首页> 中文期刊>唐都学刊 >“兼爱”与“功利”下的家庭伦理何以存在——墨子家庭伦理思想的悖论式建构




Abstract: On the whole, there are greater differences between Mozi' s "universal love" and "utility" and the family ethics so much so that Mozi is reprimanded directly by Mencius as "Having No Father". But in reality, Mozi adopted the ethical thought of "Piety and fraternal Love" as well as Confucian' s "Home Countries Isomorphism". In the meantime, Mozi based the family ethics on "universal love" and "utility", trying to mitigate the contradiction and mix them together and constructing his family ethics. This has enriched the ancient family ethics and made a landmark in the Chinese family ethics history development.%从墨子思想的整体看,“兼爱”、“功利”的主张与家庭伦理之间确乎存在诸多差异,致使其被孟子直接斥为“无父”。但实际上,墨子吸收了儒家“父慈子孝、兄友弟悌”的人伦思想,并且自觉或不自觉地沿袭了儒家“家国同构”的路子。同时,墨子把“兼爱”、“功利”作为家庭伦理的思想基础,力图消解二者之间的矛盾并使之相融合,从而完成了墨家家庭伦理思想的悖论式建构。这就为古代家庭伦理思想增添了新的内容,成为中国家庭伦理思想史上颇具特色的篇章。



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