首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >论晚清儿童诗歌中的现代意识--以黄遵宪等的新式儿童诗歌为例




本文以黄遵宪等的新式儿童诗歌创作为例,从“世界观念”、“民族意识”和“儿童本位”三个方面管窥晚清儿童诗歌创作中蕴藉的现代意识。受全球化和民族危机的冲击,在黄遵宪等的儿童诗歌中传统的“天下观”分崩离析,形成了空间意识极强的新世界观;晚清的危机和新世界观使得黄遵宪等构筑国家层面上民族共同体的意识觉醒。二者促使有志之士试图通过掌握儿童这一资源,实现未来新国民的设计和国家民族的振兴。因此,以黄遵宪为代表的晚清士人在诗歌创作中关注儿童的真实生活和不同需求,专为儿童创作能被他们接受的儿童诗歌,“儿童本位观”由此在新式儿童诗歌中萌芽,并为现代儿童诗的诞生提供了广阔的思想平台,且打下了坚实的民众基础。%This paper gives a study of the new children’s poetry by Huang Zunxian and other poets, and focuses on the modern consciousness in such poetry from the aspects of the concept of the world, national consciousness and children-oriented goal.Under the impacts of globalization and national cri-ses,the traditional concept of the world collapsed and a new world outlook with a strong spatial con-sciousness emerged in their poetry.The national crises and the new world outlook helped arouse the consciousness of the national community among these poets,and encouraged those with noble ideas to educate the children as new citizens to realize the revival of the Chinese nation.Thus,Huang Zunxian and other poets created popular children’s poetry with much concern over the children’s real life and different needs.Their new children’s poetry was children-oriented,and provided a broad ideological platform for the up-coming modern children’s poetry as well as a solid people-based foundation.



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