首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >互联网时代的教师角色期待




The immediacy of the Internet has broken the limita-tions of traditional education. Substantive and structural changes have occurred in actual operation between such basic elements as educators, the educated and education contents, eventually lead-ing to the complete reform of the education model. With the infil-tration of the Internet into all aspects of education, unprecedented changes have taken place in teachers' quality. The emergence of flipped classroom, MOOC and micro-lesson has re-interpreted the meaning of teachers and students, and also re-positioned teacher-student relationship. Teachers should update their knowledge structure, transform their role, and re-construct their professional quality, so as to face up to the era of"Internet+edu-cation".%互联网的即时性打破了传统教育的局限。教育者、受教育者和教育内容等教育基本要素之间在实际的操作中发生实质性与结构性的变化,最终将会导致教育模式的彻底变革。随着互联网渗入到教育的各个环节,教师素养的构成也发生了前所未有的变化。翻转课堂、慕课以及微课等新型教学方式的出现,重新结构了教师和学生的含义,重新定位了师生关系。教师需要更新自己的知识结构,转变自己的教师角色,重构教师专业素养,以面对“互联网+教育”的时代。



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