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The Pedagogical Skill - Another Factor of Ensuring the Quality in High Education


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As a management of quality, the educational management becomes a scientific instrument generating future, performance and efficiency, a relatively new paradigm of approaching pedagogy, a necessary methodological stage in order to achieve efficiency in the activity of training and developing the human personality. The purpose of this paper is to highlight a necessity of 2012, namely: the key to quality in Romania's higher education (where I perform) lies within the term "adaptation": an adaptation to students' motivation, their learning styles, Romanian society values, their needs in a "crisis" economy, future prospects, etc. A higher quality education requires the integration of democratic values and principles, rights and obligations of partners, being designed in a spirit of transparency, accountability and involvement, both of universities as providers of education and families - students and parents - as beneficiaries of the education service. The total quality management is a successfully applied concept in all the social and economic sectors. TQM (Total Quality Management) - the total quality management combines the oriental philosophy, respectively the Japanese one, with the western one, respectively American, as well as with the precision, the know-how between the two parts of the Globe. The penetration of the total quality management in the sector of education is natural because, as all the other fields of economic and social life, this sector undergoes a process of identification of some very efficient methods in order to cope with the current changes, as well as to predict and project the improvement of some situations that can appear in the future.
机译:作为一种质量管理,教育管理已成为产生未来,绩效和效率的一种科学手段,是一种相对较新的教学方法范式,是在培训和发展人格活动中实现效率的必要方法论阶段。本文的目的是强调2012年的必要性,即:罗马尼亚高等教育(我在这里表演)的质量关键在于“适应”一词:适应学生的动机,学习方式,罗马尼亚社会价值观,以及他们在“危机”经济中的需求,未来前景等。高质量的教育要求融合民主价值观和合作伙伴的原则,权利与义务,并本着透明,负责和参与的精神进行设计,两所大学都应教育和家庭的提供者-学生和父母-作为教育服务的受益者。全面质量管理是在所有社会和经济领域成功应用的概念。 TQM(全面质量管理)-全面质量管理结合了东方哲学(分别为日本思想,日本西方思想,美国西方思想)以及全球两部分之间的精确知识。全面质量管理在教育领域的渗透是自然的,因为与所有其他经济和社会生活领域一样,该领域也经历了确定一些非常有效方法的过程,以应对当前的变化。以预测和预测将来可能出现的某些情况的改善。



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