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沙埋的相关文献在1936年到2022年内共计119篇,主要集中在植物学、林业、园艺 等领域,其中期刊论文106篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献57721篇;相关期刊74种,包括生态学报、植物生态学报、中国花卉盆景等; 相关会议1种,包括2010年烟台沙漠学术研讨会等;沙埋的相关文献由309位作者贡献,包括周瑞莲、董鸣、丁汉凤等。



论文:106 占比:0.18%


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论文:57721 占比:99.81%





  • 周瑞莲
  • 董鸣
  • 丁汉凤
  • 余华
  • 左进城
  • 李世振
  • 杨淑琴
  • 王进
  • 贾荣亮
  • 赵哈林
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 裴志永; 乔敬伟; 秦伟; 段广东; 郝少荣; 王国忠
    • 摘要: 为防止穿沙公路路侧地表和路面在沙柳防护带平茬恢复期内被风蚀和沙埋,设置纱网沙障予以防护,并探究其发挥阻、输沙能力的最优设置模式.在沙柳防护带迎风侧,设置不同距离和角度的纱网沙障,对各模式下的风速和输沙率进行观测,计算粗糙度并分析.研究结果表明:设置距沙柳防护带不同距离的纱网沙障,风速流场等值线分布不同,其中距离为3倍障高时风速降低和恢复的速率较其他两个距离更快,且风速衰减幅度最大点所对应位置在沙柳防护带范围内;沙柳防护带内地表粗糙度均大于旷野(7.33倍以上),设置角以45°为最优;减少输沙率随纱网沙障设置角度的增加而减小,且均大于88.08%,距离为3倍障高时各角度减少输沙率均值为89.14%,对近地表风沙流控制效果最为明显.综合对比分析,纱网沙障最优设置模式为:沙柳防护带迎风侧3倍障高处,与地面夹角45°.
    • 裴志永1; 乔敬伟1; 秦伟2; 段广东1; 郝少荣1; 王国忠1
    • 摘要: 为防止穿沙公路路侧地表和路面在沙柳防护带平茬恢复期内被风蚀和沙埋,设置纱网沙障予以防护,并探究其发挥阻、输沙能力的最优设置模式。在沙柳防护带迎风侧,设置不同距离和角度的纱网沙障,对各模式下的风速和输沙率进行观测,计算粗糙度并分析。研究结果表明:设置距沙柳防护带不同距离的纱网沙障,风速流场等值线分布不同,其中距离为3倍障高时风速降低和恢复的速率较其他两个距离更快,且风速衰减幅度最大点所对应位置在沙柳防护带范围内;沙柳防护带内地表粗糙度均大于旷野(7.33倍以上),设置角以45°为最优;减少输沙率随纱网沙障设置角度的增加而减小,且均大于88.08%,距离为3倍障高时各角度减少输沙率均值为89.14%,对近地表风沙流控制效果最为明显。综合对比分析,纱网沙障最优设置模式为:沙柳防护带迎风侧3倍障高处,与地面夹角45°。
    • 郭坤; 任康; 郑景明; 柯裕州
    • 摘要: 为促进西藏地区沙化土地的植被恢复和重建,研究了不同沙埋深度(0、1、2、3、4和6 cm)对中华羊茅、短芒披碱草、巴青垂穗披碱草、青海冷地早熟禾4种青藏高原草种种子萌发、幼苗出土和生长的影响.结果表明:沙埋深度对4种草种幼苗出苗率、根长、株高、根冠比以及生物量的分配都有显著影响(P<0.05),千粒重大的种子有较高的发芽率.随着沙埋深度增加,中华羊茅、短芒披碱草、巴青垂穗披碱草种子出苗率、根长、株高和地上与地下部分生长量都呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,当沙埋深度超过3 cm,青海冷地早熟禾种子不能出苗.对于幼苗出土和生长来说,中华羊茅、短芒披碱草、巴青垂穗披碱草和青海冷地早熟禾的最佳沙埋深度分别为1~3 cm、2~3 cm、1~3 cm和1~3 cm.因此,在植被恢复和重建过程中,应选用质量好且千粒重大的种子,进行1~3 cm的中度沙埋以提高种子出苗率、增大幼苗定植率.
    • 赵芸; 贾荣亮; 滕嘉玲; 贾文雄; 高艳红
    • 摘要: In artificially constructed desert ecosystems,the formation and development of biological soil crust (hereafter crust) is one of the key indicators of successful construction of artificial sand-fixing vegetation.Importantly,with the successional progression of sand-fixing vegetation,the crust coverage undergoes substantial changes related to surface stabilities.Furthermore,surface stabilities crucially influence both the succession of sand-fixing vegetation and changes in crust coverage.Therefore,crust coverage is commonly used as a visual indicator to assess surface stability in a desert ecosystem.However,crust coverage is susceptible to sand burial (one of the common natural disturbances in desert areas)due to both its soil surface inhabitation and small stature.In order to study the characteristics and mechanisms of the response of crust coverage to sand burial during the succession of artificial sand-fixing vegetation,we used a spacereplacing-time method to measure the roughness,heights,and coverage of four dominant crust types following sand burial.Furthermore,based on this,we computed the D1 value [the initial sand burial depth at which crust coverage (from 99.99%) begins to decline] and the D2 value (the threshold sand burial depth at which crust coverage declines to 0%).These crusts consist of Bryum argenteum crust,Didymodon vinealis crust,Syntrichia caninervis crust,and cyanobacteria-lichen-moss mixed crust in revegetated areas established in 1956,1973,1981,and 1987 at Shapotou,on the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert.Our results show the following patterns.(1) With increasing sand depth,crust coverage declined along a logistic curve.(2) The mixed crust showed the lowest D1 value and the highest D2 value.Among the three moss-dominated crusts,the lowest D1 and D2 values were found in B.argenteum crust,whereas the D1 and D2 values of D.vinealis crust and S.caninervis crust differed depending on the history of the artificial revegetation:D.vinealis crust < S.caninervis crust at revegetated area established in 1956,and S.caninervis crust < D.vinealis crust at revegetated areas established in 1973 and 1981.(3) With successional progression of the artificial sand-fixing vegetation,the lowering rate of crust coverage gradually declined with increasing sand depth,whereas D1 and D2 values gradually increased.(4) With the development of the artificial sand-fixing vegetation,the lowering rate of crust total coverage gradually declined with increasing sand burial depth,indicating the increasing surface stabilities and ability to resist sand burial.(5) With successional progression of the artificial sand-fixing vegetation,the crust heights and roughness increased,significantly influencing the lowering rates of coverage and D1 and D2 values.In conclusion,our findings should provide strong support for future evaluation of the influence of sand burial on the structure and functions of crust,as well as the stability of artificial sand-fixing vegetation.%生物土壤结皮(简称结皮)的形成与发展是沙区固沙植被建设成功的重要标志之一,其盖度随固沙植被演替的变化趋势是表征该植被系统地表稳定性的一个直观性生态学指标.利用空间代时间的方法,以腾格里沙漠不同始植年代(1956、1973、1981和1987年)固沙植被区发育的4种优势结皮-真藓(Bryum argenteum Hedw.)结皮、土生对齿藓(Didymodon vinealis(Brid.)Zand.)结皮、齿肋赤藓(Syntrichia caninervis Mitt.)结皮和藻-地衣-藓类混生结皮(Mixed crust)为研究对象,在测定结皮盖度、高度以及粗糙度随沙埋厚度逐渐增加变化的基础上,计算了使结皮盖度(从99.99%)开始降低的初始沙埋厚度(D1)和盖度降低为0%的临界沙埋厚度(D2),研究了该区固沙植被演替过程中结皮盖度对沙埋厚度增加的响应特征及其相关机制.结果显示:(1)4种结皮的盖度随沙埋厚度的增加呈logistic曲线逐渐降低.(2)在同一年代固沙区不同种间比较,混生结皮的D1值最小,D2值最大;真藓结皮的D1和D2值均小于其他两种藓类结皮;土生对齿藓结皮和齿肋赤藓结皮因固沙年限的不同而不同,在1956年固沙区,土生对齿藓结皮<齿肋赤藓结皮,而在1973年固沙区和1981年固沙区,齿肋赤藓结皮<土生对齿藓结皮.(3)随固沙植被演替,4种结皮盖度随沙埋厚度增加的降低速率逐渐减小,D1和D2值逐渐增大.(4)结皮总盖度随沙埋厚度增加的降低速率逐渐减小,表明随固沙植被演替,结皮对沙埋的抵御能力逐渐增强,固沙区植被系统地表稳定性增加.(5)结皮的粗糙度和高度随固沙植被演替逐渐增加,并显著影响了4种结皮盖度随沙埋厚度增加的降低速率、D1及D2值.研究为全面评估沙埋对沙区结皮结构、功能的影响乃至固沙植被稳定性提供了参考.
    • 滕嘉玲; 贾荣亮; 赵芸
    • 摘要: Bacteria,as a key component of biocrusts,which constitute up to or more than 70% of the living cover in arid and semiarid lands worldwide,play the primary role in carbon and nitrogen inputs in deserts.Thus,changes in bacterial community structure and diversity can significantly alter their ecological processes and the functions of biocrusts.Sand burial is a common environmental stress of the biocrusts in arid and semiarid areas,yet little information is available regarding the effects of sand burial on bacterial community structure and diversity within biocrusts.Therefore,we adopted the high-throughput sequencing techniques to investigate the effects of sand burial on bacterial community structure and diversity of biocrusts dominated by Bryum argenteum following sand burial of 0 (control),0.5,2 and 10 mm in Shapotou,southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert.Bacterial community species composition,abundance variation,and diversity indices including the Shannon-Wiener diversity and the richness indices Chao and abundance-based coverage estimator were compared among biocrusts that suffered sand burial at various depths.The results showed the following:(1) In total,38 phyla,106 classes,and 181 genera were identified within biocrusts dominated by B.argenteum,of which the dominant bacterial phyla included Actinobacteria,Proteobacteria,Cyanobacteria,Planctomycetes,Bacteroidetes,and Acidobacteria,which comprised 78.4%-83.0% of the whole community.(2) Principal component analysis showed that,compared to the control,the bacterial community structure was the most variable in soils at 2 and 10 mm depths.Sand burial induced significant changes inbacterial community composition;with the highest abundance were Cyanobacteria,Proteobacteria,Planctomycetes and Actinobacteria following 0,0.5,2 and 10 mm burial depths,respectively.With the increase in burial depth,the relative abundance of Actinobacteria,Proteobacteria,Planctomycetes,Bacteroidetes,Verrucomicrobia,Gemmatimonadetes,and FBP increased,while that of the phyla Cyanobacteria,Acidobacteria,and Chloroflexi decreased.In addition,the abundance of photosynthetic bacteria,nitrogen fixing bacteria,and mycelial genera of Actinobacteria all increased largely at 0.5 mm burial depth and decreased sharply at 2 and 10 mm burial depths.(3) The total count of bacteria,species richness,and microbial diversity of biocrusts dominated by B.argenteum increased following sand burial,among which the biocrusts subjected to 0.5 mm burial depth had the highest richness indices and biocrusts subjected to 2 mm burial depth had the highest diversity indices.The study demonstrated that various depths of sand burial had significant effects on bacterial community and diverse features within biocrusts dominated by B.argenteum in Shapotou and thus offered the theoretical foundation for further understanding of the influence mechanism of sand burial on the structure and ecological functions of biocrusts in arid desert areas.%作为干旱沙区常见干扰之一的沙埋显著影响着生物结皮的结构和功能,但其内在的生物学机理还不清楚.利用高通量测序技术,通过对0(对照)、0.5(浅层)、2和10 mm(深层)沙埋处理后的腾格里沙漠东南缘沙坡头地区真藓(Bryum argenteum)结皮层细菌群落物种组成与丰度的测定,研究了沙埋对真藓结皮层细菌群落结构和多样性的影响.结果表明:(1)共检测到沙坡头地区真藓结皮层细菌38门106纲181属,以放线菌、变形菌、蓝藻、浮霉菌、拟杆菌和酸杆菌等为主(占细菌群落的78.4%-83.0%);(2) PCA分析表明沙埋导致该地区真藓结皮层细菌群落结构组成发生明显改变.无沙埋时,真藓结皮层细菌群落中相对丰度最高的是蓝藻(18.6%),随着沙埋厚度的增加,依次变为变形菌(21.5%,沙埋厚度0.5 mm)、浮霉菌(21.5%,沙埋厚度2 mm)和放线菌(23.3%,沙埋厚度10 mm);浅层沙埋显著增加了真藓结皮层细菌群落中光合菌、固氮菌和产菌丝体细菌等关键功能菌的丰度,但深层沙埋降低了它们的丰度;(3)沙埋显著增加了真藓结皮层细菌群落多样性(P<0.05)和物种丰富度(P<0.05),0.5 mm沙埋后的细菌群落丰富度指数最高,2 mm沙埋后的结皮层细菌群落多样性指数最高.揭示了沙埋对干旱沙区真藓结皮层细菌群落结构与多样性的影响,为深入理解沙埋对沙区生物结皮结构和生态功能影响的生物学机制提供了一定的理论依据.
    • 骆娟
    • 摘要: 为了促进海南岛滨海原生植物马鞍藤(Ipomoea pescaprae)的人工繁育,选取马鞍藤截取长度一致、茎节数分别为1~3个的匍匐茎为研究对象,采取浅埋(2 cm)、半埋(5 cm)、全埋(10 cm)、深埋(20 cm)4种不同的沙埋深度处理30 d,分析其存活率、根长及叶长变化.结果表明:半埋(5 cm)的匍匐茎存活率最高,2 cm的浅埋存活率其次,当沙埋深度达到20 cm的深埋时匍匐茎全部死亡.比较不同茎节数发现,3个茎节数的匍匐茎在2~10 cm的沙埋深度下存活率和生长势均高于1茎节和2茎节的匍匐茎.%Ipomoea pescaprae growth on the sandy coast of Hainan,in order to promote artificial breeding of Ipomoea pescaprae,taking trimmed the creeping stems of equal length as materials,which has 1~3 internodes,respectively.The four levels of sand burial treatments were set up: light sand burial(2 cm),half sand burial(5 cm),all sand burial(10 cm),severe sand burial(20 cm),the survival rate,leaf length and adventitious root length were analyzed after 30 days of the treatment.The results showed that the percentage of creeping stems survival rate was the highest at depth of 5 cm,and it decreased at depth of 2 cm.The creeping stems all died when the depth increased to 20 cm.The creeping stems which have 3 stem nodes had the highest survival rate than the other which have 1 or 2 stem nodes at burial depth of 2~10 cm.
    • 摘要: 胡杨林是一个神奇的物种,活着一千年不死,死后一千年不倒,倒后一千年不朽,千年伫立,又千年孤独。它也是一种精神洗礼,干旱之处,盐碱之地,不改妩媚风姿,任风吹,任沙埋,坚韧地屹立天地间,一梦千年,不改初衷的执着坚守。
    • 李三处
    • 摘要: 抬起头来眼前一片光亮黄土中起伏的音乐把千万年不屈的记忆溶入高昂的颅顶
    • 常宗涛; 胡胜云; 杜楠楠; 王志娇; 徐景萍; 姚明志; 王连红
    • 摘要: Research achievements of Vitex trifolia var.simplicifolia were reviewed from the aspects of seed morphological identification, seed germination and reproduction pattern, physiological and biochemical characteristics of sand burying and salt stress and so on.The major existing problems in V.rifolia were summarized;and the corresponding countermeasures were put forward to be futher expanded.%主要从单叶蔓荆种子形态特征鉴别、种子萌发和繁殖方式、单叶蔓荆沙埋生理生化特征、盐分胁迫生理生化特征以及单叶蔓荆的建群效应等几个方面研究成果进行综述,以期进一步扩大利用该树种。
    • 薛海霞; 李清河; 徐军; 张俊菲
    • 摘要: 在沙地环境中,沙埋是影响植物生长的重要因素.唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)是荒漠地区重要的建群种之一.为了研究沙埋对幼苗生长及生物量分配的影响,对扦插成活后生长了两个月的白刺幼苗进行不同沙埋深度处理试验(沙埋深度分别为0、5、10、15 cm).试验持续3个月,每个月收获一次.结果表明,1)沙埋中期和后期,轻度沙埋(5 cm)和中度沙埋(10 cm)较其它处理而言,白刺幼苗的基径、根平均基径和总根长显著增加(P<0.05);2)沙埋前期和中期,与其它处理相比,对照(0)显著增加了白刺幼苗一级枝的茎生物量和叶生物量,且相对生长速率和净同化速率大多高于其它处理;3)与其它处理相比,轻度沙埋处理对(5 cm)白刺幼苗二级枝的影响最明显,能显著增加白刺幼苗二级枝的茎生物量、叶生物量、叶片数量和总叶面积(P<0.05).同时白刺幼苗的相对生长速率和净同化速率也有明显的增加;4)重度沙埋(15 cm)时,白刺幼苗的相对生长速率和净同化速率大多低于其它处理.研究结果表明,轻度沙埋能促进白刺幼苗分枝的生长,而重度沙埋则对其产生抑制作用.唐古特白刺作为枝源压条型克隆植物,在防风固沙时应对其进行轻度沙埋以促进分枝的生长,从而有利于其无性繁殖.
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