首页> 中文期刊> 《宜宾学院学报》 >《论语》“君子”成德路径考论




The concept of “gentleman”, which had been put forward in The Analects of Confucius, represen-ted for the morality and ideal of Confucianism , as it was endowed from the God and in virtue of affection , began from filial respect , formed as benevolence and ended with one ’ s fate.The vital path of turning into a“gentleman”, which from filial respect to benevolence , was determined by the reality that the society was run by the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system in the Western Zhou Dynasty .In common sense , to show one ’ s filial respect to parents was private love while benevolence meant to be philanthropic . It was human nature, no doubt, to love one’s parents, as they loved their children all their lives , so that it was the inherent power to make gentleman own the virtue .Unfortunately , the reality not always became what one hoped to and the obstacle was like the high mountain which one could hardly walk over .At this time, one could not explain or solve every problem in one ’ s ultimate terms so that one could only cherish one ’ s il-lusions , which dependent on the God .To know destiny , offered by God , could also get assistance , realisti-cally and firmly, from the God.%《论语》中的“君子”是孔子和儒家道德、理想的集大成者,君子之德“受于天,缘于爱,始于孝,成于仁,终于命”。从历史考察,由孝到仁是君子成德的核心路径,是由西周春秋分封宗法的社会现实决定的。从普遍意义讲,孝是私爱,仁是博爱,由孝到仁是推己及人的过程,惟有自我觉悟的君子才能够做到。爱是出于人本心的,是天生的,君子之德根源于天。当德行理想在现实遇到阻碍,人生无法把握时,人们就只能寄托于超越性的“天”。君子的最高境界是“知天命”,君子之德是天赋的,对“天”的信仰给了君子坚守和实现德行理想以信心和终极支持。



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