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Digitalization and school leadership: on the complexity of leading for digitalization in school


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Purpose - Digitalization has permeated society and schools. In this process, focus has turned to the importance of school leaders in their leadership for digitalization. The purpose of this paper is to explore how school leaders understand digitalization and the digital competencies needed in leading for digitalization in Swedish schools. Design/methodology/approach - Open questions from reflective learning journals (n = 32) and interviews (n = 8) conducted with school leaders were used to explore how school leaders understand digitalization and the digital competencies needed in leading for digitalization. Findings - The findings show that school leaders see digitalization as a wide and complex concept including technical, pedagogical, administrational and organizational challenges at all levels of the school organization. Practical implications - It appears that the role of the school leader, as a complex task, has become more complex as a result of digitalization. How time, resources and professional development are made available to support school leaders in their work with leadership for digitalization in order to support teachers' and students' learning. Originality/value - This paper contributes to the area of school leadership and digitalization. The research contribution is of interest for school leaders and school organizers striving to implement and advance digitalization in schools. This also concerns the prioritization of digitalization as one of many important areas in schools as organizations.
机译:目的-数字化已渗透到社会和学校中。在此过程中,重点已转向学校领导者在其数字化领导中的重要性。本文的目的是探讨学校领导者如何理解数字化以及在瑞典学校中引领数字化所需的数字能力。设计/方法/方法-使用反思性学习期刊(n = 32)和与学校领导者进行的访谈(n = 8)中的开放性问题来探索学校领导者如何理解数字化以及领导数字化所需的数字能力。调查结果-调查结果表明,学校领导者将数字化视为一个广泛而复杂的概念,包括在学校组织各个层面上的技术,教学,管理和组织方面的挑战。实际的意义-数字化的结果表明,作为一项复杂的任务,学校领导者的角色变得更加复杂。如何利用时间,资源和专业发展来支持学校领导者与数字化领导者一起工作,以支持教师和学生的学习。原创性/价值-本文有助于学校领导和数字化领域。对于致力于在学校中实施和推进数字化的学校领导者和学校组织者来说,这项研究贡献很有意义。这也关系到将数字化作为组织中学校的许多重要领域之一的优先级。



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