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Thermal diffusivity of Swedish meatballs, pork meat pate and tomato puree during high pressure processing


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Our study is directed at the effects of high pressure on the thermal diffusivity of selected food samples - a fresh meat formulation for Swedish meatballs, pork meat pate and tomato puree. Preheated food samples were placed in a copper cell and tested at nominal pressures of 400 and 500 MPa in a high pressure chamber. The thermal diffusivity was estimated from the recorded time course of temperatures (at the center of the food sample, at the wall of the copper cell, and 7.5 mm from the wall) during the high pressure holding time. Measured time-temperature profiles were compared with predictions using the finite-element model to solve the problem of uneven heat conduction in an infinite, solid, linear cylinder using the linear temperature dependence of apparent thermal conductivity. Optimal parameters of the linear temperature dependence of apparent thermal conductivity were evaluated by comparing measured temperatures and temperatures calculated from the model. To minimize differences between measured and calculated temperatures, at the center of the sample, the Marquardt-Levenberg optimization method was used. The thermal diffusivity values of all food samples were linearly correlated with temperature for two levels of pressure. Thermal diffusivity values increased with increased pressure and temperature. ††This paper was presented at the XLVIIIth European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG 48) Meeting at Uppsala (Sweden), 25-29 July 2010. View all notes View full textDownload full textKeywordshigh pressure, thermal diffusivity, Swedish meatballs, pork meat pate, tomato pureeRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08957959.2011.579566
机译:我们的研究针对高压对所选食物样品的热扩散率的影响-瑞典肉丸,猪肉肉酱和番茄泥的新鲜肉类配方。将预热的食物样本放在铜质电池中,并在高压室中以400和500 MPa的标称压力进行测试。根据在高压保持时间内温度(在食物样本的中心,在铜电池壁处以及距壁7.5毫米处)的记录的时间过程估算热扩散率。使用有限元模型将测得的时间-温度曲线与预测值进行比较,以利用视在导热系数的线性温度依赖性来解决无限大,固态,线性圆柱体中导热不均匀的问题。通过比较测得的温度和从模型计算出的温度,可以评估表观导热系数的线性温度依赖性的最佳参数。为了最小化测量温度和计算温度之间的差异,在样品中心使用了Marquardt-Levenberg优化方法。在两个压力水平下,所有食品样品的热扩散率值均与温度线性相关。热扩散率值随压力和温度的升高而增加。本文是在2010年7月25日至29日在瑞典乌普萨拉举行的第XLVIII届欧洲高压研究小组(EHPRG 48)会议上发表的。查看所有注释查看全文下载全文关键词高压,热扩散性,瑞典肉丸,猪肉肉酱,番茄泥相关的变量add add_id “};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08957959.2011.579566



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