首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >提高高职口腔医学技术专业教学质量的几点经验




With the continuous improvement of China's education level and people's more attention on education in recent years, the quality of higher vocational education and teaching has been given more and more attention by the public. Meanwhile, the teaching of higher vocational oral medicine technology major should also adapt to the development. Much experience has been summarized and accumulated in the previous teaching of higher vocational oral medicine technology, but further studies should be made to achieve more progress, so we should continuously im-prove teaching quality and level, make our teaching successfully pass the evaluation of higher vocational talents cultivation by Ministry of Education, and ensure the development of oral medicine.%近年来,随着我国教育水平的不断提高以及人们对教育行业的愈发重视,高职的教育教学质量问题越来越受到公众的注意,同时,高职口腔医学技术专业教学水平也应当适应教育的发展。虽然高职口腔医学技术专业教学在过去的时间里也总结和积累了不少经验,但所谓“学如逆水行舟,不进则退”,因此只有不断提高教学质量水平,才能使教学能够顺利通过教育部高职人才培养评估,保障口腔医学专业发展。



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