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导管药盒系统的相关文献在1996年到2022年内共计62篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、临床医学、特种医学 等领域,其中期刊论文62篇、专利文献3749038篇;相关期刊42种,包括实用临床医学、天津护理、中华现代护理杂志等; 导管药盒系统的相关文献由169位作者贡献,包括刘明、刘海洋、王东盛等。



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  • 刘明
  • 刘海洋
  • 王东盛
  • 王成纲
  • 陆英
  • 陈勇
  • 冯鄂湘
  • 吴宇旋
  • 唐庆放
  • 孙军
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 刘燕芳; 杨迎春; 陈丹; 李瀚峰; 伍雅琴; 罗春香
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨联合微信平台的全病程管理服务在肝癌患者经动脉导管药盒系统灌注化疗延续护理中的应用效果。方法 选取2020年10月至2021年4月接受经动脉导管药盒系统灌注化疗的患者86例为研究对象,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组43例。出院后对照组采用常规出院指导;观察组在此基础上建立全病程管理,即通过医院“智医在线”公众号平台,为患者提供专业资讯、在线指导、药盒管理、预约维护等服务,于第3个月比较两组患者的自护能力和生命质量,并记录两组的相关知识知晓率和并发症发生率。结果 对观察组患者共推送信息共56条,线上服务共158次。首次治疗出院3个月后,观察组患者动脉灌注相关知识知晓率(86.0%)和自我护理能力(ASAS-R-C)评分(58.07±9.14)均高于对照组的60.1%和(53.14±8.75),生命质量(QLICP-LI)各项评分均高于对照组(均P<0.05);观察组动脉灌注相关并发症发生率(4.65%)低于对照组(20.93%)。结论 全病程管理的建立及应用有利于提高肝癌患者对经动脉药盒灌注化疗的认识,减少化疗期间相关并发症的发生,在一定程度上提高了患者的自我护理能力和生命质量。
    • 林福煌; 李斯锐; 吴宁; 赵军; 邢丽; 袁婵娟
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨经股动脉植入防返流微型导管药盒系统(PCS)灌注化疗治疗盆腔恶性肿瘤的疗效.方法 28例盆腔恶性肿瘤患者先行双侧髂内动脉前干化疗栓塞,然后髂内动脉前干的非主要供血侧用明胶海绵颗粒和弹簧圈栓塞,其主要供血侧仅用明胶海绵颗粒作适量栓塞,经股动脉植入防返流微型PCS,导管留置于主要供血侧髂内动脉前干,术后定期经微型PCS行灌注化疗.结果 28例患者均成功植入微型PCS.27例患者切口愈合良好,1例患者切口延迟愈合.微型PCS灌注化疗1个疗程后,完全缓解8例,部分缓解16例,疾病稳定2例,疾病进展2例,总有效(完全缓解及部分缓解) 24例(85.7%).不良反应轻微,无严重并发症发生.随访3~18个月,死亡1例,存活27例.结论 经股动脉植入防返流微型PCS灌注化疗治疗盆腔恶性肿瘤的疗效满意,不良反应及并发症少,操作简便、值得临床推广.%Objective To explore the efficacy of perfusion chemotherapy in pelvic malignancy through implantation of anti-reflux and mini port-catheter system(PCS) via femoral artery. Methods 28 patients with pelvic malignancy were previously subjected to chemoembolization in anterior divisions of bilateral internal iliac artery,and then the side of non-primary blood supply of anterior division of internal iliac artery was embolized using gelatin sponge particles and spring coil, while the side which was primary blood supply was embolized appropriately with only gelatin sponge particles. The anti-reflux and mini PCS was implanted via femoral artery, and the catheter was placed in the anterior division of internal iliac artery which was primary blood supply. Perfusion chemotherapy was performed regularly with mini PCS after operation. Results Mini PCS were successfully implanted in 28 patients, with 27 cases of well incision healing and 1 case of delayed incision healing. After one course of perfusion chemotherapy through mini PCS,it was found that 8 cases of complete remission, 16 cases of partial remission,2 cases of stable disease,2 cases of progressive disease and 24 cases (85. 7%) of total effective remission(complete and partial remission) , with mild adverse reaction and no serious complication occurring. 3 to 18 months of follow-up showed 1 death and 27 survivals. Conclusion Perfusion chemotherapy in pelvic malignancy through implantation of anti-reflux and mini PCS via femoral artery has satisfactory therapeutic efficacy, with less adverse reaction and complication,simple operation and is worth clinical promotion.
    • 邢丽; 袁婵娟
    • 摘要: Objective To discuss the clinical nursing care for patients with pelvic neoplasm who were treated with infusion chemotherapy by using an anti-reflux arterial port-catheter system. Methods After the implantation of an anti-reflux arterial port-catheter system was successfully completed, intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy was carried out in 17 patients with pelvic neoplasm and the inf'usion chemotherapy was repeated for several times. The pre-procedural clinical nursing care was well done and the technique of proper placement was well grasped. The side effects of chemotherapy drugs and complications were dealt with in time. Medical orientation at discharge time included the protection methods for port-catheter system. Results Seventeen patients received infusion chemotherapy successfully several times (ranged from 3 to 8 times) with a scheduled regular interval time. No severe complications occurred. No catheter leakage nor obvious irritation and compression symptoms of local skin developed during infusion period. Of the 17 patients, 6 had a complete response, 9 achieved a partial response, while the remaining 2 failed to respond. Conclusion In accordance with characteristics of infusion chemotherapy by using an anti-reflux arterial port-catheter system,the reasonable and effective nursing care is important to guarantee the achievement of a successful performance and a satisfactory therapeutic result. (J Intervent Radiol, 2011, 20 : 151-154)%目的 探讨经防反流动脉导管药盒系统(PCS)灌注化疗治疗盆腔肿瘤的护理.方法 17例盆腔恶性肿瘤患者成功植入防反流PCS,并经动脉导管多次灌注化疗,做好植入药盒前后护理,掌握药盒穿刺使用的正确技术,及时处理化疗药物不良反应及并发症,做好患者出院指导及保护药盒的方法.结果 17例经3 ~ 8次灌注化疗,均未发生留置导管堵管.定期灌注化疗药物过程顺利,灌药过程无渗漏,植入药盒术后局部无明显刺激、压迫症状,无严重并发症.肿瘤完全缓解6例,部分缓解9例,2例病情进展,有效率88.2%.结论 针对经防反流动脉导管药盒系统灌注化疗的特点,采取合理有效的护理措施对治疗的顺利进行和保障疗效非常重要.
    • 王东盛; 王成纲; 陆英; 刘明; 刘海洋
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of the percutaneous intra - arterial femoral port - catheter system (PCS) for treatment of the diabetic foot. Methods Sixty - four patients with the diabetic foot were divided into treatment group and control group. The treatment group received alprostadil injection and Salvia miltiorrhiza injection via PCS. The control group was treated with the same medication by intravenous infusion. The patients were treated for 4 weeks. Ankle brachial indexes(ABI) were examined before and after treament. Results The effective rate was 87.5% in treatment group, and 67.2% in control group. There was significant difference between the treatment group and the control group ( P = 0.002 ) and between the treatment group and the control group in AB1 after treatment. Conclusion The technique of percutaneous intra - arterial femoral port - catheter system implatation for interventional treatment of the diabetic foot is efficacious.%目的 探讨经皮穿刺动脉导管药盒系统治疗糖尿病足的临床疗效.方法 64例糖尿病足患者,随机分为治疗组、对照组,每组各32例.治疗组患者行经皮穿刺动脉药盒系统埋置术,并经动脉导管系统行前列地尔注射液、丹参注射液灌注;对照组静脉点滴上述药物.治疗前后测定踝臂指数.结果 治疗组治愈20例,有效8例,无效4例,总有效率87.5%;对照组治愈6例,有效9例,无效17例,总有效率67.2%;两组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组治疗前ABI比较无差异,两组治疗后ABI均较治疗前好转(均P<0.05),但治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 经皮穿刺动脉导管系统灌注药物能有效改善下肢血液循环,对糖尿病足有明显治疗作用.
    • 王东盛; 王成纲; 陆英; 刘明; 刘海洋
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨经皮动脉穿刺导管药盒系统药物灌注治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的临床疗效.方法:60例下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者,随机分为治疗组、对照组,每组各30例.治疗组患者行经皮穿刺动脉药盒系统埋植术,并经动脉导管系统行前列地尔注射液、丹参注射液灌注治疗;对照组静脉滴注上述药物.14 d为1个疗程,共治疗2个疗程.治疗前后测定踝臂指数(ABI).结果:治疗组有效28例,无效2例,总有效率为93.33%;对照组有效16例,无效14例,总有效率为53.33%;两组总有效率差异明显(P=0.000).两组治疗前ABI比较无差异,两组治疗后ABI均较治疗前好转(均P<0.05),但治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.01).结论:经皮穿刺动脉动脉导管系统药物灌注治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症作用明显,能有效改善下肢血液循环,疗效满意.%Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of percutaneous intra-arterial femoral port-catheter system (PCS)for treatment on arteriosclerosis ohliterans. Methods: 60 patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans were divided into treatment group and control group; the treatment group were treated by using alprostadil injection and salvia miltiorrhiza injection via PCS. The control group were treated by using the same medication by intravenous infusion. The patients were treated in 4 weeks. Ankle brachial Jndexs (ABI) were examined hefore and after treament. Results: The effective percentage of treatment group was 93.33%, the same of control group was 53.33%. There were significantly differences between treatment group and control group (P=0.000). There were significant differences of the ABI between treatment group and control group after treatment (P<0.01). Conclusion: The technique of percutaneous intra-arterial femoral port-catheter system implatation for interventional treatment for arteriosclerosis obliterans is available.
    • 王东盛; 王成纲; 陆英; 刘明; 刘海洋
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty(PTA)and percutaneous intra-arterial femoral port-catheter system(PCS) for treatment for diabetic foot. Methods:60 patients with diabetic foot were treated by PTA and rusing alprostadil injection and salvia miltiorrhiza injection via PCS.The patients were treated in 4 weeks. Ankle brachial indexs(ABI) were examined before and after treaments. Results:The effective percentage of treatment were 96.7%.There were significant difference of the ABI between before and after treaments. Conclusion:The technique of PTA and PCS implatation for interventional treatment for diabetic foot is available.%目的:探讨经皮腔内成形术(PTA)联合经皮动脉穿刺导管药盒系统(PCS)治疗糖尿病足的临床疗效.方法:60例糖尿病足患者,行PTA术治疗后,再于皮下植入动脉药盒系统,并经动脉连接导管系统行前列地尔注射液、丹参注射液灌注治疗.14天为l疗程,共治疗2个疗程.治疗前后测定踝臂指数(ABI).结果:全部糖尿病足患者,治愈38例,有效20例,无效2例,总有效率96.7%.治疗前ABI为0.32±0.11,治疗后ABI为0.76±0.14,(治疗前后比较P=0.000).结论:PTA联合PCS灌注药物对糖尿病足有明显治疗作用,疗效满意,能有效改善下肢血液循环.
    • 王东盛; 陆英; 王成纲; 刘明; 刘海洋
    • 摘要: Objective:To study the cause of bacteremia of patients who were treated by PCS. Methods: Multivariate analysis of data of 163 patients with advanced tumour who were treated by PCS. Results: Of 163 patients, 14 patients had bacteremia after PCS treatment. There was a closely correlation between bacteremia and cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus and extravasated blood and the detaining time of arterial cannula. Conclusion: Multivariate analysis of clinical data can reduce complications of patients who were treated by PCS.%目的:探讨患者植入动脉导管药盒系统(implantable reservoir port and catheter connecting system,PCS)后行药物灌注治疗,发生菌血症的原因.方法:对163例行动脉导管药盒系统植入后进行药物灌注治疗的中晚期肿瘤患者进行多因素回顾分析、总结.结果:163例中晚期肿瘤患者行动脉导管药盒系统植入后进行药物灌注治疗,有14例发生菌血症.菌血症的发生与合并肝硬化、糖尿病、药盒皮囊积血、穿刺针留置时间等因素有关.结论:多因素分析可减少经皮动脉导管药盒系统药物灌注治疗的并发症.
    • 赵侠
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨妇科恶性肿瘤应用导管药盒系统治疗的护理方法.方法:回顾性分析我院2001年2月至2009年2月应用导管药盒系统治疗的20例妇科肿瘤患者的临床资料,该组均给予一般的介入治疗护理、肿瘤护理常规护理,还应注重为手术期的心理护理及术后相关并发症的护理.结果:经过我院的精心护理,该组患者均顺利完成了治疗方案,平均住院时间为19.5d,无严重并发症和后遗症发生,生存年限为(5±2.5)年.结论:良好的护理能够提高导管药盒系统的治疗,减少并发症和后遗症的发生,提高患者的生存年限和生活质量.
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