首页> 外文期刊>International journal of distance education technologies >Architecture for an Adaptive and Intelligent Tutoring System that Considers the Learner's Multiple Intelligences

Architecture for an Adaptive and Intelligent Tutoring System that Considers the Learner's Multiple Intelligences


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The majority of adaptive and intelligent tutoring systems (AITS) are dedicated to a specific domain, allowing them to offer accurate models of the domain and the learner. The analysis produced from traces left by the users is didactically very precise and specific to the domain in question. It allows one to guide the learner in case of difficulty and to offer her/him some support. This paper's objective was to develop an (AITS), adapted for letting the learners work in several disciplinary fields of the University of the Annaba. In this context, its constraint is threefold: to represent knowledge relative to several disciplinary domains, to propose interactive activities to the learners based on multiple intelligences, and finally, to be able to support student guidance in her/his course by proposing her/him relevant support activities when she/he meets difficulties. The proposed system covers all important properties such as hypertext component, adaptive sequencing, problem-solving support, intelligent solution analysis and adaptive presentation while available systems have only some of them.



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