首页> 中文期刊> 《文化艺术研究》 >《白蛇传》的二十三个影视版本及其多维探究




The "Legend of the White Snake" is the most popular folklore in China, which has been interpreted in various art forms all the year round. There have been 23 versions of films and teleplays heretofore, but all of them are not successful. The author believes that 23 versions of "Legend of the White Snake" forge a wirkungsgeschichte and fusion of horizon between writer and reader, works and audiences, as well as art and world, which lead to the ultimate canonization in the Chinese history of both film and television.%《白蛇传》是最具民间性的中国故事,各门艺术常年演绎,其影视版本迄今已多达二十三个,但优劣参半,成败不一。这些版本《白蛇传》的主题设置各有侧重,造型语言亦各有异同,在作者与读者、作品与受众、艺术与世界的二元互动中,在戏里戏外、荧屏上下,在看与被看、似与不似、可见与不可见的移情与换位中,效果循环,视阈融合,终致其符码在中国影视史上经典化。



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