taken as a impact function,the field component of vertical step pulse excitation as the input signal.The convolution result is TEM response of arbitrary shape turn-off current.The current excitation pulse is regarded as a superposition of many vertical step function.The transient electromagnetic response of arbitrary current pulse excitation is induced by the superposition of step function response.When the measured value of TEM field and the turn-off current form are known,whole-stage apparent resistivity can be calculated by the method of programming.The paper gives two examples on TEM vertical magnetic field of slope turn-off current excitation of electric dipole source,a response of uniform half-space and all-time apparent resistivity,a response to the three K-type geoelectric section and whole-stage apparent resistivity.
    • 陈明生; 石显新
    • 摘要: In this paper,the detection depth of transient electromagnetic(TEM) field method is described in several aspects.The "smoke ring effect" of the equivalent electric current ring downward extension depth was cited.The diffusion depth of the maximum plane wave field was derived.And through the analysis of the time-frequency(T-F) the relation and distinction between the penetration depth of time domain and frequency domain was explained.Ground actual detection time needed for the same depth of information is at least twice as much as one-way diffusion depth,namely double travel time.According to several aspects of electromagnetic induction,reflection of electromagnetic waves,the frequency sounding curve of false phenomenon of extreme value and quasi seismic converted wave slowness,etc.,this conclusion is discussed.%从几个方面阐述了瞬变电磁(TEM)场法的探测深度,引用“烟圈效应”的等效电流环向下扩散深度,推导平面波场极大值扩散深度,并通过时频(T-F)分析阐明时间域、频率域探测深度的联系与区别.TEM场的扩散深度主要取决于延迟时间,地面实际探测到同样深度的信息所需时间至少是单向扩散深度时间的2倍,即双程时;根据电磁感应、电磁波的反射、频率测深曲线的假极值现象以及拟地震转换波的慢度等几个方面论述了此结论.论述的TEM探测深度的理论可为其应用扩展思路.
    • 陈明生
    • 摘要: The dipole source is the basic research object of electromagnetic method and the precondition for con-stitution of more complex detection devices and data interpretation, and also the theoretical basis for the develop-ment and innovation of technology. In this paper, starting from the concept of dipole source, the main transient electromagnetic field formulas of the dipole source of uniform earth surface are introduced or derived, and the similarities and differences between transient electromagnetic field formulas for positive and negative vertical step pulse excitation are indicated to deepen theoretical understanding. It illustrates that the electrical field components corresponding to the electrical and magnetic source can be converted to each other according to the reciprocity theorem of electromagnetic field, convenient for derivation formula. The paper described emphatically that more complicated formulas of electromagnetic field can be derived from the field intensity formulas of the dipole source by using superposition principle, such as transient electromagnetic field formulas for a large loop and any points, the application of the transient field is activated.%偶极子源是电磁法研究的基本对象,是构成更复杂探测装置与资料解释的前提,也是电磁法勘探技术开发与创新的理论基础.从偶极子源的概念出发,导出了均匀大地表面上的主要偶极子源瞬变电磁场公式,并指明正垂直阶跃脉冲与负垂直阶跃脉冲激发的瞬变电磁场公式的异同,以加深认识.举例说明了相应于电性源与磁性源的场分量可根据电磁场的互易定理相互转换,便捷推导公式.重点阐述了由偶极子源的场强公式运用叠加原理可衍生更复杂的电磁场公式,诸如大回线源及其任意一点的瞬变电磁场公式,盘活了瞬变场的应用.
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