首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >小学语文阅读与写作有效契合途径研究




找到阅读与写作的契合点,以阅读丰富写作,以写作升华阅读,是当前新课改背景下提高小学语文教学效率的重要举措。本文就如何将小学语文阅读与写作有效契合起来进行探究,以简要阐述小学语文阅读与写作契合重要意义为基础,深入分析了当前新形势下小学语文阅读与写作教学中存在的主要问题,从而进一步探讨小学语文阅读与写作有效契合途径,旨在改善小学语文阅读与写作教学现状,使学生以阅读来拓宽视野,丰富情感,发掘素材,以写作来表达观点,锻炼技巧,升华阅读。%To find the integration point between reading and writ-ing in order to enrich writing by reading and sublimate reading by writing, is an important measure to improve the efficiency of pri-mary Chinese teaching in the background of the current new cur-riculum reform. This paper explores how to effectively integrate reading and writing in primary Chinese, briefly expounds the im-portance of the integration, and deeply analyzes the main existing problems, so as to further explore the ways for the effective inte-gration of reading and writing, aiming to improve the current situ-ation of primary Chinese reading and writing teaching, expand students' horizon, enrich their emotions, develop writing materials through reading, and help them express their opinions, practice their skills and sublimate reading through writing.



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