首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >恩义文化传统的式微与重构--一道高三作文题引发的思考




改革开放以后,人们的物质生活越来越丰裕了。但我们身边,一方面有不知孝顺父母,不知感恩老师,受了恩惠不知报答有了成就不懂回馈的人;另一方面也有一些功成名就之士乐意于公益慈善事业扶贫救危但却方法欠妥遭遇尴尬的现象。传统的恩义文化链条本应能够传递正能量并承担积极的作用,但现实是它的确在日渐式微。幸好已经有越来越多的人在关注这个问题,并投身到具体的恩义文化传统的重构和传承的工作中去。家庭、学校、社会各界共同致力于感恩教育和责任教育中,以重构新型的恩义文化,全社会每一个人都有义务去主动重构并传承恩义文化。%Since the reform and opening up, people's material life is becoming more and more abundant. However, around us there are people who are not filial to their parents, not grateful for their teachers and don't pay a debt of gratitude, and there are also some successful people who are willing to help public charity, but encounter embarrassment due to their ill-considered methods. The traditional gratitude and kindness culture should convey positive energy and play a positive role, but the fact is that, it is gradually declining. Fortunately, more and more people have no-ticed this issue and devoted themselves into the reconstruction and inheritance of the tradition of gratitude and kindness culture. Families, schools and the society should work together in the ed-ucation of gratitude and kindness and the education of responsi-bility, so as to reconstruct a new-typed gratitude and kindness culture.



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