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QCD的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计96篇,主要集中在物理学、公路运输、天文学 等领域,其中期刊论文93篇、会议论文3篇、相关期刊39种,包括铸造纵横、时代汽车、中国科学等; 相关会议3种,包括第五届粒子物理、核物理和宇宙学交叉学科前沿问题研讨会、第八届全国粒子物理学术会议、高能物理学会第五届会员代表大会暨全国高能物理大会等;QCD的相关文献由138位作者贡献,包括Ahmad A. Hujeirat、马维兴、周丽娟等。



论文:93 占比:96.88%


论文:3 占比:3.12%





  • Ahmad A. Hujeirat
  • 马维兴
  • 周丽娟
  • 李家荣
  • 杨福刚
  • 罗向前
  • Hideo Suganuma
  • 丁亦兵
  • 何汉新
  • 姜焕清
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文




    • Ahmad A. Hujeirat
    • 摘要: It was argued that old and massive neutron stars end up as black objects that are made of purely incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluid matter (henceforth SuSu-objects). Based on theoretical investigations and numerical solving of the field equations with time-dependent spacetime topologies, I argue that a dense cluster of SuSu-objects at the background of flat spacetime that merged smoothly is a reliable candidate for the progenitor of the big bang. Here, we present and use a new time-dependent spacetime metric, which unifies the metrics of Minkowski, Schwarzschild, and Friedmann as well as a modified TOV-equation for modeling dynamical contractions of relativistic objects. Had the progenitor undergone an abrupt decay, a hadronizing front forms at its surface and starts propagating from outside-to-inside, thereby hadronizing its entire content and changing the topology of the embedding spacetime from a flat into a dynamically expanding curved one. For an observer located at the center of the progenitor, H0, the universe would be seen as isotropic and homogeneous, implying therefore that the last big bang event must have occurred in our neighborhood. For the curved spacetime re-converges into a flat one, whereas the outward-propagation topological front, which separates the enclosed curved spacetime from the exterior flat one, would appear spatially and temporally accelerating outwards. The here-presented scenario suggests possible solutions to the flatness problem, the origin of acceleration of the universe and the pronounced activities of high redshift QSOs. We anticipate that future observations by the James-Webb-Telescope to support our scenario when active QSOs with z >12 would be detected.
    • 杨华文
    • 摘要: 题目如图1,四棱锥P-ABCD的底面为正方形,PD⊥底面ABCD.设平面PAD与平面PBC的交线为l.(1)证明l⊥平面PDC;(2)已知PD=AD=1,Q为棱l上的点,求PB与平面QCD所成角的正弦值的最大值.(2021年新全国Ⅰ卷)分析本题考查空间向量在解证立体几何中的平行与垂直的位置关系.
    • Ahmad A. Hujeirat; Ravi Samtaney
    • 摘要: In this article we modify our previous model for the mechanisms underlying the glitch phenomena in pulsars. Accordingly, pulsars are born with embryonic cores that are made of purely incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluid (henceforth SuSu-cores). As the ambient medium cools and spins down due to emission of magnetic dipole radiation, the mass and size of SuSu-cores must grow discretely with time, in accordance with the Onsager-Feynmann analysis of superfluidity. Here we argue that the spacetime embedding glitching pulsars is dynamical and of bimetric nature: inside SuSu-cores the spacetime must be flat, whereas the surrounding region, where the matter is compressible and dissipative, the spacetime is Schwarzschild. It is argued here that the topological change of spacetime is derived by the strong nuclear force, whose operating length scales are found to increase with time to reach O (1) cm at the end of the luminous lifetimes of pulsars. The here-presented model is in line with the recent radio- and gravitational wave observations of pulsars and merger of neutron stars.
    • Xiao-Hai Jin; Jin-Hui Chen; Yu-Gang Ma; Song Zhang; Chun-Jian Zhang; Chen Zhong
    • 摘要: The Ω and ? production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied in a dynamical quark coalescence model using the phase space information of strange quarks from a multiphase transport(AMPT) model. Enhanced local parton density fluctuation is implemented in the AMPT to simulate the QCD phase transition dynamics. By studying the transverse momentum pT spectra and the elliptic flow of the multi-strangeness particles, such as Ω and ? , and the Ω/? ratio as a function of pTin the AMPT,we find that the new development improves the description of experimental data. The study motivates further experimental investigations of Ω and ? production in phase Ⅱ of the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC.
    • Ahmad A. Hujeirat
    • 摘要: The observed recurrence of glitches in pulsars and neutron stars carries rich information about the evolution of their internal structures. In this article, I show that the glitch-events observed in pulsars are exact quantum signatures for their metamorphosis into dark super-baryons (SBs), whose interiors are made of purely incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluids. Here the quantum nuclear shell model is adopted to describe the permitted energy levels of the SB, which are assumed to be identical to the discrete spinning rates ΩSB that SBs are allowed to rotate with. Accordingly, a glitch-event corresponds to a prompt spin-down of the superconducting SB from one energy level to the next, thereby expelling a certain number of vortices, which in turn spins up the ambient medium. The process is provoked mainly by the negative torque of the ambient dissipative nuclear fluid and by a universal scalar field ∅at the background of a supranuclear dense matter. As dictated by the Onsager-Feynman equation, the prompt spin-down must be associated with increase of the dimensions of the embryonic SB to finally convert the entire pulsar into SB-Objects on the scale of Gyrs. Based on our calculations, a Vela-like pulsar should display billions of glitches during its lifetime, before it metamorphoses entirely into a maximally compact SB-object and disappears from our observational windows. The present model predicts the mass of SBs and ΔΩ/Ωin young pulsars to be relatively lower than their older counterparts.
    • Ahmad A. Hujeirat
    • 摘要: It is agreed that the progenitors of neutron stars (-NSs) and black holes (-BHs) should be massive stars with . Yet none of these objects have ever been found with . Moreover, numerical modelings show that NSs of reasonable masses can be obtained only if the corresponding central density is beyond the nuclear one: an unverifiable density-regime with unknown physics. Here I intend to clarify the reasons underlying the existence of this mass-gap and propose a new class of invisible ultra-compact objects: the end-stage in the cosmological evolution of pulsars and neutron stars in an ever expanding universe. The present study relies on theoretical and experimental considerations as well as on solution of the non-linear TOV equation modified to include a universal scalar field ?∅at the background of supranuclear densities. The computer-code is based on finite volume method using both the first-order Euler and fourth-order Rugge-Kutta integration methods. The inclusion of ∅at zero-temperature is motivated by recent observations of the short-living pentaquarks at the LHC. Based on these studies, I argue that pulsars must be born with embryonic super-baryons (SBs) that form through merger of individual neutrons at their centers. The cores of SBs are made of purely incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluids (henceforth SuSu-fluids). Such quantum fluids have a uniform supranuclear density and governed by the critical EOSs for baryonic matter and for ∅-induced dark energy . The incompressibility here ensures that particles communicate at the shortest possible time scale, superfluidity and superconductivity enforce SBs to spin-down promptly as dictated by the Onsager-Feynman equation and to expel vortices and magnetic flux tubes, whereas their lowest energy state grants SBs lifetimes that are comparable to those of protons. These extra-ordinary long lifetimes suggest that conglomeration of SuSu-objects would evolve over several big bang events to possibly form dark matter halos that embed the galaxies in the observable universe. Pulsars and young neutron stars should metamorphose into SuSu-objects: a procedure which is predicted to last for one Gyr or even shorter, depending on their initial compactness. Once the process is completed, then they become extraordinary compact and turn invisible. It turns out that recent observations of particle collisions at the LHC and RHIC, observations of glitching pulsars and primordial galaxies remarkably support the present scenario.
    • Ahmad A. Hujeirat
    • 摘要: General theory of relativity predicts the central densities of massive neutron stars (-MANs) to be much larger than the nuclear density. In the absence of energy production, the lifetimes of MANs should be shorter that their low-mass counterparts. Yet neither black holes nor neutron stars, whose masses are between two and five solar masses have ever been observed. Also, it is not clear what happened to the old MANs that were created through the collapse of first generation of stars shortly after the Big Bang. In this article, it is argued that MANs must end as completely invisible objects, whose cores are made of incompressible quark-gluon-superfluids and that their effective masses must have doubled through the injection of dark energy by a universal scalar field at the background of supranuclear density. It turns out that recent glitch observations of pulsars and young neutron star systems and data from particle collisions at the LHC and RHIC are in line with the present scenario.
    • Ahmad A. Hujeirat
    • 摘要: Astronomical observations have confirmed the existence of BHs and the occurrence of the Big Bang event to beyond any reasonable doubt. While quantum field theory and general theory of relativity predict the mass-spectrum of BHs to be unlimited, both theories agree that their creation is irreversible. In this article, I argue that the recently-proposed SuSu-objects (objects that are made of incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluids) may not only entail the required properties to be excellent BH-candidates, but also encode a hidden connection to dark matter and dark energy in cosmology. If such connection indeed exists, then the inevitable consequence would be that our universe is infinite and subject to repeated Big Bang events of the second kind, which makes the habitability of the universe certain and our cosmic relevance insignificant and meaningless.
    • Liu Liuming
    • 摘要: Quantum chromodynamics(QCD)is established as the fundamental theory of strong interactions.At low energy regime,the coupling of strong interactions is large,non-perturbative methods are required to study the properties of strongly interacting matter.Lattice QCD is the only method that can study strong interactions from first principles and provide reliable numerical results with controllable uncertainties.The basic idea is to define QCD on a discretized Euclidean space and solve it numerically on supercomputers using Monte Carlo simulations,as illustrated in Fig.1(a).
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