首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Education >Integrating Scale-Themed Instruction across the General Chemistry Curriculum

Integrating Scale-Themed Instruction across the General Chemistry Curriculum


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One theme that both the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Research Council (NRC) agree pervades any science course (and specifically chemistry) is scale. Despite the fact that scale concepts and skills are at the core of a student's scientific literacy, scale or the skills related to understanding quantity within chemistry concepts is often neglected in instruction. Beginning with a supplemental instruction module and moving into both laboratory and lecture, we have systematically developed and integrated increasingly more effective methods of delivery of scale-themed content across the general chemistry curriculum at one institution. Using regression models to examine for learning gains on chemistry content final exams, we found that the greatest learning gains for General Chemistry I resulted from combining all components of scale-themed instruction; for General Chemistry II the greatest impact was found with incorporating scale-themed laboratory experiments.



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