首页> 外文期刊>Journal of abnormal child psychology >A Longitudinal Multilevel Study of Individual Characteristics and Classroom Norms in Explaining Bullying Behaviors

A Longitudinal Multilevel Study of Individual Characteristics and Classroom Norms in Explaining Bullying Behaviors


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This three-wave longitudinal study was set out to examine the interplay between individual characteristics (social standing in the classroom) and descriptive and injunctive classroom norms (behavior and attitudes, respectively) in explaining subsequent bullying behavior, defined as initiating, assisting, or reinforcing bullying. The target sample contained fourth- to sixth-grade students (n = 2,051) who attended the control schools in the Finnish evaluation of the KiVa antibullying program. Random slope multilevel analyses revealed that, over time, higher popularity or rejection, or lower acceptance were associated with increases in bullying behaviors, especially in classrooms with a high descriptive bullying norm. In contrast, the injunctive norm did not moderate the associations between social standing and engagement in bullying, except for children high on popularity. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.
机译:这项三波纵向研究旨在考察个人特征(教室中的社会地位)与描述性和禁令性教室规范(分别为行为和态度)之间的相互作用,以解释随后的欺凌行为,这些行为被定义为发起,帮助或强化欺负。目标样本包括在芬兰对KiVa反欺凌计划进行评估的四年级至六年级学生(n = 2,051),他们在控制学校就读。随机斜率多层次分析显示,随着时间的流逝,较高的知名度或拒绝率或较低的接受度与欺凌行为的增加有关,尤其是在描述性欺凌行为描述较高的教室中。相比之下,禁令规范并没有减轻社会地位和参与欺凌行为之间的联系,除了受欢迎程度高的孩子。结果的理论和实践意义进行了讨论。



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