首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and environmental medicine >Teaching Quality Improvement in Occupational Medicine Improving the Efficiency of Medical Evaluation for Commercial Drivers

Teaching Quality Improvement in Occupational Medicine Improving the Efficiency of Medical Evaluation for Commercial Drivers


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Objective: To describe a successful, resident-led quality improvement (QI) project that improved the efficiency of the Department of Transportation (DOT) medical examination process. Methods: After learning QI principles through didactics, workshops, and online modules, residents led a QI project to streamline the process of the DOT examination. An interdisciplinary group of key stakeholders collaborated to analyze the process and to design and implement interventions. Results: Following the Model for Improvement and Lean concepts, residents ran seven Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles over a 4-month period with multiple iteration and testing changes. Compared with the baseline, the team successfully reduced the total visit time (from check-in to check-out) by 28 minutes (102 minutes vs. 130 minutes; P < 0.001). The accuracy of certificate issuance, as proxy for quality of the examinations, improved after the interventions. Conclusions: Residents successfully improved the efficiency of the DOT examination process.
机译:目的:描述一个成功的以居民为主导的质量改善(QI)项目,该项目提高了交通运输部(DOT)体检过程的效率。方法:通过教学法,讲习班和在线模块学习QI原则后,居民领导了一个QI项目,以简化DOT考试的流程。一个由关键利益相关者组成的跨学科小组合作,分析了流程并设计和实施了干预措施。结果:按照改进和精益模型的概念,居民在四个月的时间内运行了七个“计划-实施-研究-行动”周期,并进行了多次迭代和测试变更。与基线相比,该团队成功地将总访问时间(从签入到签出)减少了28分钟(102分钟对130分钟; P <0.001)。干预后,证书颁发的准确性(代表考试质量)得到了提高。结论:居民成功地提高了DOT检查过程的效率。



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