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Adverse operative outcomes in patients with anaemia


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The Article by Khaled Musallam and colleagues (Oct 15, p 1396)1 suggests that preoperative anaemia is independently associated with an increased risk of mortality and morbidity. Although the statistical approach is ambitious, there are two points we wish to comment on.First, when studying the demographic data, the following question arises: is preoperative anaemia just a marker of severity of illness or a modifiable risk factor? Anaemic patients had a much higher prevalence of comorbidities, and were more likely to be emergency cases, than those without anaemia. Moreover, 30-6% of patients with severe anaemia had an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status class of IV-V, which was further independently associated with a negative effect on postoperative outcome (adjusted odds ratio 12-7; adjusted odds ratio for anaemia 1-4).
机译:Khaled Musallam及其同事发表的文章(10月15日,第1396页)1表明,术前贫血与死亡率和发病率的增加独立相关。尽管统计方法雄心勃勃,但我们有两点要评论。首先,在研究人口统计学数据时,会出现以下问题:术前贫血是疾病严重程度或可改变的危险因素的标志吗?与没有贫血的患者相比,贫血患者的合并症患病率更高,更可能是紧急情况。此外,有30%到6%的严重贫血患者具有美国麻醉师学会(ASA)的IV-V身体状况等级,这进一步独立地对术后结果产生负面影响(调整后的优势比为12-7;调整后的优势比贫血比率1-4)。



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