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Gödel’s philosophical program and Husserl’s phenomenology


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Gödel’s philosophical rationalism includes a program for “developing philosophy as an exact science.” Gödel believes that Husserl’s phenomenology is essential for the realization of this program. In this article, by analyzing Gödel’s philosophy of idealism, conceptual realism, and his concept of “abstract intuition,” based on clues from Gödel’s manuscripts, I try to investigate the reasons why Gödel is strongly interested in Husserl’s phenomenology and why his program for an exact philosophy is unfinished. One of the topics that has attracted much attention recently is the development of Gödel’s philosophical thoughts and its connection with other philosophical ideas. For instance, some scholars are searching for the possible connections between Gödel’s philosophy and Husserl’s phenomenology and examining if there is any solid evidence of Husserl’s influence on Gödel from Gödel’s works (Tieszen, Bull Symbolic Logic 4(2):181–203, 1998; Huaser, Bull Symbolic Logic 12(4):529–588, 2006). Why is Gödel’ s interested in Husserl? How should this turn to Husserl be interpreted? Is it a dismissal of Leibnizian philosophy, or a different way to achieve similar goals? Way did Gödel turn specifically to Husserl’s transcendental idealism? (Van Atten and Kennedy, Bull Symbolic Logic 9(4):425–476, 2003) I believe, the reason is that Gödel has a valuable program for “developing philosophy as an exact science” and he believes that Husserl’s phenomenology is relevant to the realization of this program. So far there are no sufficient evidence to show that there is a direct inheritance relation between Gödel’s and Husserl’s thoughts. However, from the clues in Gödel’s idealistic philosophy, conceptual realism, and his concept of “abstract intuition,” we can perhaps explore some similarities between his thoughts and Husserl’s thoughts, and analyze the reason why Gödel is interested in Husserl’s phenomenology and why his program for an exact philosophy is unfinished.
机译:哥德尔的哲学理性主义包括一个“将哲学发展为一门精确的科学”的程序。哥德尔认为,胡塞尔的现象学对于实现该计划至关重要。在本文中,根据哥德尔手稿的线索,通过分析哥德尔的唯心主义哲学,概念现实主义及其“抽象直觉”的概念,我试图研究哥德尔为何对胡塞尔现象学有浓厚兴趣的原因,以及他为何对胡塞尔现象学感兴趣。确切的哲学尚未完成。最近引起人们广泛关注的主题之一是哥德尔哲学思想的发展及其与其他哲学思想的联系。例如,一些学者正在寻找哥德尔的哲学与胡塞尔现象学之间的可能联系,并从哥德尔的著作中检验是否有任何确凿的证据证明胡塞尔对哥德尔的影响(Tieszen,Bull Symbolic Logic 4(2):181-203,1998; Huaser,《公牛象征逻辑》 12(4):529–588,2006年)。为什么哥德尔对胡塞尔感兴趣?转向胡塞尔该如何解释?是否决了莱布尼兹哲学,还是以不同的方式实现了类似的目标?哥德尔是如何专门转向胡塞尔的先验唯心主义的? (Van Atten and Kennedy,Bull Symbolic Logic 9(4):425–476,2003)我相信,原因在于哥德尔有一个有价值的程序,可以“将哲学发展为一门精确的科学”,并且他认为胡塞尔的现象学与该程序的实现。到目前为止,还没有足够的证据表明戈德尔和胡塞尔的思想之间存在直接的继承关系。然而,从哥德尔理想主义哲学,概念现实主义及其“抽象直觉”概念的线索中,我们或许可以探究他的思想与胡塞尔思想之间的某些相似之处,并分析哥德尔为何对胡塞尔现象学感兴趣以及其程序为何感兴趣确切的哲学尚未完成。



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