首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Foods >Characteristics of Bread Made of Various Substitution Ratios of Bran Pulverized by Hammer Mill or Jet Mill

Characteristics of Bread Made of Various Substitution Ratios of Bran Pulverized by Hammer Mill or Jet Mill




The physicochemical and antioxidant properties of dough and bread were measured in wheat flours substituted with two types of bran (HMB: bran pulverized by a hammer mill and JMB: bran pulverized by a jet mill) at various ratios (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%) of substitution. The particle size of hammer mill bran (HMB) (119.71 µm) was larger than that of jet mill bran (JMB) (25.78 µm). Wheat flours substituted with HMB contained more total dietary fiber than those with JMB. A significant increase of water absorption and dough development time in Mixolab analysis was observed depending on the level of HMB or JMB substitution. The breads made with HMB or JMB (5% or 10%) showed a higher specific volume and lower crumb hardness than the control bread. However, breads made with ≥15% HMB or JMB had a decreased specific volume and increased crumb hardness. Overall, breads made with wheat flour substituted with 5%–10% HMB or JMB were of a higher bread quality and had more antioxidant properties.
机译:在以两种比例(0%,5%,10, %,15%,20%和25%)的取代。锤磨麸(HMB)(119.71 µm)的粒度大于喷射磨麸(JMB)(25.78 µm)的粒度。用HMB代替的小麦粉比JMB含有更多的总膳食纤维。根据HMB或JMB取代的水平,在Mixolab分析中观察到吸水率和面团发育时间的显着增加。用HMB或JMB(5%或10%)制成的面包比对照面包具有更高的比容和更低的面包屑硬度。但是,用HMB或JMB≥15%制成的面包的比容减小,面包屑硬度增加。总体而言,用小麦粉制成的面包替换为5%–10%HMB或JMB的面包具有较高的面包品质,并具有更多的抗氧化性能。



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