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水力条件的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计128篇,主要集中在建筑科学、水利工程、废物处理与综合利用 等领域,其中期刊论文113篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献34556篇;相关期刊88种,包括城市建设理论研究(电子版)、选煤技术、内燃机与配件等; 相关会议7种,包括中国城镇供水排水协会科学技术委员会2013年年会暨城镇供水设施建设与改造技术交流会、中国水协设备材料委第四届水厂净化工艺设备暨水质检测设备应用技术交流研讨会、城镇供排水节能降耗节水减漏技术应用研讨会等;水力条件的相关文献由317位作者贡献,包括何晓芳、刘轲、周晓燕等。



论文:113 占比:0.33%


论文:7 占比:0.02%


论文:34556 占比:99.65%





  • 何晓芳
  • 刘轲
  • 周晓燕
  • 朱瑞洁
  • 柳景青
  • 胡宝兰
  • 裘尚德
  • 陈婷婷
  • 任毅
  • 刘丽君
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 傅海林; 丁旭
    • 摘要: 为了优选出聚结材料并应用于油田水处理,本文通过实验室聚结实验,使用自制模拟含油污水,对比分析PVC、PU、stainless和PA的聚结效能并探究水力条件及材料PPI对聚结效能的影响。结果表明,PU的聚结效能要高于其他3种材料,含油量去除率最高可达95%;水力停留时间在80min时趋于稳定,振荡频率在150r·min;时趋于稳定。经油田化学驱污水验证实验也得到相同结论。室内实验结果可以为工业上聚结材料种类、结构的选择以及水力条件的调控提供指导与参考。
    • 陈贺涵; 张菁; 尹立鹏; 姜学霞; 谢春生
    • 摘要: 水体富营养化是当前国内外急需解决的环境问题。结合国内外研究与应用进展,对影响湿地生态修复效果的因素和构建中需注意的事项作了介绍,并对湿地生态修复的研究与应用趋势进行了展望。指出了植物选择、水力条件、营养物质和温度是影响湿地修复效果的主要因素;湿地植物选择、场地搭配建设、水岸维护工程和湿地系统维护是是湿地生态修复系统构建的主要方面。植物选择和水力条件是湿地生态修复中的关键因素,尤其是植物选择仍是目前和将来湿地生态修复的研究热点,与此同时,加强湿地生态系统中基质选择、组成和应用的研究,也是将来湿地生态修复研究和应用的重要方向。
    • 贾军; 崔正国; 唐小双; 张可可; 崔鸿武; 李晓娇; 曲克明
    • 摘要: 为进一步探究不同水力条件下海水人工湿地对养殖尾水的净化效果,本研究选用复合垂直潜流人工湿地处理牙鲆养殖尾水,在3种水力负荷(20 m/d、40 m/d、100 m/d)条件下设置3种停留时间(1.5 h、3.0 h、4.5 h),探讨了人工湿地对海水养殖尾水中氮、磷和化学需氧量(COD)等主要污染物的去除效果,并通过高通量测序技术分析了微生物的群落结构与脱氮的关系.结果显示:海水人工湿地系统脱氮除磷效果良好,溶解无机氮(DIN)、活性磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)和COD去除率随着水力负荷的增加而降低,且水力负荷对DIN去除率的影响比PO3-4-P和COD大;延长水力停留时间可提高DIN、PO3-4-P和COD去除率,对提高DIN去除率的影响尤为显著.水力负荷为20 m/d、水力停留时间为4.5 h时可实现DIN、PO3-4-P和COD达标排放.pH等环境条件影响人工湿地微生物的分布,进而影响人工湿地脱氮效果.该研究可为人工湿地高效净化海水养殖尾水提供理论和技术参考.
    • 赵爽; 徐梦辰; 汪艳
    • 摘要: 以氯化铝和氯化铁为原料制备出一系列不同铝铁物质的量比及碱化度的无机高分子混凝剂——聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC),并应用于地表水的混凝处理过程.考察PAFC的混凝效能及产生的絮体特性,进而对其使用条件进行优化并分析混凝机制.结果表明,PAFC为多羟基桥连的铝铁聚合物,水解后发生电中和作用使胶粒脱稳,而后通过羟桥和氧桥联接产生架桥和卷扫沉淀作用,混凝效果优异.PAFC的pH适用范围较宽,但铝铁物质的量比对其水解过程影响较大,在铝铁物质的量比为7:1、碱化度为0.5、投加量为10 mg/L时,絮体的粒度及生长速度最大,此时浊度和UV254的去除率分别达84.93%和78.52%.此外,正交实验的结果表明水力条件对PAFC的混凝效能影响显著,其最佳使用条件为:快搅时间为20 s、快搅速度为200 r/min、慢搅时间为15 min、慢搅速度为40 r/min.
    • 张远; 郑晓英; 卢丹; 金梦琦; 邵晓瑶; 杨萌萌
    • 摘要: 序批式反应器(SBR)的结构在好氧污泥颗粒化及其稳定性和污染物代谢中起重要作用.反应器的高径比(H/D)将直接影响水力条件.实验通过研究SBR反应器的不同低H/D(5.0∶1,2.5∶1,1.5∶1)时,好氧污泥颗粒化所需时间,并分析H/D对好氧颗粒稳定性和微生物代谢的影响机制.结果 表明,在H/D为5.0和2.5的反应器中,可以培养出结构密实、沉降能力良好的好氧颗粒,平均粒径都均为1.40 mm.而H/D为1.5的反应器中的污泥颗粒结构松散,粒径稍大,其平均粒度为2.04 mm.3个反应器对有机物均有良好的去除功效(均大于90%),但H/D为5.0和2.5的反应器内的好氧颗粒对氮、磷具有更好的去除功效.分析认为,H/D为5.0和2.5的反应器内部,扩散系数更大(分别为76.6和37.7);从而形成更好的水力条件,以提供更好的传质和混合环境,有效促进AGS的形成及其微生物的代谢.
    • 赵玉莹; 龚媛; 叶淦球
    • 摘要: 为更好地应对南方某水厂东江水源水的水质变化,保证待滤水浊度,对影响混凝效果的因素开展了烧杯实验研究,包括混凝剂投加量、水力条件和混凝剂配制时效等.综合实验结果得到混凝烧杯实验的最佳模式,使其对生产指导更具实际意义.
    • 刘超; 李静
    • 摘要: 以粪大肠菌群为指示微生物,结合石家庄市桥东污水处理厂紫外线消毒单元调试结果,从透光率、光复活、紫外线剂量、水力条件、微生物负荷等角度分析了其对紫外线消毒效果的影响,并针对性地提出了解决措施.
    • 郭燕鹤; 张家明; 陈维亮; 许鑫鑫
    • 摘要: 为了得到水垫塘局部掺气浓度分布规律,减少过流边壁空蚀破坏的发生,采用水力学模型试验的方法,将水垫塘内水体进行水流结构分区,通过改变泄流流量、水流入射角度、水垫深度三个条件,实测水垫塘不同水流结构区掺气浓度值,研究气体在不同水流结构区的运动机理.对试验所测数据进行整理得到水垫塘不同水流结构区掺气浓度分布曲线,且不同的水力条件与其拟合近似为二次曲线关系.通过分析得到水垫塘不同水流结构区掺气浓度分布规律如下:各水流结构区掺气浓度随泄流流量增大而增大;射流与附壁射流区紊动掺混随泄流流量增大而更加剧烈;掺气浓度随水垫深度增大而减小;淹没射流区与旋滚区掺气浓度随水流入射角度增大而减小,附壁射流区掺气浓度随入射角度增大而增大,但变化不明显.%In order to obtain the distribution law of local aeration density in the water cushion pool and reduce the occurrence of cavitation damage on the flow-passingside-wall,the water body in water cushion pool is divided into several flow structural regions with the method of hydraulic test.Through changing the three conditions,i.e.discharging flow rate,incidentangle of water flow and water cushion depth,the aeration density values of different flow structural regions in water cushion pool are measured,and then the air movement mechanisms in different flow structural regions are studied.The aeration density curves of different flow structural regions in water cushion pool are obtained through sorting-out of the measured data from the test and then approximately fitted with different hydraulic conditions into the relations of quadratic curve.In accordance with the relevant analysis,the law of the aeration density distribution of different flow structural regions in water cushion pool is obtained,viz.the aeration densities of all the flow structural regions are to be increased along with the increase of the discharging flow rate;the turbulent mixing in the jet and wall-attached jet area is to be more turbulent along with the increase of the discharging flow rate;the aeration density is to be decreased along with the increase of the water cushion;the aeration densities of both the submerged jet area and the rolling area are to be decreased along with the increase of the incidentangle of water flow;the aeration density in the wall-attached jet area is to be increased along with the increase of the incidentangle of water flow,but no any obvious changes are there.
    • 文林森; 黄国兵; 王才欢; 陈东新
    • 摘要: Cavitation damage often occurs in outlet structure under the action of high-velocity flow.Measures of aeration and cavitation mitigation are often taken in engineering to protect hydraulic structures.The availability and importance of different layout types of water flow aerators in outlet structures with high water head and large discharge were summarized.Their characteristics,advantages and disadvantages,the structure,principle and engineering application of aeration measures in different layout types were reviewed.And the optimal selection of layout types of aerators under different hydraulic conditions was also summarized.%泄水建筑物在高速水流的作用下常发生空蚀破坏,通常工程中采用掺气减蚀措施来达到对水工建筑物保护的目的.为了总结不同的水流掺气布置型式在高水头大流量的泄流建筑物中的可利用性和重要性,以及各自的主要特点及优缺点,综述了不同型式的掺气措施的结构、原理和工程应用;并对在不同的水力条件下掺气设施布置型式的优化选择及掺气设施布置型式的相关研究进行了总结与展望.
    • 潘维艳; 普薇如; 黄权中; 黄冠华
    • 摘要: Aiming to study the long-term efficiency and performance of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN) removal in riverbank filtration system under different hydraulic conditions,a long term simulated riverbank filtration system was built by using soil columns supplied with reclaimed water from Qinghe reclaimed wastewater treatment plant.The results showed that the system was effective in removing COD,the average removal rates of COD under continuous wetting condition and wetting/drying condition were 40.5% and 50.8%,respectively,over three-year period.COD removal primarily occurred at the upper part of the soil column (0 ~ 40 cm),where there was high dissolved oxygen content and a large amount of microorganism.The removal performance of COD was improved in the wetting/ drying column with relatively higher dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration under the unsaturated condition.And performance for the annual average COD removal kept stable under both conditions.The much higher removal rate of TN was obtained under the wetting/drying condition (80.7%) than that under the saturated condition (31.2%).Performance for TN removal under both conditions was increased gradually year by year.Temperature was one of the impact factors for TN removal in riverbank filtration system.The results showed that the removal rate of TN was increased exponentially under continuous wetting condition and increased logarithmically under wetting/drying condition with the temperature ranging from 15°C to 31°C,respectively.The TN removal efficiency could reach higher than 90% as the temperature was higher than 30°C.The results can provide important information and basis for reclaimed water reuse for rivers and lakes.%以北京市清河再生水厂出水为研究对象,构建100 cm土柱模拟河岸渗滤系统,研究长周期供水条件下,持续淹水与交替淹水落干2种补水方式下渗滤系统对再生水中有机物和总氮(TN)的净化效果及系统稳定性.通过3年的试验研究发现,持续淹水与交替淹水落干补水方式下,渗滤系统对再生水中有机物的平均去除率分别为40.5%和50.8%,交替淹水落干补水方式对有机物去除效果略优于持续淹水的情况.有机物的去除主要发生在溶解氧浓度较高、微生物数量最多的上部0~40 cm土层范围内.2种补水条件下渗滤系统对有机物的去除率在年际间变化不大,系统净化性能稳定.2种补水方式下渗滤系统对TN的平均去除率分别为31.2%和80.7%,交替淹水落干补水方式对TN的去除效果明显优于持续淹水的情况.2种补水条件下渗滤系统对TN的去除率逐年增大,系统净化性能随时间呈增强趋势.试验期间,水温在15 ~31°C范围内变化时,2种渗滤系统对TN的去除率随温度的增大呈指数或对数趋势增加,当温度在30°C以上时,交替淹水落干补水方式下系统对TN的去除率最高可达90%以上.再生水经过河岸渗滤系统后,总氮和有机物能够得到有效的去除,再生水回补河湖对地下水污染的风险大幅降低.
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